Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 167: Thousand-year soul beast, destroy the bloodspin cat!

The wind drifted quietly.


   The sound of birdsong, the roar of beasts, and everything around showed very natural traces.


   The leaves kept rubbing, sending out bursts of breath belonging to the forest.


   Even the smell of corpses on the side was blown away by this natural forest gust, and drifted away. The traces of an unequal battle were slowly being calmed by the forest.


  Uran naturally saw this, and perhaps he would still sigh in his spare time that this is natural, but at this moment, Uran is very clear, very clear.


   There is a big guy, just wandering around, his senses will not lie to him, he feels that there is an existence that is good at hiding, nearby.


The two walked quickly on the way back. Although it would be uncomfortable to withdraw to the camp, they have no choice now. The camp is currently very safe and has many traps. They are the natural enemies of all ground spirit beasts. They are not afraid of such a sneak attack from behind. of.


  Uran is afraid that Zhu Zhuqing was attacked.


"There is a soul beast that is good at hiding nearby. I will find a way to catch it. If the age is right, maybe your third soul ring has fallen." Uranium still thought for Zhu Zhuqing to analyze, and the two retreated quickly. But faintly, Uranium seemed to see a shadow passing through the woods nearby.


   was very fast and silent. It didn't startle any flying leaves or birds on the canopy, but unknowingly, the surrounding atmosphere became a bit solidified.


   An invisible pressure suddenly fell, and the surroundings seemed to be darkened. The sun was shining in the morning, but now it has become a lot dim.


   It seems that the leaves are blocking the light, not letting it in.


   Seeing this vision, Uran and Zhu Zhuqing could not help but speed up a lot again.


   He is not afraid of opponents, nor is he afraid of fighting, what he is afraid of is Zhu Zhuqing being hurt.


   And if she was there, he wouldn't be able to use his full strength. Radiation fields and nuclear kicks were all useless, which was equivalent to imprisoning his hands and feet to fight with fierce beasts, and it was very easy to cause big problems.


   Zhu Zhuqing is the same. She understands that she is a burden to uranium.


   Thinking of this, the girl's steps were even bigger, and the speed was so fast that the two of them were slightly out of touch, one after the other, more than one meter apart.




   Just approaching a distance of 100 meters from the camp, suddenly Zhu Zhuqing felt the surrounding light dimmed, the sky was clear and cloudless, and the sun was shining. But in the forest, it was dim.


"heads up!"


   A burst of shout came from behind, Zhu Zhuqing did not hesitate, the original posture of running forward instantly changed his posture, landing force on one foot, suddenly changed from forward rush to retreat, the agility and balance of the sensitive offensive system are vividly displayed.


   The next moment, Zhu Zhuqing saw it, and a gray dust-like aura whizzed past her, passing her.




   Gray energy remained unabated, after passing Zhu Zhuqing's original position, he sank directly into the trunk of the tree on the side.


   In the next moment, the tree to be surrounded by two people was covered with a faint ash from the root to the crown, and under the ash, Uranus clearly saw the vitality of this tree.






   Zhu Zhuqing retreated and fell directly into Uran's arms, but Uran didn't have any other charming thoughts at the moment, but stared at the black shadow slowly walking towards them, and the tension in his heart gradually rose.


   Wannian Soul Beast!


   Although the pressure from the guy in front of him was not as strong as the Radiant Titan Great Ape he had faced before, it was the first time he saw this kind of visionary as soon as he appeared.


  Uran loosened Zhu Zhuqing, hugged her behind her, and after speaking to her in a low voice, her eyes were firm and she took a step forward.


In the dim woods, a small light gray with white stripes on the sole of the foot fell, exposed to the vision of the two of them, raised his head, Uranium could see the green eyes that shone with green light not far away .


   Looking at the figure that seemed to blend in with the shadow, Uran’s brows could not help but start to think quickly.


   Get up, what kind of soul beast is this after all.


He knows that in the world of soul beasts, only ten thousand year soul beasts will definitely show the potential of possessing domain power. In other words, when soul beasts have cultivated for 100,000 years, they will automatically evolve their own domains. At this point, the top spirit beast even had an advantage over the titled Douluo soul master.


   But the soul beast in front of you, although not the real domain, has already had the embryonic form of the domain so early...


   "Is it a ghost cat?" Uranus slowly drew out a long knife nervously and moved closer to the opponent.


At this moment, Uranium and the cat-like soul beast on the opposite side were constantly confronting each other. The dim scene made Uranium, who has rich theoretical experience, immediately judged that the realm of the soul beast in front of him should be dark attribute, or related to it, such as shadow. For example, the speed we have seen before.


It seemed that Zhu Zhuqing had already withdrawn for a certain distance, and the four shining spirit rings suddenly hovered out of Uran's body. Suddenly, the second spirit ring shone brightly, and invisible fluctuations enveloped the surroundings. The third The spirit ring also began to move, dispelling the surrounding darkness and illuminating the way forward.


  Roar——A low roar sounded simultaneously with the appearance of the spirit ring.


  Uran immediately saw that in the shadow not far away, a small soul beast violently appeared from the darkness, staring in his direction with cold contempt.


   The bitter killing intent immediately made him numb his scalp, and an unknown feeling lingered in his heart. He even had a feeling that he might die today.


It was a black cat, all black, with faint silver lines flashing across the limbs and torso, looming, purple eyes full of bloodthirsty breath, the body was more than three meters long, and the muscles of the whole body were very smooth, like a sports car. The curve is generally strong and full of speed.


   Its limbs are light gray with white streaks and light short hair, but unlike the black fur, it is a gloomy fog-like gray. The most peculiar thing is that its body in the shadow is completely opposite to the other half exposed to the sun, as if there is no entity, full of dazzling illusory colors, and it even makes people think of whether it is the lower half of the body. Have disappeared.


   Seeing it, Uran immediately thought of a special soul beast that his father had told him in the family, and its number was even enough to compare with the dark demon evil **** tiger.


According to his father, the name of this soul beast is Desolate Bloodthorn Cat. The records show that it is a horrible soul beast that only acts in the dark night. It does not even need to be in the dark night. It is also applicable to the shadows. The inheritance of talent. The reason why it is so rare is not only because of its extremely small number, but also because of its bloodthirsty instinct.


Almost every time a Desolate Bloodthorn Cat appears, there will be a **** storm in the surrounding soul beast area. No soul beast is its opponent in the dark ~ even if it is a ten thousand year soul beast, face it The Desolate Bloodsthorn Cat, which has been in the dark for a hundred years, also has to be tortured by the opponent until dawn.


   Desolate Bloodthorn Cat's strength is not terrifying. Generally speaking, it is about the same level as that of the same level. The reason why it can surpass all spirit beasts when it appears is because of its inheritance talent, the world of shadows.


My father can’t say anything about it, but one thing is certain. My father has encountered this kind of opponent. In the shadows, the opponent is invincible. Any attack, no matter the pupil or the spirit ability, can’t attack the opponent. Cause any harm.


  Because, once the Desolate Bloodthorn Cat is in the shadow, in the dark night, it is a creature of another level. What is in front of the soul master is just a projection, but the opponent's attack still works on the soul master.


   This is the real invincibility, even the nuclear explosion kick is completely ineffective to this guy.


  Uran's heart, as the other party's killing intent bloomed, condensed and became cold.


   At this moment, he has only one thought.


   If you can't beat it, then run away!

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