Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 272: Camp in the illusion

The sun is rising higher and higher.

The surface of the desert was hot, and the air in the distance was burnt and twisted.

Two middle-aged people, one with a gloomy face and the other with a fat body, slowly walked out of the back of the dune, like a drop of water, into the vast desert.

The two men faintly moved with spirit power, but at the moment they had gray heads and ragged clothes.

The scorching sun is like a powerful arrow, from the sky, covering the entire desert.

When Yake and Siwang walk in the sun, they feel like a fish on a heated iron plate.

In order to avoid being roasted, they could only walk on the back of the sand dunes as much as possible. Even so, after walking for a while, he felt violent physical exertion.

At the same time, a feeling of hunger was faintly conveyed to him.

Yake licked his lips. His lips were extremely dry and it was difficult to swallow and spit.

Dry mouth.

"Siwang, where exactly is the camp you mentioned? And how did you find out where I fell so far?" There was nothing wrong on the way, and Yake asked with some confusion.

"It's not far away, and we will reach the big sand dune again. The camp is behind the dune so as not to be burnt by the blazing sun. In addition, I found your trail because whenever anyone appears in the place of God's punishment, there will be a reminder and Guidance, this is also the reason why I have arrived just after you woke up." Si Wang pointed to the rather tall sand dune in front of him, wiping his sweat and panting.

"However, when you arrive at the camp, you have to pay attention to Yake. Don't think that your soul king is very powerful. If you are not careful, you will be killed." As Yake's friend, Siwang is the so-called'place of God's punishment. 'Stayed for two full days, these camp rules would be dead if you didn't tell him.

"Oh why?"

Si Wang's expression gradually became serious, "Here, the Soul King is the lowest level, the Soul Emperor, and there are many Soul Saint sinners."

"The camp is not big, there are only about 30 people living in it, but there are 25 sinners in it, and the rest are all staff in the place of punishment. The manager is the largest, followed by the law enforcement. The soul power of scholars, monitors, and even cooks is not lower than the eighty level, it is terrifying. When you arrive, we should start work."

"The start of construction you said...wait, it won't really be, thirty years of mining life! Don't people go crazy?" Suddenly, Yake was shocked.

"Otherwise, you and us are a group. If you don't arrive, we naturally can't start. Only by working can we have food. Otherwise, look at the vast desert. Where can I get food for you? No more than three days. I'll starve you to death!" Siwang sneered and pointed to the endless yellow sand dunes around him.

No food?

Suddenly, Yake couldn't help but shudder.

"In other words, there is no choice, right? So, you confessed your fate?" Yake's expression was a little low, his legs softened, and he simply sat down on the sand.

He looked at the boundless desert, watching the monotonous yellow spreading away, and finally confused with the blue of the sky.

The scorching sun made the air crazily twisted.

Yake suddenly felt that the entire desert was like a lunatic with a calm surface, but in fact it was hopeless. Here, he will be melted sooner or later, and he will be driven crazy!

"Don't think about it, hurry up. It's not midday. Maybe there are people and you can have lunch. Otherwise, you can just wait and be hungry." Siwang didn't have so many distracting thoughts and stood directly. Yake's side pulled him up.

Perhaps, his thoughts have been smoothed out in just two days.

It was noon, the sun was not as hot as noon, but it was still unbearable.

The two figures slowly climbed to the top of a towering sand dune.

They started to climb from the back of the dune, and it was obvious that they wanted to climb over the dune.

Their heads were covered with a layer of clothing, their noses and mouths were tightly covered, but their eyes were largely exposed, and there were chestnut hair on their foreheads.

It is Yake and Siwang.

The top of the sand dune was within a few steps, and the sunlight shone through, causing Yake to squint his eyes.

The two continued to trek in the desert under the scorching sun.

Unconsciously, the sand dunes began to appear next to Zhenyak.

"What's that?" In the blurred vision, Yake found a huge black shadow entrenched at the foot of the dune.

As he approached, Yake's expression suddenly changed slightly. As the soul king, he could see clearly at this moment, it was a somewhat large camp.

"It's finally here. Looking at the smoke, it should be noon." Si Wang glanced at the white fireworks that rose slowly, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Now that everyone is there, they can finally have a meal. In the past two days, except for water, a total of seven of them were hungry. Seeing that others had broth and brown bread to eat, they could only smell the aroma and lament. The taste is too boring.

Soon, the two climbed over the hill and came to the front of the camp.

What catches the eye is a series of low-rise bungalows, built entirely of white soil and wood, like a small bunker, with doors and windows, under the scorching sun, bursts of dazzling white light.

But what is amazing is that these bungalows are scattered around the camp in a circular shape. As you can see, a huge brazier is left in the center of the camp, and on the edge of the camp, the camp is covered by wooden fences.

And between the bungalow and the brazier, there is a tarpaulin-like roof to build a long corridor-like shady place, with tables and chairs continuously extending, evenly distributed, faintly presenting a classroom-like pattern, and the podium is near the brazier.

"Is this the camp? Why didn't I see a person?" Yake suddenly found an abnormal Although this camp is large and rich in layout, there seems to be a well in the corner, but it No popularity.

"Why is there no one, look, isn't this here?" Siwang twitched at the corner of his mouth, pointing in one direction.

Yake looked quickly, his face condensed slightly.

Not far from the camp, there seems to be an abruptly rising sand dune cave.

The entrance of the cave is about five meters high, and torches are inserted near the cave, forming an artificial road.

This also illuminates the environment of the cave, visible to the naked eye, there are torches attached to the wall in the cave, so as not to be too dark and the road is not clear.

At this moment, more than twenty people were slowly walking out of it, carrying a bamboo basket half a person on their backs. The golden and black stones in the bamboo basket attracted Yake's attention.

Jake looked at the stone.

The stone takes an oval shape and stands silently in a bamboo basket. The surface of the boulder is faintly shining with a slight metallic luster, but it is pitted, completely insulated from the word "smooth", and there are countless small and dense pits.

What's strange is that from these small holes like sesame seeds, there is a warm breath continuously.

"Is this golden stone?"

Jemite is a mixed ore of iron, gold, ether and other special minerals. Depending on the place of origin, the composition and the ratio between the components of the gemstone are not the same.

He had also seen this kind of stone being auctioned, and it was preliminarily inferred by the auctioneer that these golden stones contained rich soul power, and even a chest-sized golden stone could be made into a special soul power transmission weapon.

It can reduce the soul power consumption of the soul master in combat, or increase a certain soul ability.

It is a pity that to extract the essence from the huge and heavy gemstone, specific means are required.

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