Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 165: Look at yourself

"what do I do....."


In her mind, Zhu Zhuqing quickly thought about how to deal with everything at hand. She never thought that one day she would sleep in the same tent with Uranium. Although the two are in the same room in the Tiandou Royal Academy, it's anyway. It's also divided into rooms.


   Which is like this, close enough to hear the other person's breathing.


   Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help shrinking her body even more, trying to get a little further away.


   If Zhu Zhuqing could look at herself, she would realize that at this moment, her beautiful face was as red as a fire.


   Compared with Zhu Zhuqing, who is constantly running his mind in his mind, Uranium has a slightly natural look.


   Now, as time passed, his excitement diminished a lot, but he began to think about his next plan and what he should do tomorrow.


  Sunset Forest has many things to solve.


   Immortal grass, spirit ring, and even spirit bones.


   He wants it all, these things are all his...


When    was conceived, Uran's eyes flashed with a slight bloodthirsty cold light, which was completely different from the usual indifferent appearance, as if he had changed his personality.


  When he came to the forest, he seemed to loose some shackles.


   There was no dialogue between the two again, but the same slightly holding their breath, making their breathing quieter, so as not to make the current scene too embarrassing.


   After finishing the idea, Uran looked at the ball of Zhu Zhuqing for the last time before going to bed, then closed his eyes.


   Soon, a slight snoring sound began.


   There was no word for the whole night. When Uran woke up from his sleep the next morning and got out of the tent, Zhu Zhuqing was already sitting at the campfire last night, but at this time he had already changed a lot.


   Her clothes, hair style, all changed.


She was originally dressed in a black outfit, her tight leather armor and leather pants were replaced with a loose gray robe, her curvy figure was covered by the robe, her trousers were wide and her sleeves were loose, but her chest was quite big. Plump and bulging, completely different from what she should be at her age.


   At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing is cooking something, constantly looking at the pot on the fire, controlling the heat, wearing a gray flat hat on his head, and a few drops of sweat on his pretty face, which is smoked by the heat wave.


   She was actually making breakfast for them herself.


   "Zhu Zhuqing." Uranium walked out immediately.


   Zhu Zhuqing raised his head and glanced at Uranium, the expression on his face unchanged, and said lightly, "Remember the kind of breakfast porridge we ate at school."


Uran walked aside quickly, watching the tender meridians and the soft soul beast meat, white porridge, and other ingredients in the pot constantly turning with the stirring, "I remember you didn’t just concentrate on cultivating, how can you do this? ."


   At this moment, the orange-yellow sun shines down the sky, and the bright sun shines on the two of them, and the silver iron pan reflects some dazzling luster.


   There is still some fog in the morning. It can be seen that it should be around six o'clock. The sunset forest is a relatively cold place, but Zhu Zhuqing has already risen, and looking at the breakfast that is fast forming now, Uranium is actually quite complicated.


"All right."


   Suddenly Zhu Zhuqing raised his head, picked up a large bowl from the stone platform on the side, poured two tablespoons of meat from the pot that was constantly scented, and handed it to uranium. Then I took a small bowl from the stone platform and filled myself with a bowl.


   After receiving the breakfast from Zhu Zhuqing, Uran couldn't help moving his index finger, and the slight guilt in his heart was swept away. There was only this bowl of delicious food in front of him.


   The rich broth has obviously been simmered for a long time, the meat cut into small pieces has been simmered, and the translucent meridians, just smelling it, Uranium feels his stomach is gurgling.


   "I'll take a wash first." As he said, Uran took the water cup and walked away.


   After he woke up, his water glass had appeared on his bedside at some point.


After    came back, it was at this moment that Uranium was able to look at Zhu Zhuqing's current appearance. Now she is not like Zhu Zhuqing, who was wearing that hollow leather armor and had a fiery figure and cold temperament.


   And now she is more like a calm woman with more life breath.


   Smiles and smiles are different from usual.


"Fuck, I won't be lo*ic*n...she is only in her early twelve years old and she has never had a birthday...what am I thinking..." Looking at Zhu Zhuqing, Uranium couldn't help but stagnate. , Said slightly, his voice was very soft.


   Then Uran continued to shook his head, and laughed at himself: "The people in Douluo Continent are really cowhide. You can't see people through their age at all."


   Naturally he didn't know, Zhu Zhuqing had already made up his mind.


   She wants to become stronger, she still has two and a half years to prove that she is not weaker than Dai Mubai.


   Otherwise... She can only be taken back by Dai Mubai, because of the family, because of the house rules, and even more because she is not strong.


   So before the Soul Master Competition, before the life and death are determined, everything she did was her freedom.


   No one can control her.


   After half an hour, the two who had been packed up went on the road again.


   The camp was abandoned.


   The trap that only left one place was still far away, waiting for the unlucky soul beast to find his way.


Uran's expression was a little relaxed, and Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but tie up his sleeves and trousers after changing into loose robes, just like the tight leather armor before. This is already her instinct, no matter what the clothes are. , Only keep the cleanest and most concise side.


Uranus took the lead, tilted his head slightly, and said to Zhu Zhuqing behind: "Do you still remember the matter about the age of the soul beast? Zhilin Soul Douluo told us that if the soul beast has not deep resentment when it is killed, then absorb it. It will be relatively easy."


   "I know?" Zhu Zhuqing nodded and said.


"But there is another, that is, when the spirit beast is killed voluntarily ~ voluntarily makes itself a spirit master's spirit ring, there is almost a 100% chance that it will drop the spirit bone. And the spirit ring will be perfectly absorbed, It is not limited by the number of years. That is to say, even if we are only at level 30 now, if there is a ten thousand year soul beast willing to let us kill and absorb its soul ring, it will not suffer backlash." Ubian said, eyesore The radiant eye martial spirit in the middle appeared, and the three fan-shaped icons turned slightly.


   Shao Lun Yan has the effect of illusion control, allowing the subject to commit suicide by himself, and the other party can't even do any resistance, and only three hooks are enough to control the tail beast that can be called a nuclear weapon.


  Uran once imagined that if his eyes directly control the Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast, then Zhu Zhuqing's spirit ring could be used directly for Ten Thousand Years, and he would still ‘voluntarily’ to give his life under the control of the Shalanyan.


But this kind of idealistic ability control, it is difficult to guarantee that it is the soul beast's own inner thoughts, or the body controlled by the chakra. If the spirit ring generated by the soul beast truly thinks in his heart, can it be written Control your mind?


It’s just a pity that he hasn’t systematically studied illusion and pupil-related cultivation methods. Right now he can only use illusion to control ordinary people and soul masters, war soul masters, not to mention ten thousand years of soul beasts. Can't control it.


   After all, there is still a way to learn less, maybe all this can only get better after he returns to the family.



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