Douluo’s Heavens Lottery System

Chapter 98: The snake woman retreated, Oscar's third spirit ring! (34)

"Fudo Ming Wang Zao Wou-ki?"

Hearing Zao Wou-ki's self-introduction, Chao Tianxiang couldn't help sinking in her heart. This is a cruel character!

"Senior? Not counted, not counted."

Chao Tianxiang shook his head.

"The old man and I came to Star Dou Great Forest this time to find a suitable third spirit ring for our granddaughter. This thousand-year-old cockscomb snake is extremely important to my granddaughter.

She has just reached level 30 and is in need of a suitable spirit ring. We discovered this Phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake before and traumatized it. It was only accidentally that it ran away. I wonder if you can ask both of you. Conveniently, returning this soul beast to us will surely remember this human affection, and it will be rewarded in the future. "

Looking at Flander and Zao Wou-ki, Chao Tianxiang clasped his fists.

"This still doesn't work. We also have children here who need this spirit ring. This Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb is also very important to us, but we can't want it."

Flander smiled.

Seeing that Flanders and Zao Wou-ki still refused to want to give up, Chao Tianxiang's heart suddenly sank. Faced with the two soul saints, if there was a conflict, although she might escape, but the granddaughter would definitely die.

"Since the two don't want to give up, the old man won't force it. Still, let's go!"

Fearing that Zao Wou-ki and Flanders would hurt the killer, seeing that things could not be done, Chao Tianxiang immediately chose to give up, pulling her granddaughter directly, and disappearing into the forest two or three times.

In the face of two soul saint-level powerhouses, if her old man is still there, she will definitely not back down, but she is the only one with her granddaughter by her side, whether it is for her own safety or for her granddaughter Meng Wei She can only choose to retreat.

"Count her running fast!"

Seeing Chao Tianxiang leaving, Zao Wou-ki couldn't help but sneered.

If Chaotianxiang was not ready to give up, then he could only directly kill Chaotianxiang with Flanders. The world of the soul master didn't talk about courtesy and courtesy. The nature of the world is the weak and strong.

If Duke Long is here, he believes that the other party will definitely not regress, but Duke Long is not here, then Chao Tianxiang is not interested, then he can only act first, and without the snake woman, even if Duke Long is here, there is nothing left. He and Flander, but since the snake woman is acquainted, he doesn't want to be entangled.

After all, the Dragon Snake was famous very early, and the Snake Po Chaotianxiang was still the next, but Long Gong Meng Shu, when Zao Wou-ki heard of it, was already at the level of Soul Sage, even if he has reached the realm of Contra. I would never be surprised, if I really had a feud with Duke Long, it would be a very troublesome thing.

"Well, Oscar, quickly solve this Phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake and absorb the spirit ring, lest nights grow too much."

Observing that Chao Tianxiang had really left through the eyes of the sky, Flander said to Oscar.

"it is good."

Oscar nodded, and then quickly pierced the dagger in his hand from the eyes of the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb.

Although Bai Ge’s ultimate draw drained his strength, when he was about to die, the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb still struggled painfully on the ground with his remaining strength, and Xiao Wu trembled as he watched. Seconds later, the cockscomb snake still completely lost its life.

With the death of the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb snake, the faint purple light spots continuously radiated from the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb snake’s body, and finally formed a purple spirit ring outline above the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb snake’s body. The complete formation of the ring, led by Oscar's spirit power, the spirit ring was immediately attracted by Oscar, and finally set on Oscar's sausage spirit.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Oscar began to absorb the power of the Phoenix-tailed cockscomb spirit ring. From noon to the evening, Oscar finally absorbed the Phoenix-tailed cockscomb spirit ring.

As the absorption of the spirit ring was completed, a light pink light flashed in Oscar's eyes, and then Oscar suddenly stood up from the ground, two yellow and one purple spirit rings rose from Oscar's feet as Oscar stood. Began to move on Oscar's body.

"Congratulations, Xiao Ao, the fourteen-year-old Food Element Soul Venerable, this is the first time I have heard of it."

Seeing Oscar finished absorbing the spirit ring, Flander smiled and walked over.

"Fourteen-year-old Food Element Soul Sovereign, haha, you deserve to be from our Shrek Academy!"

Zao Wou-ki also snapped a few Oscars, and laughed.

"Oscar, what is your third spirit ability?"

Although the master was smiling, he still asked key questions.

"Um, master, can you go back and talk about it?"

Hearing what the master said, Oscar scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Is it because of the soul curse? Oscar, you don't have to be shy. The soul curse is just a representation. As long as the food you make is strong enough, no one will laugh at you because of the soul curse."

The master comforted.

"Okay, then I will start, you must not laugh at me because of my soul curse!"

Hearing the words of the master, Oscar felt relieved, and then began to chant quickly: "I have a mushroom sausage!"

Hearing Oscar's spell, everyone couldn't help but burst into laughter. Even the master, there were a few smiles on his face, but Bai Ge didn't pay attention because he was still thinking about the golden mission in his heart.

"What effect does your third spirit ability have?"

Looking at the strange mushroom-like sausage appearing in Oscar's hands, the master asked.

"Is it the effect? ​​Hey, don't be surprised. You must not think of the effect of my mushroom sausage, that is: flying!"

Oscar is proud and authentic.

"My mushroom intestines can make people fly for a minute after being eaten!"

After speaking, Oscar stretched out another finger sadly.

When Oscar said that his mushroom sausage can make people fly, everyone was shocked, including Bai Ge.

Although Bai Ge can fly by taking the Qixi Blue Bird, it is not his own free flight after all, so after hearing that Oscar's mushroom sausage can make people fly, Bai Ge was immediately shocked.

But when they heard that mushroom intestines can only make people fly for one minute, everyone is still shocked, but their complexions are a lot better. After all, they can only fly for one minute, and the restrictions are starting to be too big.

"Well, I haven't finished talking yet. My spirit ability can make people fly at the speed of a Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb for one minute. It's still very powerful, right?"

Seeing everyone's faces quickly turned disappointed, Oscar quickly explained.

"Oscar, are you sure you can fly at the speed of a chicken crest for a minute?"

Hearing Oscar's explanation, Flander, who was frowning, couldn't help his eyes light up.

If Oscar's third spirit ability could only fly for one minute normally, it would be better to increase the speed for ten minutes, but if it could fly at the speed of the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb, it would be very powerful.

The speed of the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake ranks in the forefront of all spirit beasts, and one minute is enough to cross a distance of hundreds of meters. This is very suitable for spirit masters, whether on the road or fighting.

"Yes, it's flying at the speed of a chicken crest for one minute. I can't feel wrong about this."

Oscar is very confident.

"It should be correct. Oscar's spirit ring comes from the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb. It is not surprising that it can fly at the speed of the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb."

Aside, the master also nodded.

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