Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 221: The change of mentality, the reality of all things (4k)

After introducing the advantages of this ore, the host on the podium began to introduce some of its defects.

And it is also a crucial defect.

"As you can see, it is restricted by a special Soul Guidance Device, so if you want to use it, you have to open it, and then take out this ore, then naturally, its energy will begin to radiate toward the surroundings. Indiscriminately killing the surroundings, please consider this." The host explained with a smile.

In fact, at this moment, the young host's forehead was already oozing a little sweat.

If there is no accident, I am afraid that this stone that has been crushed will be shot again...

This special Soul Guidance Device is extremely rare. It can block all the internal energy, but it only has the function of blocking internal energy, and it also has a death stone in it. If you want to use it, then you must The death stone was taken out.

Originally, the value of this soul guide box alone had reached more than one hundred thousand soul gold coins, which far exceeded the starting price of 50,000 gold soul coins this time, but no one shot it.

That’s why it’s been filmed time and time again. All the distinguished guests understand that this stone of death is used in conjunction with the soul guide box. It cannot be allowed to stay outside for a long time, because there has been one case caused by the stone of death. The tragedy.

There is no survivor in a town...

Skin shedding, organ failure, cell collapse, genetic disorder, human beings, ghosts and ghosts, and painful death, even the soul master cannot escape the slaughter of the stone of death.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Experienced buyers have closed their eyes and waited for the arrival of the next item, while novice buyers learned about the pros and cons from the accompaniment of the old people, and also eliminated the need to spend 50,000 gold soul coins to buy one. The thought of a hidden death stone.

It can kill the soul master indiscriminately just by being exposed, and the speed of killing ordinary people is even more horrible. One can imagine its terrifying degree...

While talking, the host vaguely wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, "The auction begins."

"Is this thing really bought?" Zhu Zhuqing looked at the silent auction house around and couldn't help but speak.

But Xiaoxue and Uranium stared at the energy ore named the Stone of Death.

Unlike the longing in Xiaoxue's eyes, Uranium was more unabashedly shocked at this moment.

"Is it the product of the condensation of nature? Or is the spirit power in the space helping to purify the uranium ore? Otherwise, it cannot explain why such high-purity things can appear in the Douluo Continent. There is no industrialization here........ .." Uranium murmured slightly.

This kind of high-purity uranium ore has appeared, isn't it, there are more?

Suddenly, Uranium thought of this question, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He could feel the attraction of this uranium mine to him!

Very strong! It is like a delicious strawberry cake, exuding an alluring atmosphere!

Even with the blockade of the soul guide box, this deadly volatility of hooking energy has cheered around him.........

The energy of uranium ore, the radiation field, seems completely natural.

The host's voice fell, and the refreshing voice echoed in the empty auction hall, but there was no sound of any price increase.

Buyers are not fools. Buying such things has no effect on them. Some secrets have been spread in the circle. There are many other places of this kind of death stone.

A whole exposed vein!

Right now, it is nothing more than the best quality. They don’t need to bother to spend gold soul coins. Although that vein is already a place of death, no one dares to enter it, and you will die, but for them, the stone of death , After all, is not unique........

The surroundings are cold.

Looking at everything around him, Uranium immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

No one robbed him, he was bound to get this high-purity uranium ore.

Immediately afterwards, Uran raised his hand and pressed the bidding button that represented a thousand gold soul coins three times.

In the next moment, after seeing someone bidding, the host's voice rose slightly, "Five thousand three thousand, a yellow VIP bid for fifty thousand gold soul coins, is there any further increase?"

Someone is willing to buy this kind of lost hand goods!

The host was shocked. This stone had been in his hands for almost a year, and he couldn't sell it every time. He thought it would be rotten in the auction room, but he did not expect that there are VIP bidding now!

Enduring the excitement, the host shouted for the second time, "Is there any further increase?"

There was silence around, but many people had already cast their gazes into the yellow area, looking for the hapless person who bought the death stone.

It's pure curiosity, is it possible to have no elders to accompany you?

There are already few people in the yellow area, but Uran, Zhu Zhuqing, and Xiaoxue are as beautiful as a scenic line. A big beauty and a young girl sit next to Uran on the left and the right. clear.

"Fifty-three thousand gold soul coins. One time." The host started the last three singing prices after asking no one to bid.

At this time, the courage of the top auction house is reflected. The average small auction house will delay the last three singing times as much as possible, but this host is completely absent. Three times are called out in succession.

As if wanting to throw away this hot potato as soon as possible.

