Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 284: 1 month later

Kai Ying, difficultly lost at the last second.

During this period, Uranium used his soul power to copy Dai Mubai’s tiger claws, as well as an amplifying white tiger diamond transformation, a defensive soul power shield, and soul power condensed in his hands, a simple version of the soul power iron fist.

To outsiders, it seemed that there were exactly four spirit abilities.

However, it is naturally impossible for the spirit ability to be exactly the same as the original version, but Uranium only slightly increased its combat power to the forty-two level of spirit power. It is said to be similar to the White Tiger King Kong Transformation, but it is not really true. Copy.

Because of the soul power, the copying effect of the writing wheel eye is not very useful, because the soul ability is closely related to the martial soul, he can't use his radiant eye martial soul to release some white tiger light waves, right?

However, for things that don’t require spirit power, such as body techniques and techniques, he is better at writing round eyes. He even stole a ghost and shadow body technique. If he was allowed to see Tang San’s crane control If the dragon is captured, perhaps this can also be used.

Therefore, he originally planned to copy the shadow body technique that Kay Ying showed next, but unfortunately, he found that it seemed to be derived from the shadow spirit power. Even if it was copied, it was just a normal walk. Bit pace.

"Okay, it's over, how do you feel?" Uran walked slowly to Kai Ying and asked lightly.

He was referring to the behavior that Kai Ying hurriedly resisted in the last free time. After all, his punch was somewhat restrained in the end, but after all, it was not something that a thirty-third level soul sovereign could stop.

But what is amazing is that Kay Ying didn't seem to have suffered many serious injuries.

"I feel okay, and I seem to see the direction I am going to exercise next." Kaiying wiped the sweat from his pale face, panting.

At the last moment, if he could directly liberate Laast's power from the second spirit ability Darkborn Incarnation, maybe he wouldn't be defeated on the spot, at least he could hold on for a while.

The conversion speed of the two is not satisfactory.

"There is nothing wrong with your fighting mentality. On the contrary, it can help you become stronger as soon as possible. Moreover, your soul power training can't fall. At the thirty-third level, it is still not enough." Uran nodded and approved. The words of Kaiying.

Cold and violent, these are two completely different ways of fighting.

As for Kai Ying, what he needs is to switch between these two types as soon as possible, and shorten the time required for the battle.

"Kay Ying, next, I will train you in this area until you can hold one stick of incense, two sticks of incense, and three sticks of incense under the ordinary forty-one level soul sect under my suppression. "

While speaking, Uran waved his hand and motioned a healing spirit master in the martial arts field to come over.

"Hello, please." Uran nodded to the healing soul master.

This is an old man with white hair and Chinese clothes who seems to be about sixty years old. His spirit is a healing tree, and his spirit power level is a sixty-one spirit emperor.

He was informed by Uranium to Xue Qinghe. It is rumored that this was the soul healer of the emperor Xueye who was specially waiting for the prince in the palace. At the moment, Xue Qinghe brought him over and loaned Uranium for a month.

"Haha, you are welcome." The old man nodded in response, and then summoned Wuhun: Healing Tree.

It was a tall tree with the width of two people, and it could top the dome in the martial arts field.

"Fourth Spirit Ability: Healing Leaf." The old man groaned softly, the fourth purple spirit ring on his body began to shine, his hands were raised, and the soft green color began to appear from his palm.

In the next moment, a piece of green leaves flew out of the big tree with a huge umbrella cover and fell on Kai Ying.

The bruises and injuries on Kaiying's body were visible to the naked eye.

Kai Ying only felt an extremely comfortable coolness, and the coolness spread all over his body in an instant, whether it was the extremely sore muscles or the bruises that were hard hammered, they were recovering at an astonishing speed.

Even their physical strength is gradually recovering bit by bit, and even most of their empty soul power is affected by the green leaves.

After a moment, the old man retracted his martial soul, and after turning his head slightly towards Uranium, he fluttered away from the center of the martial arts field, returned to the rocking chair just now, and continued to close his eyes to keep up.

It seems that this healing soul master intends to spend the next month like this.

"Hey, I'm all recovered." Kaiying shook a fist, and found that her body seemed to be full of vitality without the slightest pain, just like a new life.

"Of course, the soul emperor healed the soul, and also used the fourth soul ability, do you still think that you should leave some hidden injuries?" Uran smiled and said unceremoniously.

"Moreover, since your body is almost good, go ahead, your battle is not over yet." Suddenly, Uran pointed to the side of the field and said loudly.


Kai Ying suddenly felt a lot of question marks popping up on her head, as if she didn't understand what the captain said.

"Be obedient, come here." Uranium had already stepped aside first, beckoning to Kai Ying.

At this moment, Kai Ying felt a terrible cold!

"Captain, you heal me just to... continue to beat me!" Kai Ying looked at the healing soul master, then looked at the smiling Uranium again, suddenly feeling desperate .

"Otherwise, let you take a break for a day? Come here quickly. Today, before Mr. Edward's spirit power is exhausted, you cannot rest. As the saying goes, if you don't get beaten, how can you beat someone? "The Edward that Uran said was naturally the soul emperor healing soul master.

"I... Captain, can I not let the soul emperor come to treat me?" Kai Ying was about to beat him up, and then Cure it, and continue to beat it when cured. What kind of torture is this?

"What do you mean?"

The simple three words immediately made Kai Ying's whole body shiver, and her face changed again and again.

He felt that if he didn't pass, the captain would come over and beat him by himself!

At this time, even Raast, who used to be very chatty, seemed to have no voice.

Under all kinds of pressure, he just felt that his scalp was numb.

In the end, Kay Ying could only be stiff and walked towards Uranium step by step.

It seems that what he faces is not training, but hell...

A little bit of time passed, and Yadele, Mi Kong, Shi Lingling and others had already left the martial arts field.

However, within this building, there were bursts of heart-piercing screams.


"Captain, no! I have already given up!"

"Woo, I don't want to be beaten, let me go, Captain..."

"Kay Ying, get up for me, don't lie on the ground and play dead!"


This kind of day lasted a whole month.

The screams continued to echo in the martial arts venue.

Because of the existence of Healing Soul Master Edward, Kai Ying's screams have always been full of breath, and there is no sign of exhaustion.

One month is not a long time, but one month is simply a nightmare for Kay Ying, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as the years.

He was beaten frantically from the first day.

Put it nicely, because the captain is tempering him.

But according to the words of the other sisters, this level of training, even if it is a piece of iron, should be almost broken, and Kai Ying hasn't been cool yet, it's a miracle.

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