Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 254: Round 2

Latest website: Two days have passed since the start of the competition, and all Soul Master Academy have also completed the first round of qualifiers.

Due to the fact that Kaiying's strong one-on-seven strange lineup was shown before, all the academy teams that had watched the game showed their hearts to the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Analyze the reasons for Kaiying to play, analyze the men and women who have not yet played, and some of the auxiliary spirit masters of the Second Team of Emperor Dou that don't even use soul skills.

This is the first time they have seen this kind of lineup. There is no agile attack system, no control system, no food system, no defense system, only auxiliary system and a strong attack system, which is simply unheard of.

However, Uranium did not take this analysis of the Huangdou Second Team’s lineup to heart by all outsiders. Instead, after discussing some interesting things with Xue Qinghe, he directly found a hillside and drew it comfortably. The warm sun in the afternoon.

It's useless to let others think about it. With Kaiying's ability, there used to be no opponent at level 30.

At the level of 40, Zhu Zhuqing can also do a one-on-seven. Like the Elephant Armour Sect team in the Soul Master Competition, or the Four Element Academy teams, there is no need for Uranium to play in advance unless something appears. variable.

For example, what kind of mutant martial souls ran out because of the butterfly effect.

There are only some key games that need him to appear on the stage. Otherwise, he will do everything by himself, which is really boring.

Soon, it will be the second round of qualifiers.

Uranium led everyone from the Second Team of Emperor Dou to the Great Fighting Soul Arena.

This time, because of the previous victory over Prince Linton College, he has not received any secretly ridiculed eyes.

"At the beginning, I thought that the second team of Emperor Dou was all aristocratic **** that could not be supported by mud. I didn't expect this year to be so terrifying. In my opinion, it must be for me to propose the idea of ​​six auxiliary spirit masters. I am extremely confident in strength, alas, a headache." Huo Wushuang watched the Huang Dou Second Team slowly enter the arena and couldn't help but said to his sister Huo Wu.

Are all the second team of Emperor Dou this time monsters?

"I'm going to get the information of the opponents in this qualifier. Stay here and don't move." Uran felt the observation line of sight falling on him, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Because the previous exhibition match was a review of the opening ceremony, there was no need to test the soul power and the lineup of all the players.

But right now, when every student enters the field, he must conduct a test of martial arts and soul power to prevent any substitution behavior. See if it matches the information you registered.

Therefore, in every game, the information of both parties will be sent to the hands of each team in advance. As the captain, all the information about Uranium will naturally be included in the team.

However, fortunately, Uran has long established a relationship with Xue Qinghe. He is the prince Xue Qinghe, both openly and secretly, and Bibi Dong, the supreme leader of the Wuhun Hall, naturally knows everything and will not treat him like sixteen. The people of the Soul King started.

Because after half a year, he has risen from level 57 to level 59. This is why he deliberately controls the speed of his spirit power cultivation. Otherwise, he would have been able to find the sixth spirit ring to attach it. Of course, this is also what Uranium wants to try. Condensed related to the soul core that Douluo II had.

But he didn't succeed, he didn't even get started, he really didn't have any thoughts.

Soon, Uranium got the information of the opponent in the second round from the competition.

"This is the opponent's information, please take a look." Uran returned to the team, picked up the booklet in his hand and raised it.

When Zhu Zhuqing came, he first glanced at the other's spirit power level, and then handed it to Kai Ying, who was eager to see through, and the others.

"It's still on Kaiying this time, it's okay, after all, it's a weak team." Back on his seat, Uran glanced at Kaiying who was reading the information lightly, and said casually.

"I'm fine." Kai Ying secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his opponent didn't have a level 40 opponent, and then responded with a full of fighting spirit.

"Don't be careless, others already know this one-guarantee-six lineup, don't let them get hurt." It seems that Kai Ying is a little floating now, Zhu Zhuqing casually pulled down her hair and said softly.

She knew very well in her heart that Uranium was too lazy about this kind of thing, so she might as well say it herself, otherwise he would not say a word of warning.

"Yes!" Nodded, Kai Yingzhen said.

"And you, if you see that the situation is not right, immediately jump off the stage or indicate that the referee does not have the ability to fight, and asks to leave the field. Just leave the battle scene to Kaiying and protect yourself."

The black-haired beauty changed directions at this time, and warned toward the six auxiliary soul masters who were waiting.

Although she doesn't like the aristocrats of the Heaven Dou Empire, but in any case, they have been training together for half a year, and there is still a little feeling between them.

"Understood." As the only second soul master among the auxiliary soul masters, Ying's sweet and soft voice slowly sounded.

"Now that you know, then I'll wait for your good news." Turning his head slightly, Uran looked at no one behind him, then put the chair down, and took out the wide hat that he didn't know where he took out. He covered his face, closed his eyes and froze.

Anyway, you can see the ending when you see the list. There is no need to concentrate on analyzing the opponent's lineup. Moreover, if the intensity of his training is used as the standard, Kay Ying will not lose.

Originally, he was a little concerned about the views of Kamikaze Academy, Thunder Academy, Tianshui Academy and others about him in the surrounding courts, but after seeing Princenton Academy easily defeated by Kai Ying, Uranus suddenly woke up.

His own strength is completely at two levels from these college seed players, the gap between heaven and earth.

Why look at these seedlings from the perspective of opponents?

Moreover, he didn't understand where the family was. The bloodline defect always existed. He didn't want to go to the world under the single name of Uranium. He was Uchiha Uranus, not Uranium.

After half an hour.

"Okay, I think it's almost time now, we can enter first."

Looking at everyone, Uran said in a voice.

"Yes, Captain!" everyone replied.

"Well, then let's get ready to go." Uran said lightly.

Under Uran's leadership, a group of people walked into the playing field.

Accompanied by deafening cheers When Uran and the others arrived, everyone from Zilong Academy had already arrived, looking at the people from the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy and the eyes of the Zilong Academy team. All with a trace of badness.

Although the first round of the game was shocking, one team defeated one team.

But in terms of overall strength, in many people's hearts, a seven-man team is stronger.

Moreover, they also have a strategy to defeat the second team of the Tiandou Royal Academy!

"The second round of the qualifiers, the second game of Division A is now starting, and the players from both sides are invited to play!" In the ring, the referee's voice sounded.

Uranium stood in the waiting zone, randomly found a place to sit down, and said to the serious Kaiying, "Kaiying, win the prettier."

"Yeah." Kai Ying didn't answer his head, and after replied, he immediately went to the soul fighting platform.

On the ring, the two sides confronted each other, sparking their debut!

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