"Bang." The auction gavel hit the case, "The deal. This imprisoned soul guide box plus the mother iron of the earth's core belongs to VIP No. 166, thank you for your generosity." The host bowed slightly to Uranium. , Uranium also nodded gently to him.

Zhu Zhuqing narrowed his eyes and glanced at the signs on the surrounding seats.

The number one hundred and sixty-six is ​​clearly visible.

"Why do you buy this?" Zhu Zhuqing looked away, raised his head and looked in the direction of Uranium and Xiaoxue, suddenly startled by the hot eyes of these two people.

It was the first time that she saw this state of Uranium, her enthusiasm was high, her eyes gleaming, like a child looking forward to a new toy...

"So you will be excited too." Zhu Zhuqing smiled, her cold face blooming like an iceberg snow lotus, she had never seen cold uranium before, and it would be like this now.

Think about him in the past, either he only said one sentence, or he didn't say anything at all, and just guessed what the other person was thinking by relying on the meditation between the two.

Xiaoxue was the first to turn around and replied, "This thing is very important to me and Uranium, um~ it is important to fit well~" For a while, Xiaoxue didn't know how to describe what she was right now. This feeling, like words like squeezing toothpaste, suddenly made Zhu Zhuqing a bit big head.

But the next moment, her brows stretched.

The auction will continue. As a top-level special, there are indeed many good things.

Soon, another auction item was pushed up. This time it was just a small cart. There seemed to be a long strip on it. The covered red cloth outlined a clear trace.

On the stage, the host is making an introduction, "The auction item below is from a noble collection, and its name is Fluorite Video Soul Guiding Device."

The host walked to the cart with the sound-amplified soul guide in hand and smiled, "You may be a little unfamiliar with this soul guide, but I will introduce you to the functions of this soul guide in detail."

While talking, he lifted the mask and picked up the lot from the cart.

A long strip with pure black all over the body, except for a silver line on the corners, it is very ancient, as if it was a certain age.

At the stage, an old man in a red robe lit up, and whispered to the gentle young man on the side: "His Royal Highness, this is what I told you, a very rare good thing."

The man known as His Royal Highness nodded slightly, his eyes continued to be placed on the display stage, waiting for the host on the stage to explain.

"Image Soul Guidance Device? How do I feel that the technology tree of Douluo Continent is a bit crooked, where did the Soul Guidance Device come out? It has the spatial attributes of Twenty-Four Bridges and Mingyue Night, and it also has the universe of the vast sea. It's a top accessory with four soul abilities, I don't wonder one day a domain soul guide will come out..." Uran glanced at the host who was still introducing him, and couldn't help but complain.

Uranium thinks of the Sun and Moon Continent, and then he looked at the soul guide that appeared inexplicably in the Douluo Continent, as well as street lamps, mirrors, and glass. These strange combinations, both resemble ancient slave society, and seem to be industrialized. Taste, and even some super technology.

But for uranium, I have never seen any industrialized assembly line products in the city, and there are no processing plants. It is hard to imagine how such a large-scale mirror glass was made.

"The Douluo Continent is too strange..."

"Is there anything wrong with Douluo Continent?" Zhu Zhuqing looked back suspiciously. Zhu Zhuqing didn't understand the few sentences in front of Uranium. The science and technology tree, the twenty-four bridges and the moonlight night, were completely incomprehensible.

"Uh, no, nothing." Uranium shook his head slightly.

Soon, the introduction of this fluorite imaging soul guide device was finished. After Uran listened to it, it can be summarized as simply: input soul power to maintain it, and it will be activated. Everything that happens within 100 meters directly in front of it will be It is recorded, and when the maintained spirit power stops, it automatically stops recording.

And if you want to check the records in it, you must let the person who entered the soul power continue to release the soul power, and then it will unfold a light curtain directly in front of it, revealing everything recorded.

Sure enough, after these introductions, the auction began.

It is worth mentioning that this kind of soul guide is a very foolish, very low-level existence in Uran's eyes...

The reason is that a person can only record one image, that is, the first time he inputs soul power, he remembers this kind of soul power fluctuation, and the next person wants to record, so he can only let other people input soul power.

Otherwise, the same person can only watch the same thing repeatedly...

But no matter what, although this kind of soul guide is low-level, it is still a special one after all. It is transformed into an actual image in a way that consumes the user's soul power, and the single product value is very high.

During the conversation between Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing, the price of this fluorite image soul guiding device had reached 61,000 gold soul coins.

And it's still rising.

