Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 373: The last 7 people and 1 body

At this moment, Dai Mubai also cleared the four auxiliary spirit masters Ying, Shi Lingling, Yadai'er, and Meikong from the field. At this moment, only Uranium was left in the second team of Emperor Dou, but Shrek Everyone in the team knows that the real challenge is next.

"Little San!"

Dai Mubai gathered with the other five people and shouted at Tang San who was still fighting Uranium.

Tang San didn't turn his head, but used an eight spider spear to completely explode to force the uranium back. Then, he quickly retreated as a ghostly fan. After a few jumps, he returned to Dai Mubai's side. .

Tang San didn't ask why, nor was he worried about the next game. His expression was steady, because he knew that even worrying would be useless. This battle was no longer something he could control.

Uranium is too strong.

With Tang San's arrival, Oscar and Ning Rongrong glanced at each other, and at the same time drank, "Seven in one, fusion!"

The seven Shrek people formed a circle after the words of Ning Rongrong and Oscar fell.

There are two people in the innermost circle, Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

The five people outside began to walk around them quickly. Among all the seven, no one was the first to release his martial soul at this time. However, strong spirit power fluctuations diffused out of the seven, madly condensing toward the center.

The strong enemy is in front, how dare to do this kind of unprepared fusion of seven?

Pope Bibi Dong, Qibao Liuli Sect Master Ning Fengzhi, and the three Title Douluo who were sitting in front of the Pope’s Hall could not help showing shock. As leaders in the spirit master world, they naturally knew the boldness of the seven people in front of them. Where, but it also means that this is their last resort, no matter what happens next, it should be the climax of the game.

"However, the spirit body of the Clear Sky Hammer is not so easy to control. Although it is extremely powerful, if no one is pointing..." Ning Fengzhi did not go on, he just remembered Tang San a few days ago. He suddenly calmed down after swinging the Clear Sky Hammer, murmured thoughtfully.

Tang San, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun, Diana, the steps of the five people are surprisingly consistent, as if following a special rhythm, and the spirit power fluctuations in the five people also formed a special The trajectory continues to diffuse around their bodies.

Standing in the center of the formation, Ning Rongrong held hands with Oscar and closed his eyes at the same time. Nine-colored radiance rose from Ning Rongrong, while a faint red light appeared on Oscar, two rays of light hovering. Back and forth, soaring into the sky.

Although the spirit power of the Shrek Seven Devils is not healthy at this time, the Oscar's spirit power recovery sausage is there, and it has always been maintained at about 70%. Even Ma Hongjun, who consumes the most soul power, slowly recovered to 50 or 60%, although not That's a lot, but it's enough.

Uranium could easily see through. What did the Shrek Seven Devils, who suddenly used the seven-man fusion technique in front of him, and didn't have the slightest defense, wanted to do, hadn't eaten pork, hadn't seen a pig run?

It's just that he is curious, who dares to let them use this kind of move in the game?

You know, the seven Shrek monsters at the moment do not have the slightest defensive power. As long as he gently interrupts this way, they themselves will fall into the spirit power backlash, vomiting blood and falling to the ground, and they will Won the victory of this Soul Master Competition.

On the other hand, any young soul master standing in his perspective will hardly hesitate and will definitely interrupt them. After all, after the interruption, they will not have the huge attraction of resistance, or once Let them complete the seven-man fusion, and the fatal pressure that they might be defeated by the opponent will prompt the opponents of the Shrek team to make a choice.

"Haha, is the seven-man's interesting. If I interrupt it directly, it would be too invincible. In this way, there will be no more challenging opponents in this game. To see how powerful Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer is."

Uran hugging his arms, his face calm, and he walked towards the formation formed by Tang San and the others without rush. He didn't have the slightest idea of ​​wanting to interrupt, because interrupting meant that he was afraid.

But will he be afraid?

He has no fear, so what he shows outside is self-confidence, unparalleled self-confidence.

This powerful aura firmly believes that even Shrek can't defeat his self-confidence even with a seven-person one, and instantly ignited the passion of the audience, whether it is the audience staring at the mountain, or sitting in the VIP seat close up. The spectators couldn't help but flush.

That's right, what they want to see is such a game!

Mars hits the earth, needle-point versus wheat-mang, the game of the strong, and the competition of team battles. This kind of competition is interesting. What is the difference between pure masters torturing food and their own end?

Of course, they couldn't hold back their faces, using their 40 or 50 years old age to bully Shrek, a young spirit master who averaged 14 or 15 years old.

At this time, with the passage of time, Tang San and the others finally completed the seven-person fusion technique.

"Change!" Tang San shouted.

The formation of the Shrek Seven Devils changed. The original circular shape suddenly became a vertical character. Tang San stood at the forefront, followed by Diana, followed by Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Ma Hongjun. Xiao Wu.

Standing at the back were Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

The change in the formation of the seven people suddenly twisted the spirit power they had just released and condensed into one. At this moment, Oscar suddenly hugged Ning Rongrong’s body from behind, and the light red light released from his whole body suddenly turned into The pink color rushed into Ning Rongrong's body madly.

The Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda rose in front of Ning Rongrong, and she patted with her solemn hands. Like Huo Wu, the four spirit rings on her body also lit up at the same time.

Huo Wu is not the only talent for ring melting. It was originally one of the special abilities of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. As the only daughter of the Sect Master, how could Ning Rongrong not have it?

It's just that the soul power needed to melt the ring is too large, and it would not be easy to use.

Four condensed Nine-Colored Halos bloomed from the lower four floors of the Nine Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda and directly shot into Xiao Wu's body in front of him.

Under the stimulation of that huge auxiliary spirit power, Xiao Wu naturally raised her arms and placed them on Ma Hongjun in front.

A strange scene appeared The nine-color light suddenly strengthened a little, and it was injected into Ma Hongjun's body from Xiao Wu's hand, and Ma Hongjun's whole body was already filled with a layer of nine-color light.

Dai Mubai's situation was almost exactly the same as Ma Hongjun's, and the rich nine-color light became more and more intense as it continued to pass forward.

When the light passed to Diana, Diana's palms slammed against Tang San's back. In an instant, Tang San's body trembled violently. There was no more nine-color halo on his body, but a wave of light appeared. Extremely huge coercion.

Pope Bibi Dong, who was sitting on the main seat, lit up, "This coercion is stronger than the last seven in one. Did they have any reservations last time?" After saying this, her eyes were not Consciously looked at the calm-faced master standing outside the playing field.

That's right, this time, Dai Mubai started the Saint King awakening state, Diana used the soul bone armor, and Tang San used the Eight Spider Lances, and the three top young powerhouses were in the strongest state. , Naturally, it is different from the previous seven people. This time, they tried their best to fight Uranium.

Whether it is for the soul bone or for victory!

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