Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 158: Reunion and choice

The Huangdou team was rectifying, supporting each other, and everyone's expressions were a little abnormal, especially Yu Tianheng and the two Xuanwu Tortoise Spirit Masters, their expressions seemed to drip with water.

They are three to four years older than the opponent, and the final situation still needs to be solved by uranium.

Although Uranium had occupied a spot before, if there was another agile attack type spirit master, the ending would be completely different.

Dai Mubai did not have the high pressure that Uranium deliberately indulged, and there would be no signs of this kind of change in front of him. There were not many combat members in the Royal Fighting team. Uranium accounted for one. Ye Lingling needed injury to play a role, and it was still close , Which meant that at least the combatants had to be removed to get treatment, and naturally Ye Lingling had to be removed.

Dugu Goose has been restrained by Tang San, and even Tang San has a lot of extra energy to help Ma Hongjun involve graphite.

Zhu Zhuqing was held by Xiao Wu.

Diana deals with the stone mill.

Yu Tianheng played against Dai Mubai.

At this time, if there is another agile attack type spirit master, such as Yufeng, such as Oslo, as long as they take the place of Uran’s water just now, no one is involved in the agile attack type soul master, which can naturally reverse the outcome of the battle. .

But unfortunately, they lost because of insufficient manpower.

After all, Ning Rongrong's blessing alone was enough to offset the gap caused by the spirit power level in a short period of time. Naturally, the Huang Dou team lost.

Yu Tianheng stared at the Seven Shrek Monsters and placed them on the captain named Dai Mubai, but found with a little astonishment that the opponent who had just defeated him was quite silent at this moment, and no words were heard.

"You are very strong. Although we won, it is no different from losing." Yu Tianheng said.

Hearing Yu Tianheng speaking in his direction, Dai Mubai suddenly raised his head, his eyes burning.

Dai Mubai said frankly, "No, if you win, you win, there is nothing to say."

Yu Tianheng's strength won the respect of Dai Mubai, and it was the first time he encountered such a tyrannical opponent of the same level, apart from monster-like uranium.

Dai Mubai knew very well that the opponent's Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Martial Spirit was no weaker than his own White Tiger Martial Spirit.

As the members of the two parties gradually gathered, applause was heard at this moment, which was transmitted from all VIP rooms through special amplification equipment.

The strength of Uranium, a member of Emperor Dou, and the heads-up between the Captains of the Shrek Seven Monsters, won the hearts of all the VIPs and spectators present. This applause was just right to bring this powerful collision of team fighting spirit to a perfect end. .

Teacher Qin Ming stood at the entrance passage and looked at the people in Huang Dou who had won the victory but were not very happy. He didn't have any unpleasant expressions on his face, instead he had a faint smile.

"It seems that Tianheng and Yanzi also understand the existence of uranium a bit, and how much pressure it has brought them."

In his opinion, this may be a very good result. It is precisely because everything has a uranium pocket, so they can fight desperately. Captain Yu Tianheng directly chooses to enter the solo advance, which is a very obvious signal.

But this is also their burden.

After Huang Dou and Shrek talked for a while, Dai Mubai looked at Zhu Zhuqing who was hiding in the darkness in the corner of the Huang Dou team. His lips trembled slightly and his throat was a little tight. He didn't know what to say.

Immediately afterwards, Dai Mubai seemed determined, moved slightly, walked around in the direction of Zhu Zhuqing.

He wants to say something.

Naturally, Uranus saw this, and almost didn't hesitate, and walked in Zhu Zhuqing's direction, but the next moment, a young man in black costume stood in front of him.

It's Tang San.

The two looked at each other, Uranus saw the complexity, doubt, hesitation, and expectation in Tang San's eyes, like a fan-shaped picture.

"Uran, I have something to ask you." Seeing the silver-haired youth in front of him silently, Tang San couldn't help but speak.

He wanted to understand too much, whether Uranium was a Tang Sect student like him.


Uran nodded slightly, and just about to step out, suddenly a line of sight fell on him.

In the same way, Uran quickly turned his head and saw in the corner, with a vaguely cold expression and a pale face.

The two looked at each other at this moment, and Uran looked at the complex expression on the girl's face that could not be described in words.

At this moment, Uranium was a little unpredictable what Zhu Zhuqing was thinking.

Tang San's voice came at the right time.


The silver-haired boy hurriedly turned his head, looking at Tang San's appearance at the moment, he couldn't help being a little embarrassed, but on the surface he didn't say anything, but chose to walk with Tang San towards the entrance of the Fighting Soul Platform.

Until the figure completely disappeared from Zhu Zhuqing's eyes, there was no trace.

Dai Mubai's voice came at the right time.

"Zhu Zhuqing, are you willing to come back to me?"

The voice echoed in the silent corner.

The shadow obscured the girl's expression, and only the dimly gleaming eyes were dimming.

Zhu Zhuqing did not answer, but was silent, without a voice.

Dai Mubai's expression became a little excited, and continued, "You can see, except Uranium, I can defeat everyone. I, I even think I can defeat my eldest brother now. Come back, let us together, I will defeat me. Your brother, and your sister, we can all survive."

In the dark corner, only Dai Mubai's voice wandered.

The two stood opposite each other quietly, Zhu Zhuqing leaned against the corner, hands hanging down naturally, without answering Dai Mubai's words.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's appearance, Dai Mubai couldn't help being silent.

After a while, Dai Mubai sighed and said in a low voice, "I am too excited. Now that the victory is undecided, I won't speak big words. There are still two and a half years before the Soul Master Competition. I hope that at that time, I will defeat my elder brother. , You can stand by my side."

After speaking, Dai Mubai turned and left, walking in the direction of Shrek and his party.

Immediately after Wing Dou, the Shrek team began to leave the field in an orderly manner, leaving only the last person to stay in place.

Zhu Zhuqing.

In the corner, an inaudible sigh came, floating gently on the silent soul fighting platform.


The dialogue between Tang San and Uranium continued.

But the result of the dialogue left Tang San speechless for a while, falling into deathly silence.

In order to increase credibility, Uran also opened his martial soul radiating eyes, indicating that he had seen it unintentionally. The body naturally remembered the pace of mixing with the spirit power of the body, carrying out strange movements, and learning from others. The practice is not his original intention.

In fact, one thing uranium did not say is.

He is already very fast himself, so why should he learn from other people's slow things and ruin his foundation?


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