This kind of rare soul guide is naturally very popular among nobles and soul masters, and there are even some collection addictions and special hobbies, and they are also quite interested in it.

For example, if you have a hobby of voyeurism, you can use it to take pictures of scenes that require constant aftertaste, such as...Rong Zi under the crown of the Pope.

Or it may keep some unforgettable memories, especially the elderly, who love memories.

Suddenly, Uranium seemed to think of something, his eyes were placed on the soul guidance device, and he muttered in a low voice, "Maybe I can use this to record nuclear kicks. Greetings from Heping, what first point of view, Three perspectives, how to be shocked, when I am old in the future, let my offspring have a look, pretend to be coercive, and brag about how good I was. Isn’t that what it means?"

"Good stuff, I want it." Uran glanced at the Soul Guidance Device, which had already been successfully auctioned, and followed the VIP number 15 in the host population, focusing on the red seats in the first few rows.

It seems that the one who got this thing is a familiar figure.

"Uranium..." Xiaoxue suddenly called him in a low voice.

"Huh? What's the matter." Uran immediately turned her head back, showing confusion.

"The one you saw just now, I don't feel that he is real, it's very strange, it's like a fake." Xiaoxue, a one-hundred-thousand-year soul beast with so many talents, can easily perceive the incompetence of that figure. Unusual.

"Oh? That's the case, I know who it is." After taking another look, Uran suddenly chuckled, and straightforwardly confirmed his thoughts.

This kind of front row position must be either rich or expensive, and it is so young, the back is so familiar, even Xiao Xue said it, unlike the real him.

Isn't this just a direct statement?

But Uranium didn't directly explain it. After all, this is Heaven Dou, so it's hard to guarantee that there are secret agents inside.

After a while, the auction continued.

The host on the ceremony stage said to the bidders with a smile on his face with a megaphone: "Next, what we will auction is a rare treasure. Please pay attention to those who are interested. Especially the male VIPs."

Hearing this, Uran's face suddenly began to look ugly.

If you guessed right...

Sure enough, while speaking, the host gestured to the audience, and three strong men pushed up a cart. The cart is covered with red cloth, and the contents inside cannot be seen, but from the appearance, it looks like a big square box.

As the host of the auction house, mobilizing the atmosphere and the enthusiasm of the bidders is obviously a required course, and he has successfully attracted the attention of the bidders.

"Next, please take a closer look at the distinguished guests." While talking, he pulled the red cloth and violently tore it off.

After the red light flashed, what was revealed was not a box, but a huge iron cage.

In the iron cage, two young girls were curled up.

The bodies of the two young girls were exposed, and only the key parts were blocked by shells. Because they were curled up, some of them couldn't see her appearance, but their figures were almost perfect.

White and dazzling.

The white skin is like crystal jade, and the long blue hair is unique.

What is even more strange is that these two girls have long blue hair, constantly entangled, covering their bodies, looming.


Such a word suddenly appeared in the minds of the distinguished guests who were observing.

"These scumbags." Zhu Zhuqing watched as the two girls were like playthings and the host held a small stick to poke away the scattered hair. The eyes of UU Reading were cold, and the voice was biting like winter.

This auction house does not treat them as human beings, but goods.........

Xiaoxue couldn't help but sinking her face. Although she is a soul beast, she does not want to encounter a situation where people are sold as goods. She has a talent for communication, and naturally can feel the two girls in the iron cage. despair.

That kind of despair from the heart.

Seeing this, Xiaoxue couldn't help but turned his head directly, no longer looking at this seemingly charming scene of men.

Uran's eyes were sharp, and he immediately noticed. The palms of the two people were both tightly held...

As if suppressing anger.

A faint light flickered, and Uran's eyes revealed an icy breath. He watched the prices of these two girls go up all the way, until finally he was photographed by a masked old man in the red area.

"When there is light, there is darkness. The world is neither black nor white, but a delicate ash." Uran glanced at the auction that was going on, and he had no idea of ​​buying anything, and his mood was all bought by this human body. destroyed.

"So, with my strength, I will bring changes, and I will reshape this distorted world." Uran glanced at the angry Xiaoxue and Zhu Zhuqing, and said coldly.

Ancient is not ancient, modern is not modern, hotel glass slavery, carriage body armor, it is like a hodgepodge.

The family is very safe, and his radiating eyes belong to the mutant martial soul, and ordinary people can't see it at all. If you want to save the family's blood, you must at least go home.

If you can go back, you will continue to study blood defects, but if you can't go back, it's better...

Use his power to neutralize the world to play a big game.

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