Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 263: One-on-one, against Yutianxin

The sky became more and more dull, and the sun also obscured the hot light.

Dark clouds gradually cover the earth.

Visible to the naked eye, the entire open-air soul fighting arena is a little darker, but this does not affect the battle, because the surrounding brilliant lights are shining on the fighting soul platform.

At this time, the fighting spirit stage.

The last three of the Thunder Academy team, Yu Tianxin, Lei Dong, Lu Chen was standing in the middle of the stage at the moment, staring at the referee closely, hoping that the referee would restrict Zhu Zhuqing's rascal style of play.

It's really too rascal. They obviously hadn't even seen Zhu Zhuqing's cat fur, so they had reduced their staff to four people. Up to now, they still don't know what level Zhu Zhuqing's real combat effectiveness has reached.

The ability to quietly kill Lei Tian, ​​Lei Mie, Xiao Yunju and Lei Jiuzhong, as well as the two Soul Sects, has proved the strength of Zhu Zhuqing, the deputy captain of the Second Team of Emperor Dou.

This is a female powerhouse whose spirit power level is not inferior to him!

On the referee’s side, as Yu Tianxin from the Thunder Academy asked questions, immediately after seeing Zhu Zhuqing appear again quietly, he suddenly became a little bit troubled. This is obviously a unique attack method of the soul master. Normal matches are fine, no one cares, but now this is the Soul Master Competition, and now there are more than 20 qualifiers playing a day, can it be true that Zhu Zhuqing can drag on for a day?

Despite this consideration, the referee shook his head slightly and rejected Yu Tianxin's request.

"As a soul master, sneaking into the shadows must be brought about by soul skills, and soul skills will naturally be accompanied by the consumption of soul power. That is to say, this is Zhu Zhuqing using soul power to fight, so limit the game time. Take, the game continues." After a little thought, the referee immediately made a decision.

Immediately afterwards, he retreated at a high speed and withdrew to the corner of the fighting platform, signalling to continue fighting.

"Damn it, it seems that I can only be more vigilant." Yutian saw this, although he was dissatisfied, but it also inspired him, yes, it is not himself who should be anxious now, but Zhu Zhuqing!

As long as she holds it up, when she feels that her spirit power is no longer enough to defeat the three of them at the same time, she will take the initiative to come out and do her best to fight a wave!

In other words, just do what you should do well and wait vigilantly!

"Lei Dong, collect your Thundernet spirit ability for a while, save your spirit power, and be serious, Lu Chen, stand out, use your spirit ability to move around at high speed, condense all the power of Thunder, this also allows you to do Beware of the meaning of bait." Yu Tianxin made a decisive decision, then looked at the surrounding environment and judged like this.

However, the Thundernet, which was originally all over the half, did not stop there.

"Huh? Lei Dong, I'll let you collect the thunder net." Yu Tianxin saw that the surrounding thunder nets were still shining with purple-blue brilliant light, she couldn't help frowning, and looked back suspiciously.

But the next moment, Yu Tianxin's pupils shrank suddenly!

Immediately afterwards, a icy chill rushed from the spine all the way to the top of the head, coming out of the Tianling Gai!

Lei Dong and Lu Chen stood rigidly in place, motionless.

Although the snakes and electricity rushed continuously all over the body, and the thunder soul power was released to the full, they did not move.

"This was a sneak attack when I was negotiating with the referee! Detestable Zhu Zhuqing!" Yu Tianxin was both frightened and angry. You must know that as the deputy captain, the thunderbolt is the spirit of Lei Spider, and his spirit power level is not inferior to his Except for the difference between Wuhun's quality and him, others can be said to be very close to him!

But this kind of soul sect, in this short period of time for negotiation, can't even make a call, and loses the ability to fight like this?

"It's ridiculous that other people can explain the weak soul power, why even thunder is like this!" Yu Tianxin couldn't help taking a few steps back. Until now, he suddenly understood why the previous teammates were silent. After he fell, Zhu Zhuqing was already so strong, let alone thunder, even he couldn't help being afraid!

"Not ridiculous, it's normal."

Suddenly, a cold female voice sounded from behind the thunder!

"Huh?" Yu Tianxin suddenly shook his spirits, and looked at the thunderous movement of his body in disbelief. Obviously, in his perception, there were only three of them on the court, Zhu Zhuqing hadn't appeared yet.

In just one second, Zhu Zhuqing's breath suddenly broke into his perception.

I saw Zhu Zhuqing slowly walked out from behind the thunder, his tall and fiery figure sucked in the air, and the icy temperament like a snow-capped mountain made Yu Tianxin feel scalp numb.

As Zhu Zhuqing stopped using the weird slashing technique that seemed like a shadow and illusion, and stood up so openly, all the audience was a little boiled!

Because they witnessed Zhu Zhuqing's gorgeous performance by the Min Gong type soul master!

Elegant blooming exclusively for the assassin's style of play.

And now, because Zhu Zhuqing intends to face the hard steel blue electric Tyrant Dragon Soul Master Yu Tianxin, many people are even sweating for it. This is the first beast spirit in the mainland!

"Why, don't you continue to use your hiding soul ability, or do you have no soul power?" Yu Tianxin is not a reckless person, after seeing Zhu Zhuqing take the initiative to show up, he did not directly rush forward. , But continued to test with words.

He wouldn't be so reckless as a last resort. The six teammates before had already proved Zhu Zhuqing's strength.

It's better to be steady.

"Well, you're right, the fourth spirit ability consumption is indeed a bit high." Regarding Yu Tianxin's temptation, Zhu Zhuqing gently confessed.

"Huh?" At this moment, Yu Tianxin was confused.

What kind of operation is this, telling him blatantly that she has no spirit power?

"So, do you think that even if you don't have much spirit power, you can beat me? Don't be too arrogant." As he said, Yu Tianxin's footsteps moved slightly, staring at Zhu Zhuqing with an indifferent face, slowly turning towards As she approached.

His two dragon claws exude the light of shining thunder and lightning, and the arcs flicker, exuding extremely dangerous colors.

"You think so, that's not wrong." Just when Zhu Zhuqing responded indifferently, Yu Tian's heart suddenly moved!

The collision between the two sides finally started, the snake electricity surged, Yu Tianxin screamed, his body rose into the air, and went straight to Zhu Zhuqing and rushed up.

In terms of fighting style, he possesses the spirit of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, and he is undoubtedly a strong offensive in a strong attack. In the blood of every direct descendant of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family is full of aggressive blood. Offense is the best defense, and only offense can defeat the opponent most directly.

Moreover, bearing the grievances of six partners who fell in he must win!

The blue electric dragon claws exploded at the same time, and Yu Tianxin sent out the power of two dragon claws.

This is the power of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Wuhun. Every time a level is raised, the power of the martial soul will increase a little bit. The same soul ability is improved by the martial soul itself when it is displayed at different levels. As a top martial soul, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus undoubtedly possesses this Advantage.

Seeing the two thunder and lightning dragon claws close in front of him, Zhu Zhuqing did not make any resistance, but the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and the pupil of the different color under the Wuhun possessed a touch of jokes visible to the naked eye.

Thunder Dragon Claw came and crashed into the ground!

However, Zhu Zhuqing disappeared when Yu Tianxin's spirit ability came into being!

Like a shuttle, she came to a position not far behind Yu Tianxin, and the speed was as fast as a spatial teleportation.

And with Zhu Zhuqing's actions, Yu Tianxin's charged pounce also resolved, landing lightly, quickly turned his position, and pounced on Zhu Zhuqing again!

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