Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 38: External Soul Bone Eagle Eye and Second Soul Skill

Chapter 38 Externally Attached Soul Bone—Eagle Eye and Second Soul Skill

Seeing that he agreed decisively, Guang Ling relaxed a lot and observed his eyes carefully.

Han Li's right eye has changed at this time. Compared with the normal dark brown pupil of his left eye, the pupil of his right eye has turned bright amber, and the bright color seems to be slightly bulging out of the eye socket. The meaning makes the eyes look very sharp, but if you look closely, there seems to be no difference, just a different color.

Seeing Guang Ling staring at his eyes, Han Li took the initiative to explain: "The external soul bone-Eagle Eyes, gives me vision that is not inferior to that of eagles, greatly strengthens my dynamic vision, and at the same time has a certain Insight and tracking functions are what basic eagle soul beasts can do, and I should be able to do it too.”

"The soul skill it comes with is named vulnerable by me. After it is activated, a mark that cannot be removed can be released through the eyes. After the marked enemy suffers my next attack, the mark will be detonated. Cause extra damage to him, the extra damage is about 30% of the attack itself."

"What is the scope and duration of this mark?"

As an archer, Guang Ling was keenly aware of the power of this skill and asked eagerly.

"As long as it is not blocked, the marking range is wherever you look. In terms of duration, the mark will be removed after half an hour, but currently it can only be marked three times a day." Han Li chuckled.


Guang Ling took a breath. This was simply the skill he had dreamed of. Not to mention that it could grow, even if it only strengthened 130% of the attack three times, it was still incredible.

You know, it only limits the next attack, but it doesn't say that you can't use other soul skills to attack. If you go in and out like this, it can cause more than a little damage.

Seeing Han Li's playful smile, he felt a little sour again. Fortunately, this was his apprentice, so he could barely control his emotions.

"What about the soul skill? Did it inherit the armor-breaking attribute or the sharp attribute of the Golden Scaled Eagle?" Guang Ling asked patiently.

"Both of them are. The armor-breaking ability of the Ice and Fire Bow and Arrow is enhanced by 50%. The Ice and Fire Blade inherits the sharpness, and the enhancement is also 50%. It's just a pity that it is constant and cannot be transformed into the same as the first soul skill. Growth skills." Han Li said greedily.

"Don't go too far, kid. This kind of passive amplification skill can be considered very strong if it can reach 50%. In other words, you are absorbing a golden-scaled eagle that is more than three thousand years old. Otherwise, 30% is already overwhelming." Guang Ling did not. Angrily, she flicked him on the forehead.

Han Li also knew very well that this harvest was already quite good. Although the intensity of the increase did not reach the 100% increase like Dai Mubai's third soul skill, for the weapon soul, this permanent increase was more than The time-effective increase of the beast spirit is actually stronger.

"By the way, Master, the biggest good news is actually this, please keep an eye on it."

Han Li touched his still red forehead and stretched out his hands. Without summoning the martial spirit, an ice cone and a fireball emerged from his hands at the same time. Under his control, they smashed towards the open space in front of him. .

The ice cone and fireball only made a small crater on the ground before disappearing. Of course, this was a demonstration, and the power was more than that. Han Li just shaped it casually and couldn't call it a skill at all.

Guang Ling was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, and slapped Han Li on the shoulder with his right hand, making him feel pain: "Okay, okay, it seems that your idea can be realized, I only have the talent of a peerless Douluo ”

Guang Ling's excitement was palpable. Although he had confirmed Han Li's development route before and asked him to try it using the first soul ring, the first soul ring also mutated unexpectedly and became very suitable for Han Li's idea. But he was still a little worried. After all, Han Li had a big heart and wanted too much.

But now the fact is before his eyes. After obtaining the second soul ring, his disciple can break away from the martial soul and initially use the power of the elements. He has nothing to worry about. As long as Han Li does not fall in the future, he will definitely be on the road to cultivation. It will be a smooth road.

And he, Guang Ling, would never let accidents happen.

"By the way, what level is you at now after absorbing the soul ring?" Guang Ling asked curiously.

"Level 23 is still some distance from level 24. Part of the energy has been used to evolve the tentacles. Now the tentacles are nearly 1,500 years old. The effect of the enhanced elemental affinity and the first soul ring has reached 50%. My mental power and perception range have also been greatly enhanced, and the increase in mental power when released outside has also been increased to 1.8 times. "

Han Li couldn't stop the smile on his face. This wave of absorption of the second soul ring almost doubled his strength. Even though he had expected it, he couldn't control his emotional ups and downs.

"Furthermore, I can feel that with just a little practice, I can easily control the energy of shooting arrows. Of course, I still don't seem to be suitable for sparring. After the tentacles are strengthened, the strength of the first soul ring also increases. It has been improved, and the concentration of elements in the soul power has also been further increased. It is more difficult to make arrows with pure soul power. Even if the power is reduced, I can't guarantee that they will not explode after the arrows enter the body. "

Han Li summoned the ice and fire bow again and tried it, but it failed to fire, and then the arrows dispersed.

"Don't worry, this is not what you should consider now. Just practice hard. The sparring is just to ensure combat strength, and it is not necessary."

Guang Ling first comforted him, and then said solemnly: "I know that now that your ability has improved, you will definitely continue to try to develop and master the power of elements, but you must ensure the daily practice time, and you must not use up the practice time to try, understand?"

"Don't worry, teacher, I understand, I won't waste the best practice time." Han Li promised seriously, and then smiled again: "Besides, you underestimate me too much. I don't need to spend a lot of time to develop skills. I can do basic shaping and compression now, forming instant combat power. You will know when I go back for actual combat training. As for the in-depth mastery of elemental characteristics, there is no rush to wait, after all, I am a great soul master."

"Well, it's good that you understand."

Guang Ling looked at him with satisfaction. This is the good thing about his apprentice. While listening to advice, he also knows what he should do in what time period. He is quite rational, much better than those naughty children, which makes him quite worry-free.

Seeing that everything was settled, Guang Ling glanced at the sky, and turned his head to look at Han Li, whose height had jumped to more than 1.6 meters due to the absorption of the soul ring. His clothes were already tightly attached to his body, which looked quite awkward.

"Okay, let's go out, and rest in the town tonight. By the way, did you bring replacement clothes?" Guang Ling smiled and pointed at his clothes.

"Yes, I brought them. Sister Xiu'er prepared them for me a long time ago."

Han Li took back the special effects of Hawkeye and answered while following Guang Ling out.

"That's good. By the way, do you want to go back directly next, or do you want to go somewhere?" Guang Ling asked casually in a good mood.

"Let's go back to Notting City first and see Uncle Xiao. I haven't seen him for more than a year." Han Li thought for a while and said.

"Okay, have you prepared a gift when you leave?"

"Of course, I've prepared it a long time ago."

Han Li smiled and raised the wristband on his left hand, indicating that the things were already inside.

"Hey, you kid."

The master and the apprentice chatted and laughed as they rushed from the periphery to the direction of the town.

Thanks to Momtv31 for the reward again. I don't know what to say. I will remember it in my heart. Big brother, wait for me to put it on the shelves!

Also thanks to Nan Bingxue and Qing Mo Ranqing for their monthly ticket support. Thank you very much!

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