Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 309: Moon Blade Diana (3k)

At this moment, on the competition stage, Uran quietly stayed in Tang San's last cage, watching the silver-haired girl slowly step onto the stage.

Everyone's attention was focused on this final game, and they would not miss a single point.

"Nana, are you sure?" Oscar couldn't help but asked Diana. Although he knew that this girl's spirit power level was the highest and the strongest in the field, even Tang San was defeated. , Didn't even get the opponent to use Wuhun, such a powerful enemy made him very uneasy.

"I can only do my best." The girl who slowly walked onto the stage said without looking back, her voice soft, as if catkins breeze.

As Diana walked to the stage, Xue Qinghe who was watching the game looked at Uranium, then at Diana, her eyes became a little dignified, and she said in her heart: "Brother Uran, you have to be careful, this girl's martial arts The soul is very strange and powerful, even the soul king can defeat it, and there is very little information outside, and the number of shots is small, but every time you fight is a powerful enemy, you can't underestimate it."

While talking, Xue Qinghe remembered the last battle that Diana shot. It was during the qualifiers. One person faced the two Soul Sects, the captain and deputy captain of the Academy A team at the same time, and solved them all in a short time. His attack and swift figure made him unforgettable.

Soon, Diana stood in front of Uranium, with a hesitant expression on her face, thinking that the other party was imprisoned in a blue silver cage, and she unscrupulously released her spirit skills outside, would it be too insidious?

But immediately she woke up and dealt with evil spirits like Uranium, without talking about the morals of the world, and she was done right by her shoulders.

Game start.

Under the chant of the referee in this last game, everyone's spirits tightened.

Diana immediately unfolded her martial spirit: Moonsilver Blade.

In a trance, it seemed that some people felt that the surrounding light was a little bit dim. As the girl's body was shrouded in silver moonlight, some soul masters who had studied martial arts changed slightly.

Wuhun changed the venue...

This is related knowledge that can only be learned in books, but they didn't expect that one day they could see this scene on the scene.

"It's not right, this girl has appeared before, so why hasn't this kind of change happened before? Could it be that...she still hides her strength?" As Xue Qinghe thought deeply, it made him feel terrified.

So this is the true strength of this female soul master? And will the uranium that she treats so seriously, will it be different from what it looks like?

"Moon Silver Magic Orb!"

With the light of the second spirit ring, the three silver light beads of the bodyguard moved around the body, while Diana held the Moon Silver Blade in her right hand, and her quiet sharp aura rose sharply, and she saw her third Thousand-year spirit ability shined brightly, not only was the sharp light on the Moon Silver Blade growing three inches, but also a faint white moonlight appeared in the girl's body.

"The Moon is Coming!"

At the same time, the crescent moon on her head gleamed, as if entering a new fighting state.

At this moment, the young girl was like a suffocating Valkyrie, even her face was covered by the bright moonlight, and her faint and cold glow made people unpredictable, she could only feel the awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

"Fight, Uranium." Diana yelled, and the Moon Silver Blade in her hand tactfully changed from a front grip to a reverse grip. She held it in front of her chest, arched her body, and immediately stomped her feet, like a scream. The gust of wind generally cuts towards the blue silver cage where Uranium is located!

Feeling the mighty spirit power rising from Diana's body, a ray of surprise flashed in Uran's eyes. This little girl who could not do a few tricks in his hands back then is really completely different now.

In the arena, Uran slowly closed his eyes, and immediately exhaled a long sigh. The eyes opened suddenly. In the rose red eyes, the radiating eyes martial soul flashed by, and the soul power on his body was also at this moment. Become a lot deeper.

The palms of the blue silver prison cage were gripped tightly in his palms. Under the agitation of his spirit power, the railings that were originally difficult to unscrew with pure physical fitness broke into pieces. Then, he tore up all the cages outside at a faster speed.

Maybe it was difficult to do it in a physical body, but with the use of his own martial spirit, nothing in the world can trap him.

Diana’s silver figure looked like an angry soul beast under the gazes of everyone on the stand. The moon silver blade lightly pressed against the ground, directly on the bluestone along the way, bringing out a long spark and deep trace.

Uran's face calmly looked at the white shadow that came straight. His martial spirit is a spiritual attribute, but his speed and light body are also what he is best at. Diana is about to be ten meters away from him. When he was in the range, Uran finally moved, tapping the ground with his toes, and his body was like a fallen leaf in a violent wind, fluttering and flashing, and in an instant, it was intertwined with the violent white figure.

In a staggered moment, the Moon Silver Blade in Diana's hand came out very naturally. With the help of the impact of the body method, a few small light blades had taken the lead to leave the sword and cut away at the Uranium neck.

