Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 346: I am the 59th-level Soul King, may I ask, who should enlighten me first?

Tang San continued to analyze, even though Uranium is a level 50 or above soul king, with his current strength, even a soul emperor of more than 60 level, or even a soul sage of more than 70 can't match!

   This can be seen from Uranium vs. Azure Thunder Dragon, vs. Moon Silver Judgment Spear.

   It’s no wonder that the Wuhun Palace team, with three members of the Golden Generation, has to choose to unite with them against uranium in individual matches.

   "This competition...Uranium will be the ultimate enemy!"

   Thinking of this at the time, Tang San was suddenly awakened.

   This qualifier from the Sky Dou City qualifiers, the second team of Emperor Dou, who has been riding the dust, turned out to become the biggest BOSS of this competition!

   Actually, Tang San's idea is not entirely correct.

   Wuhun Temple Academy team wants to unite with them, except that Uranium is particularly strong, mainly because they don't want to waste too much effort in individual battles. If it is in a team battle, they are not afraid of him.

   After all, they also have the martial soul fusion skill between the two soul kings, which is comparable. The martial soul fusion skills of the two soul sects are too strong, so even after Uran has demonstrated the martial soul fusion skills of defeating Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan alone, they still have the reason for confidence.

   In addition, the threat of uranium is too great and it is more reassuring to remove it as soon as possible.

   In contrast, Shrek Academy is relatively weak. Even if you compete with them for the championship, your chances of winning are very low.

   Wuhun Palace's abacus can be said to be quite good, but since they didn't negotiate it yesterday, they wouldn't care.

   In the eyes of Xieyue, Yan, and Hu Liena, victory will definitely belong to Wuhun Palace.


  The game officially started.

A row of large gilt chairs was placed in front of the Pope’s Hall. At the sign of Pope Bibi Dong, she sat down in the middle. On the left were Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo Chenxin from the Qibao Glazed Sect. On the right was the ghost. Douluo Guimei and Ju Douluo Yueguan.

The three academies sent the first players on the field respectively. Among them, Wuhundian Academy sent a more than 40-level soul master. On the Shrek Academy side, the master sent by the first was not the Shrek Seven Devils. One.

Among the Shrek Seven Devils, two of them are auxiliary spirit masters, so naturally they can't participate in this kind of individual competition. And the first person appointed by the master to play is not the strongest of the substitutes, but the agile spirit war master. Jingling less than forty level.

  On the side of Huangdou Second Team, the first person to appear on the field directly caused the spirit masters and the audience present to brow!

  Uranium is the first to play!

   Three people draw lots.

  Uran's luck was not good, he was drawn to play, and Shrek Academy was drawn to a bye, which meant that the first game was played by the Emperor Dou Second Team and the Wuhundian Team.

Seeing this situation, Uran's expression didn't change at all. He stood directly in the middle of the field, folded his expressionless hands on his chest, and scanned the surrounding soul masters, including Shrek Academy and Wuhun. Palace team.

   The next moment, he turned on Wuhun.

   Yellow, purple, purple, black and black!

   The five beautiful spirit rings hovered from bottom to top!

   At this moment, Uran finally spoke. His cold voice was not loud, but with the blessing of spirit power, everyone could hear it clearly!

   "My name is Uranium, Wuhun Destruction Eye, agile attack system, 59th-level Battle Soul King! Excuse me, who will come to the stage to enlighten me first?"



   Accompanied by the five brightly colored spirit rings that completely broke the law of obtaining spirit rings by spirit masters, at this moment, all spirit masters felt a sense of horror!

   "Hiss! Level 59!"

   "This son is horrible..."

   "At such a young age, with one foot on the edge of the soul emperor, haven't I practiced on dogs for all these years of cultivation?"

   There were not many soul masters watching, but most of them were famous figures in the soul master world, not to mention the many soul masters in the spirit hall.

   But these experts in the world of soul masters, after seeing Uran's speech and the soul ring, all felt unreal feelings.

   In other words, people are more shocking than people.

   At this age, this spirit power level, the Golden Generation is not worthy of giving him shoes.

The difference between level fifty and fifty-nine, this concept may not be felt by ordinary people, but as a soul master, especially after reaching the level of the soul king, the difficulty of each level of soul power is increasing. Yes, this ninth-level spirit power gap may be two to three years gap!

   A row of seats stood in front of the door, and it was the five Pope Bibi Dong.

   Seeing this scene at this time, they all frowned slightly.

   A word flashed in their hearts: What a genius...It’s not like a human being!

"There seems to be some error in the intelligence...Uranium is a fifty-ninth-level soul king, with one foot on the threshold of the soul emperor..." Tang San stared at the scene with vigor, like a king over the world. The uranium frowned, feeling bad.

   Uranium is a sixteen-year-old and a half-footed soul emperor. When he is twenty-five years old to play the game, wouldn't he just drive the spirit body?

   "Fortunately, we have a bye in this round, so we don't have to fight with Uranium." Thinking like this, Tang San breathed a sigh of relief, which was a bit settled.

However, something unexpected happened to everyone. After the lottery was over, when the member of the Wuhundian Academy team walked to the center of the field, the member of the Wuhundian Academy team suddenly turned around and turned towards the Pope. Bowing and saluting, said: "This time, I abstained."

   In the first round, Uranium won directly.

   Tang San and the Golden Generation frowned slightly.

   The two teams are not united, but now they don’t want to fight Uranium, because they know that whoever gets on will definitely lose. By then, the players will lose their combat effectiveness, which is very detrimental to the remaining team battles.

   And with the uranium fifty-nine level of soul power reserve, I am afraid that even if all seven people can't beat him, only fourteen people take turns to fight with wheels, otherwise there is no hope.

However, who can guarantee that after the Shrek Academy has a few key players, the Spirit Hall will directly abstain from and enter the loser group by himself, and then use all his strength to deal with Shrek, whose vitality is severely injured What about the academy team?

  Similarly, Wuhun Palace didn't dare to bet. Once the Golden Generation damaged a few and Shrek gave up decisively, then they would not be able to fight.

   This kind of fragile alliance, under the beating of reality, cannot stand the test, especially the two sides are still competitive.

   Tang San and the others have fought Uranium, and even if it has been more than a month, their strength has improved.

   Judging from the few games in the finals, Uranium's strength is far more than that, so it is almost impossible to win in individual battles.

   Neither team wanted to suffer, so there was a situation in the first round.

Uran looked at the faces of the members of the Shrek team and the very ugly expressions of the Wuhundian team. He smiled in his heart and made sense. If the two teams unite and beat themselves, it means that they will face ten. The four-person wheel fight is hard to talk about, but it is more exhausting.

   It is not easy to defeat them.

   But if you want to drag yourself until you have no spirit power, it is impossible. After all, there is a third spirit ability: the energy absorption halo is there, and there is really no spirit power, so just grab a suck.

   In other words, all opponents are his humanoid soul power reserve.

   But if they are not united and no one wants to fight with themselves, then it is still themselves who will benefit in the end.

   But with Tang San's character, he probably wouldn't be united with Wuhun Hall.

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