Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 160: The possibility of hand rubbing soul skills


The door closed.

Zhu Zhuqing stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, with his back facing Uran, who walked in with her, silent, but did not refuse.

The room is large, and the interior decoration is the same as his own. After all, it is a hotel, not a private residence.

The color matching is simple and comfortable. The light khaki fabric pattern sofa is matched with bright light and all kinds of accessories in pure colors. It has a feeling of dreaming back to modernity.

"what's the matter?"

Zhu Zhuqing asked coldly without looking back.

She was looking at the street outside, the pedestrians on the side of the road, the shops of various colors, and the cultivated plants.

"I want to ask you, Zhu Zhuqing, what spirit abilities do you want?"

Uran sat down on the sofa, stretched out, leaning on the cushions, facing the sunlight, narrowed his eyes, and said in a condensed voice.

The whole bright floor-to-ceiling window and the black and slender figure in the center came into his eyes.


Zhu Zhuqing turned around, frowned slightly, looked at his calm face, and asked with doubts on his face, unlike the big talk Uran.

"Spirit ability? Can you still choose spirit ability?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly understood what Uranium meant.

"High-level spirit beasts, some spirit beasts have their own characteristics. For example, cat-type spirit beasts are fast and penetrating. Tiger-type spirit beasts have balance, speed, and strength. High physique, ape-like spirit beasts are agile, and their strength is not weak." Uran rubbed his chin a few times with his left hand, thought for a while, and continued.

"There are also snakes' speed, poison, toughness, the natural affinity of plant spirit beasts, rooting, and certain poisonous, hard, special spirit beasts, such as spirit, sleep, too much. Originally you can only fit the age limit. You can find it in your soul beast, but now, you can find it in the soul beast whose soul skills are best for you." As he said, Uran's fingers tapped on the armrest of the sofa unconsciously.

Click, click again.

"Have you figured it out, do you want any spirit ability? I think the age of the spirit ring can be around ten thousand years. It can be compressed in this way. Although your first thousand-year spirit ring is only one thousand years on the surface, it should be specific. The soul power of about 5,000 to 7,000 years is enough to match the fourth soul ring of others." Uran's mind simulated his own combat power, limiting the age to about 10,000 years.

No matter how high he is, he may not be able to beat it.

After all, radiation infecting spirit beasts can't be produced in an instant, otherwise, if he kicks it with a nuclear explosion, everyone will die.

But if you want to cut the upper limit of the spirit beast's blood bar a little bit, it will take a long time, and he will face a normal non-radiation spirit beast, the actual combat power will be greatly reduced, can deal with 10,000 years, it is already The result of overestimating one's own combat power.

It is conservatively estimated that it may take at least a week or so to enter the safe range of absorption, or even longer.

After hearing these words, the girl's complexion changed slightly, her hands pinched the corners of her clothes unconsciously, almost unable to maintain her original calm posture.

A thousand-year spirit ability is actually about five thousand to seven thousand years?

"However, it takes a while for this kind of thing to find a suitable soul beast to ensure that it will not be killed by other soul beasts due to weakness. There are many things that will take time. It is best to wait until you reach level 30. , You already have a perfect ability to absorb safely.” The idea in his mind gradually improved, and Uran followed his own thoughts and said it.

He didn't worry that others would not be able to absorb the spirit ring produced by the radiating spirit beast. After all, if he absorbed all these energy particles without leaving a trace, then there would only be a pure spirit beast.

The only difference is that after he absorbs the radiation energy, Zhu Zhuqing must immediately make up the knife, otherwise the radiation monster will survive for up to one minute after losing the energy in the body, and then it will die suddenly.

Although radiation means that all the atoms and DNA inside the monster’s body are smashed, the energy still remains in its body. As long as a little bit of it can be used, it can survive. This is the reason why the radiation monster is on the spot. Those who died accounted for the majority, and those who survived were all powerful and disgusting creatures.

They can't bear the damage from the innermost cells, but this place is the Douluo Continent after all. With spirit power to protect it, it's not like the earth, and the survival rate is moving.

Zhu Zhuqing did not hear the meaning behind Uranium, but was keenly aware of the words Uranium just said. When she reaches level 30, can she directly absorb it?

"I'm very close to the twenty-ninth level, and I can already feel the bottleneck." Zhu Zhuqing felt the soul beast in his body and judged accurately.

Uran nodded. Since it is twenty-nine, then naturally, level thirty is also fast.

"Let’s talk to Teacher Qin Ming. Let’s go to the Sunset Forest in advance, find the goal in advance, and then when you reach level 30, you will immediately obtain the spirit ring. And I will do something in the Sunset Forest, too. It takes time to find the location." Uran thought about the location of Dugu Bo's medicine garden in the sunset forest, but unfortunately, there was no useful news.

In my memory, Dugu Bo should be located on a hill about 500 meters high. On the side is an inverted cone-shaped mountain col. The top of the mountain is on the edge of this col. It is thick and hot.

An environment similar to a volcano.

Although the forest is huge, it shouldn't be difficult to spot such conspicuous terrain as long as you take the time to photograph it.

"But, the Great Fighting Arena..." Zhu Zhuqing did not immediately make up his mind. She still cares a little about the training of the Great Fighting Arena.

She is reluctant to let go of every place where she can increase her strength, let alone this kind of rare actual combat.

"Actually, Huang Dou’s team run-in has already been completed. The national challenge this time is more about enhancing their self-confidence and propaganda. Teacher Qin said that it’s a long way from the next Pan-Continent Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Competition It's only about two and a half years. After this national, the next step is to retreat collectively to practice soul power, and you and me, the rhythm has been staggered." Uran recalled what Qin Ming said to him. , Facing Zhu Zhuqing at this moment, all told.

"So in fact, we are not running in, the problem is not too big, they are forced to stay this year, otherwise according to their soul power, they should have graduated long ago, and we are the next."

After Uran finished speaking, his fingers stopped unconsciously tapping, and slowly retracted, leaning his arm on the soft armrest of the sofa, raising his head, and falling into silence.

Zhu Zhuqing also had the same look. He didn't expect to be separated from everyone after only a few months of being together.

"Then, when?" Zhu Zhuqing looked at the figure on the sofa and asked.

"When Teacher Qin comes back, bid farewell and leave, I feel that time is running out."

After a while, Uran slowly exhaled and said in a deep voice.

There is still two and a half years from the Soul Master Competition.

There is not enough time.

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