It was just that almost at the moment when I was about to enter the body, the uranium steel armguards blocked the blow, and the shredded sharp soul power instantly cut a few holes in the steel armguards, but this short contact also Putting Diana in danger, I saw a heavy elbow that followed the arc and slammed Diana's face away, with a sharp wind in her ears, which immediately changed Diana's face.

The fast-impacting figure suddenly stopped, and the one-man-tall Moonsilver Blade lifted up slightly. With the clinking sound and some small sparks, the few light blades had not even stopped the uranium offensive, but completely dissipated.

But soon the three moon silver magic spheres took advantage of the trend, forcibly offsetting Uranium's attack at the cost of three, but with the spirit ability to resist the ordinary attack, she could not make a profit, but it was not a loss.

After smashing the light blade and magic ball, Uran slightly raised his eyes, and his indifferent eyes glanced at the graceful figure passing by, waving his arms, and the condensed hand knife with a fierce energy, he smashed behind him. Going away, with vigorous pressure, the uniform on Diana's body was pressed tightly against the skin, and the slender waist was outlined.

Feeling the oppressive force behind her, Diana raised her eyebrows lightly. It seemed that Uranium had no response after breaking her spirit ability, but she didn't stop, instead she spun her blade with Moon Silver in her hand. The blade pierced out violently, and the pale white blade left a silver arc in the void of air. The sharp edge of the blade has a sharp moonlight, which seems to have penetrated the air barrier, with a clear sound of "ding" , Moon Silver Blade blocked the fierce hand knife straightly.

The martial soul instantly touched the hand knife wrapped in soul power, Diana flew back after resisting for a breath, and the uranium staying in place felt the bone-piercing moonlight that almost penetrated, causing him to frown. .

"You can’t use your bare hands. If it weren’t for my spirit power to be much higher than that of the ordinary soul king, I would be injured. It’s really strange. A forty-ninth level soul sect can actually rely on this hedgehog. The moonlight hurt the Soul King?" Uran whispered, but shortly afterwards, he discovered another strange thing.

"Moreover, I have already used the spirit of martial arts, reaching the level of the fifty-ninth level of the soul king, why can she fight me twice? Am I weakened? Or is she strengthened?"

Uran raised his head in doubt, and soon he saw the fourth purple spirit ring on Diana's body, shining.

"This is... a spirit ring with black in purple, infinitely close to ten thousand years? And how do I feel about this spirit ring... it has a strange smell?"

Diana suddenly fell to her knees, the Moonsilver Blade thrust into the ground, her head lowered as if she was praying.

"What is this going to do?" The crowd of people watching the battle became a little puzzled.

However, the increasingly shining crescent mark on her forehead gave De You an inexplicable feeling.

"No, she's not praying for someone..." Suddenly, such a thought flashed across Uran's mind.

Uranium became more and more curious about the mysterious origins of Diana in front of him. Whether he could fall into the wind under his attack, it was completely different from what a normal spirit master could do.

There was a feeling similar to a divine envoy, and it was also like the incarnation of a naturally noble and inviolable goddess, but Douluo Continent did not seem to have a Moon God.

"The fourth spirit ability, invite the moon phantom array!" Suddenly, Diana opened her closed eyes, and the indifferent silver luster flashed accompanied by the use of the fourth spirit ability, around The competition table began to change!

A series of invisible and quality silver patterns surround the entire playing field, forming a big circle!

The faint white moonlight produced light along the lines and set off in the playing field.

Uran suddenly raised his head and found that at some point, the surrounding environment was already dim. Only the rising crescent moon above his head was still telling the cold voice of the moon.

The bright moonlight showered a little bit of stars, Diana half-kneeled under the moonlight, and the gentle light lightly floated on her body, as if the moon **** himself had put a light gauze on her.

In the outside world, one can clearly perceive that there are two completely different worlds inside and outside.

"What a terrifying monster!" Feng Xiaotian looked horrified, is this really a human? There is actually a spirit ability that traps people and forms a specific area?

Everyone's fourth spirit abilities are all normal, so why are they extraordinarily perverted when they come to you?

And Huo Wu, Huo Wushuang and others' complexions also sank. They didn't know that this invisible Diana was actually the strongest in Shrek Academy!

However, Feng Xiaotian immediately comforted Huo Wu: “It’s okay, your Huo Wu Yaoyang can’t stop them, and this kind of change of venue doesn’t have much combat effectiveness. It is estimated that they think that even if Diana is used, There is no use for you to fight, Huo Wu, you will always be the strongest!"

But now, Huo Wu didn't even give him a glance.

This is a top-level soul sect, and they have always thought that Dai Mubai is the top opponent. After a long time, they have not used their full strength against them at all!

"There's something..." Uran smiled slightly as she watched Diana's growing momentum.

"Such opponents are fun to fight!"

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