Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 306: Pure form

Competition table.

   You and Tang Sanyao looked at each other, looking at each other.

   Although the two played several times, it was a long time ago. It was the first time at this level.

   Tang San at this time is no longer a kid at all.

   Even if he can't use hidden weapons, his various Tang sect weapons, mysterious jade hands, crane control and dragon capture, ghosts and shadows have been practiced to a very high level.

   Wuhun Lan Yincao also has four spirit rings, as well as ten thousand years spirit ring.

   is very strong in heads-up.

   The games he played before were all wins, and no one was Tang San's opponent.

   "Speaking of which, I thought the last one was you." Uran said calmly.

   After all, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the last thing is the finale.

   But the finale was the girl with silver hair like him. This made Uran a bit strange. As the spiritual leader of Shrek, is she actually not as strong as that girl in terms of hard power?

   "No way, she is our hope. In this promotion match, she hasn't made any moves yet." Tang San saw Uran's thoughts at a glance, and generously admitted.

   "Really, then I have to see it."

   "The game begins!" The referee yelled, then took a few steps back and handed the game to the two young men.

Almost at the same time, Tang San completed the process of releasing the martial soul. Tang San raised his right hand in front of him, and the faint blue silver grass grew five inches from his palm and swayed gently, if not for the four dazzling souls on his body. The ring demonstrated its strength, no one could believe it, it was just five inches of blue silver grass, and its power could be so amazing.

After    started, Tang San didn't hesitate, the blue silver grass in his hand was shining, and his feet were fascinated by ghosts, but he did not attack the uranium, but circled the ring.

   Ghost Shadow Lost Trail makes him faster than the normal power attack type war spirit master, but it is much worse than Xiao Wu Zhuqing's agile attack type.

   wins in subtlety, can dodge enemy attacks.

   But Tang San is very aware of how exaggerated Uranium's speed and power are. In terms of speed, he has no advantage!

   And the opponent reacts too fast, no matter if it is entanglement or cobweb bondage, it is impossible to control the opponent in the first time!

   The instantaneous blue silver cage lacks toughness and wastes soul power.

   Therefore, Tang San quickly moved towards the ring and quickly covered a layer of blue silver grass on the ground.

   With the blue silver grass on the ground, as long as the opponent dares to come, he can defend and counterattack, greatly increasing the release speed of the entangling spirit ability, and adding the parasitic spirit ability, it can limit the opponent as fast as possible and delay the opponent's time.

   The tactic is very good, it can be said that it is the best way to deal with uranium. This tactic is derived from the inspiration of the fiery storm of the Blazing Academy. When it comes to changing the venue, Blue Silver Grass can do the same.

Moreover, Lan Yincao possesses the ability to be immune to fire and water. Even if it faces Tianshui Academy and Blazing Fire Academy, it won’t fall into a disadvantage. It’s just that Tang San is very worried, relying on his first spirit ability to entangle Uranium Have an effect.

   "Not enough, continue!"

After thinking about it for a while, Tang San still chose to be cautious. On the ground originally covered with blue silver grass, he once again entangled these blue silver grasses mixed with purple intent, layer by layer, as if he wanted this The small and small competition stage has completely turned into a twisted jungle.

   As the blue silver grass on the ground increased, Uran twisted his wrist, ready to move.

   Just as soon as he moved, Uran felt her ankles being entangled in the cold, spiked blue silver grass.

   "Entangling!" Tang San said solemnly.

   The next moment, the dense blue silver grass twisted and swam over like a poisonous snake, and began to squeeze continuously along Uran's body, trying to release the toxins from the spikes.

   The blue silver grass is accompanied by highly poisonous, highly poisonous from the human face devil spider, and the spikes of the ghost vine.

   At this point, the strangulation has come!

  Various blue silver grasses wrapped up all the uranium, forming a huge blue-purple cocoon.

   Only, Tang San was very disturbed, "Strange, my move is only a first move, and at the speed of uranium, I can definitely avoid it. Why? Why doesn't he do it?"

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on the huge circular cocoon on the playing field. In Tang San's mental perception, his blue silver grass did not pierce the skin and inject toxins, but was instead covered by an invisible barrier. blocked.

   Suddenly, a clear voice rang from the cocoon. "Tang San, I think you have read all the scrolls."

"It is recorded that there are only two powers in this world, one is pure spirit and the other is pure form. Pure form means responding to all changes without change, while pure essence represents In response to ever-changing changes, when the two are combined into one, you can have the power to change the world. I don’t know...Do you understand this?"

   This sentence came from the scroll that Uranium gave Tang San, and that scroll was copied by Uranium from the collection of Uchiha's family.

  In other words, this sentence comes from a mysterious family.

   "What do you want to say? Uranium?" Tang San frowned, secretly wary.

He has read this sentence, but he does not understand that soul power is the root of the Douluo world, what pure spirit, what pure form, he did not understand, even his teacher: the master also shook his head to express himself Never heard of this view.

   Although he understood mental power, an extremely rare ability among spirit masters, it was difficult for Tang San to link the two together.

   At this moment, Tang San's face suddenly changed.

   He felt an extremely majestic force, which suddenly appeared in the blue silver grass cocoon!

"Look at...Tang San, this is me, my pure form." Uranium's voice gradually thickened. In the grass cocoon, the appearance of radiating eyes suddenly appeared, and his mental power began to explode at this moment. Change according to your own will.

   The invisible spiritual power covers all parts of Uranium, and begins to swell in a posture that others cannot understand!

   The use of mental power is usually used by individuals. For example, Tang San condenses in his eyes and emits rays through his eyes, which can crush rocks, severely damage the brain, and kill people in a tangible way.

   The spiritual power of the Uchiha clan is used exclusively for fantasy, soul, and not for substantive attacks.

   And now, what uranium shows is the third kind.

   With invisible mental power, resist all visible attacks.

  In other words, use mental power to interfere with reality!

  After three the blue silver grass cocoon in front of Tang San's eyes began to wither, and then it kept sliding down, exposing the figure in it.

And those withered blue silver grass slowly turned into invisible blue light spots, completely dissipating in the sky, and the blue silver grass in the field began to dissipate, as if it was corrupted, and it seemed to be rapidly aging, and finally completely Annihilated.

   "You..." Tang San was shocked. These blue silver grasses were made of his spirit power, not real grasses, so how could the vitality be stripped away.

   At this moment, the field is extremely clean, as if the blue silver grass all over the floor did not exist a minute ago.

And Uranium slowly raised his head, looked at Tang San and said, "It's not that the vitality has been stripped, but that my spirit has overshadowed your martial spirit Blue Silver Grass. The spirit power contained in the Blue Silver Grass vines has been lost. I was defeated. In fact, you can also do this, but you are still a distance from the pure form, otherwise you can experience what is true and what is false."

   Tang San was silent, what exactly is pure physicality? You didn’t tell me much on that scroll.

   But soon, Tang San cheered up again, even if he lost the first blue silver grass position, he would still have the power to fight.

   Tang San moved his feet, and he floated out. It seemed that his movements were not fast, but with the illusory steps under his feet, he was close to Uranium in a few blinks.

   Do you dare to go? Unbelievable thoughts came to everyone's mind.

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