Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 189: Formally sneak in

Twilight fell.

In Camp No. 2, Uran and Zhu Zhuqing opened up a medium-sized site with traps arranged around them for temporary use.

The breeze blows, raising a touch of withered leaves and passing away.

The surrounding environment is different from the outside world where you can meet a soul beast by walking a few steps. This is the middle of the sunset forest, but it seems extremely deserted, and a soul beast can't be encountered.

The two sips for dinner, Zhu Zhuqing is preparing for soul power training, while Uranium is preparing for infiltration.

Going up the mountain is easy, but there are a few more troublesome points to deal with.

The Poison Array should have been made by Dugu Bo himself, so would his infiltration arouse the other's alert?

After entering the mountain, you must maintain the pupil of the elements throughout, making sure that you will not run into Dugu Bo while walking.

And finally, how to solve the aura of heaven and earth in the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire, although he can protect himself from making mistakes through the energy absorption aura, but in the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire, he is afraid to use spirit skills, otherwise It is very troublesome to be noticed.

In other words, his activity time depends on how long the spirit of heaven and earth erodes his body in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

After entering, he must be able to pull out and use the energy to absorb the aura to purify the energy in his body. Only in this way can he have enough time to keep trying.

He already had an idea, maybe he could rely on the pupil of the element to observe the energy flow to determine where the weakest point of the fairy grass was, and then experiment and take it off.


"The risk of direct touch may be too much for me..."

Uran thought of the fragments of Tang San picking the celestial grass, and his expression was rather serious.


The bonfire kept burning.

The sporadic orange-yellow flames continuously splashed from the fire, forming a rather strange contrast with the silent surroundings.

"Okay, I'm leaving."

After a while, Uran slowly stood upright, tightened his clothes tightly, and walked towards the faintly red hill in the distance.

"Be careful."

Suddenly, a voice from behind made Uran's actions stiff.

But the next moment, Uranium immediately waved back and said.

"Don't worry, I am."


Walking between the mountains, there are constantly slamming of broken leaves.

The boy's actions did not slow down, and he did not have the tension and hesitation when thinking about difficult problems in the camp.

"The first goal is to find the daffodil jade muscle bone, which Zhu Zhuqing had eaten. I remember Tang San gnawed three kinds of immortal grasses. With Zhu Zhuqing now in the state of soul bone, he might eat one more plant. I want Find out what can improve the quality of Wuhun."


Looking at a hill about 500 meters high in the forest in front of him, Uran's mentality became more calm. At this time, because it was night, he couldn't see much outside.

"Dugu Bo, where are you."

Forcibly resisting the uncomfortable feeling for the next, in the dark night, a pair of black and yellow pupils exudes bright light, like an evil ghost choosing people to eat, the gloss is shining, and the slight charm is constantly flowing.

Everything in front of you was unobstructed. The super vision brought by the three-gou jade combined with the pupil of the element that penetrated the object allowed Uranium to instantly capture the other side of the mountain, similar to a high-energy humanoid in a cave.

There is no doubt that it is Dugu Bo.

Only the energy fluctuations of Title Douluo had such a huge aura of deterrence.

Uranium has traveled a distance of several kilometers and observed it with the pupil of the element, and it closed immediately after just a glance. It didn’t stop, nor did it deliberately observe it. It swept away without killing its own consciousness, thoughts, or thoughts. Meaning, this kind of thing is substituted into it.

"Title Douluo is not rubbish. This is the top existence in Douluo Continent. Although Dugu Bo is the weakest Title Douluo, it is not something I can observe unscrupulously. Maybe he will directly sense my existence. Killed out."

After taking a look, Uranium directly closed the pupil of the element, his expression solemn.

Jumping from side to side under Jie Pho Douluo's eyelids, this kind of stimulation is too strong, right?

"The battle begins."

A slight moan came out in the gloomy forest. The next moment, the surrounding dense vegetation shook slightly, and there was no sound at all.

Above the hills.

Under a huge boulder, faintly crowded.

The blue-violet stench continued to spread, and there were horrible fluctuations of soul power around, underneath, and in the air.


A layer of purple gas emerged from the ground and slowly rose up in the air, but the next moment, it seemed to be uncontrollable, and directly submerged into the uranium body. In a flash, it dissipated completely.

If Dugu Bo saw this scene, his face would definitely change.

This layer of purple gas is the most basic existence of this poison array. Around this mountain, there are poison arrays under the Dugu Bobu. Anyone who enters is contaminated by highly poisonous. This poison is not very strong, but very insidious. , Its onset requires an hour’s time. After an hour, the poisoned person’s body will twitch and the meridians will shrink and die.

And right now, with the neutralization and absorption of this protein toxin, or gas toxin in the radiation field of the uranium body, it has become a harmless product without any danger.

He doesn't need to force the toxins out, instead, the toxins that have penetrated into his body will be continuously transformed, eventually spilled, and completely annihilated.

"It seems that I guessed right. As expected, Biphosphorus Poison has no effect on me. Whether it is a soul-sovereign-level goose or a Titled Douluo-level Dugubo, I might not dare to change it to something else. Come in, but toxin...hehe, how could it be useful to me."

Looking at the scene at hand, Uran's mouth raised a touch of mockery.

The field of radiation is a process in which the nucleus of a heavy atom splits into two or more lighter nuclei, and during the splitting two or three free neutrons release huge energy, and the energy contained therein, as well as the atom that breaks the protein The quality has made him enough to ignore any toxins.

However, whether the radiation field can withstand the erosion of the spirit power and spiritual aura of the fairy grass is still unknown.

"One stage, complete."

Walking into the hills, Uranium climbed up the mountain road like a flat With light hands, everything in the night is like daylight, so he tried his best not to trigger any rubble falling. And things like making a crisp sound that easily cause Dugu Bo to be alert.

In addition, his own actions are extremely fast. It seems that he is walking very slowly, but every step he takes is carefully calculated, and the distance of each step is extremely uniform. The whole person is ascending vertically in the process of climbing. .

Almost every distance he walked, Uranium had to open the pupil of the element, and only after slightly sweeping the place of Dugu Bo, he determined whether to continue forward.

He didn't mean to stare at Dugu Bo, because this might make him feel voyeuristic.

After a while, Uranium came to the top of the mountain like a ghost. When he arrived, Uranium couldn't help being taken aback by the terrain in front of him.

In front of him was an inverted cone-shaped mountain col. The top of the mountain where he was located was on the edge of the col. Thick heat rose from the col. The heat was very humid, and it also had a smell of sulfur.

"Ice and Fire, I found you..."

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