Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 204: Wuhun strengthening!

Just when Dugu Bo thought he was going to die.

The dark world around was broken.

As if in the forest, beside Dugu Bo's consciousness, a silent wind began to ring.

The vision is clear again.

Consciousness returns to the body.

Dugu Bo suddenly woke up, his eyes flashed with horror, and he stared at his surroundings!


The old man and the weird one hundred thousand year old plant soul beast have disappeared!

The thoughts in Dugubo's heart turned, and he turned his head instantly, rushing in the direction of the eyes of the ice and fire!

If he guessed correctly...

A big blood-red flower swayed its leaves on the edge of the spring closest to the eyes of the ice and fire, as if dancing in the wind.

What was surprising was that Tang San was only ten steps away from this big flower, but he seemed to be blind, and he couldn't see its existence at all.

Dugu Bo stared blankly at Tang San and the existence of the plant soul beast, whose well water did not violate the river, the unnatural taste in his heart became heavier.

What a terrible existence....

At this moment, Tang San sat cross-legged and silently reviewed the secret record in the Xuantianbaolu in his mind, but suddenly Dugubo came back, coming back so fast, as if he was walking at the door. It's like a hit.

Seeing Dugu Bo's return, Tang San's unchecked expression changed, and he thought to himself.

"Could it be that the person who stole the fairy grass was caught?"

After all, under the eaves, and Dugu Bo came back so quickly, Tang San's original idea of ​​delay was cancelled immediately.

Behind Dugubo's hands, the blue light in his eyes was full of gloomy aura, he was staring at the swaying medicinal herb, the strong pressure made the air seem to be solidified.


Suddenly Tang San's brows tightened, and an extremely trembling icy sensation could not help rising from inside his body. If it weren't for the spirit power protection of the Eight Spider Lances behind him, he would be even more unbearable at this moment.

"You leave here first." Dugu Bo said coldly.

Tang San immediately stood up, without hesitation, walking towards the outside of the valley with a different color on his face.

Seeing Tang San had left, Dugubo's expression became more solemn, his eyes fixed on the herb and said, "What are you?"

A hundred thousand year spirit beast has the ability to communicate. He believes that he can fall into a illusion without knowing it. He doesn't even know if the herb in front of him is a real existence. He is a titled Douluo, the top of the Douluo continent. Existing, it would actually face such a situation.

If it were not for the 100,000-year soul beast, it would be impossible to confuse his title Douluo at all.

Nothing happened.

Dugu Bo even wondered if he was still in the illusion.

However, he felt the spirit power in his body carefully, it was indeed consumed a lot, and it didn't feel like it.

"Forget it...I can't help it."

Dugubo sighed slightly for the medicinal herb that was most likely a hundred thousand year soul beast.

The tyrannical green-haired old man rarely compromised.

He watched the herb happily absorbing the aura of heaven and earth in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and he was slightly lost for a while.

Seeing that it is so proficient, would it have existed here long ago, but it has never been hit by itself, so it used to ignore the past, just like before.

Since he didn't choose to fight, Dugu Bo began to think about it. He was surprised and suddenly thought of something.

The moment it touched that herb, it froze towards Binghuo Liangyi, as if going home...

"Tang San, continue your test."

After thinking about it for a long time, Dugu Bo decisively chose to withdraw and retreat in the face of hard and hard things, and seemingly unable to beat him.

Tang San who was waiting outside the mountain shouted, Dugu Bo jumped up and left the place immediately, leaving only Tang San with a blank expression still in the eyes of Ice and Fire.


"Huh, it's all right here."

With heavy panting, Uranium stopped.

The two of them emerged from the darkness, baptized under the moonlight, revealing their pale faces because of the rapid consumption of their soul power.

This is a temporary camp.

As the saying goes, Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, Uranium is no exception. In the forest, when he wandered around without problems, he prepared a temporary camp where he could simply rest.

"Uranium, let's rest here."

Zhu Zhuqing looked around, wiped the sweat on his forehead a little, and said softly.

"Well, Uranium, I seem to have improved the soul power of level six." Zhu Zhuqing hesitated for a moment, had no chance to say before, now he is finally free.

After feeling the fluctuating spirit power in his body, Zhu Zhuqing said with some worry: "It's just that, will our strength increase too quickly? Teacher Qin once told us that cultivation requires gradual progress, and the foundation is the most important. "

Uran shook his head and said: "Don't worry, there will be no problem. Immortal herbs are things that consolidate the foundation and cultivate the essence. Not only will they not shake the foundation, but will make the foundation deeper. With the practice in the future, I think you will I can feel it."

"Then your martial soul? Release it, let me take a look, I feel it should be more than soul power."

Uran raised his head and glanced at the moon sky, not in a hurry.

Even the daffodil jade muscle bone can increase the seventh-level spirit power, but now Zhu Zhuqing only has the sixth-level after eating Moonlight Wang Chunlan. Presumably, more medicinal power is above the complement of the martial soul and strengthening the martial soul.

After all, Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit ghost cat is not only among the seven monsters, but also in the entire continent, and is of medium quality. Although the spirit bone of the Desolate Bloodthorn Cat can make up for the strength of the spirit in the early stage, in the later stage, the defects of the poor quality of the spirit will be infinitely magnified.

As for Zhu Zhuqing, the effect of the fairy moonlight looking at Chunlan can not only increase her spirit power and complement her talent, but also with the effect of the fairy product plug-in, may strengthen her martial spirit as a beast martial spirit defect.

Uranium can also feel that if Moonlight Wangchunlan does not have the silver light cluster that has accumulated over time, it is at best a second-rate fairy grass, but with such a large aura energy, it will directly stand at the top of the first-rate fairy grass. .

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, Nether Cat Wuhun, possessed!

Standing in the moonlight, Zhu Zhuqing exploded with a fierce aura, the ghost of the ghost cat appeared beside her, looking up at the bright moon in the night sky, roaring.

However, Uranus discovered that Zhu Zhuqing’s ghost cat looks a bit different from before. The black hair layer has a light fluorescence, the pointed cat ears have become more slender, and the eyes with different colors have become uniform. The blue, like a gem, is as mysterious as the starry sky.

At this time, the ghost cat seemed to be covered with a light silver gauze.

Wuhun possessed.

Zhu Zhuqing's appearance changed instantly.

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