Douluo’s Heavens Lottery System

Chapter 333: The finals began, rivals: Star Royal Team (22)

Because it was the morning when I came to Wuhun City, after having lunch at the hotel, everyone visited Wuhun City and returned to the hotel again towards the evening.

And when everyone returned to the hotel, the master finally appeared again.

"Teacher, you are back."

Seeing that the master came back, Bai Ge greeted the master, and Tang San did the same behind him.

"I'm back. I didn't expect so much to happen after I left, but fortunately you are fine, otherwise I really can't forgive myself."

Looking at Bai Ge and Tang San, a touch of complexity flashed in the master's eyes.

"You should all know about the Spirit Hall. The performance of the Spirit Hall is not as good as it seems on the surface. The same is true for this Spirit City, although it is unlikely that the Spirit Hall will do something to you in the Spirit City. , But you should still be more careful.

Especially you, Bai Ge, you are the main target of the Spirit Hall. If you go out alone, you must bring Senior Mengshu. The rest of you must be careful not to leave the hotel or be alone. Although the target of the Spirit Hall is Bai Song, but if you can, maybe you and them will not let it go. "

The master exhorted.

"we know."


Less than a day after the Heaven Dou Empire team arrived, the Star Luo Empire team also arrived, but they were arranged by the Spirit Hall to rest in a hotel on the other side of the Spirit City.

Three days later is the day when the finals officially begin. Everyone is working hard and hoping to improve their strength as much as possible before the finals.

The night before the start of the game, the master re-told everyone the rules of the final. Although they had already said it during the qualifiers, it was only a rough guide this time. This time, the master told the audience in more detail. From the rules of byes to the interval and rest time of each round of the game, the master has spoken out, the purpose is to let everyone have a reasonable arrangement of the game time.

The next day, the contest officially started.

Before the start of the competition, the Wuhun Hall had already begun to make preparations. A huge competition arena was built on a square in the center of Wuhun City. Reinforced to avoid damage.

And less than a kilometer in front of the competition platform is the Papal Palace. According to Wuhundian’s notice, the game schedule will be made. The top three of the finals will be played in front of the Papal Palace. At that time, The Pope will appear in person and crown the final champion, which makes many soul masters extremely excited.

But for everyone in Shrek Academy who already knew the true face of the Wuhun Temple, everyone secretly curled their lips and felt quite disdainful.

Because before the start of the competition, a lottery and other related matters have to be carried out, so early in the morning, Wuhundian sent people to bring all relevant personnel from the participating colleges to the competition venue.

Like the promotion game, each academy in the finals also has its own rest area, and not far from the competition venue, there is a more luxurious VIP seat, which is for the high-level representatives of the two empires and some military personnel. It is used by senior staff of the Soul Palace to watch the game.

Under the guidance of the guides sent by Wuhun Temple, Shrek Academy came to its own rest area, but Flanders was taken to the first round of drawing lots.

In the rest area, Bai Ge was very calm, but everyone else, including Ma Hongjun, was practicing nervously.

After the previous events, everyone's impression of the Spirit Hall has fallen to a freezing point, but facing such a behemoth, even if there is dissatisfaction in the heart, it can't be expressed, so it can only be through cultivation.

As long as he can win the championship in this competition and take away the soul bone that the Soul Hall is bound to win, this can be regarded as the greatest revenge against the Soul Hall.

After almost five minutes, Flender returned to the rest area of ​​Shrek Academy with a weird expression.

"What's wrong, teacher, who is our opponent?"

Seeing Flander coming back, Ma Hongjun asked eagerly.

"You are lucky. The opponent you met was the Barak Royal Academy of the Barak Kingdom of our Heaven Dou Empire. I played against you in the promotion match. After knowing that the opponent was Shrek Academy, they directly gave in, so you first round. The game advances directly."

Flander smiled honestly.

"In addition to our qualification to advance to the top of the tournament, you will also have a bye in the second round, so this is equivalent to directly entering the top ten."

"Damn, is that so cool?"

Oscar is a little unbelievable.

He originally thought that the Wuhun Temple would be a stumbling block for them, such as arranging a strong opponent for them at the beginning, but he didn't expect it.

"Although you are lucky, you must not take it lightly. The bye of these two rounds allows you to hide your strength, but you better come to watch the game every time to get to know your opponents and understand their strengths. "

Seeing everyone's excitement, the master couldn't help standing up and exhorting.

As for the opponent in the master's mouth, everyone knew in their hearts that it was referring to the Wuhun Palace team.

Because of the master's order, in the next few days, although bye, everyone still insisted on watching every round of the game, the focus was on the Wuhun Palace game.

In the first two rounds of the game, the opponents that Wuhundian encountered were extremely weak teams. The Wuhundian team did not even send out a soul king, and only relying on ordinary players to solve the opponents neatly. After all, the strength of the ordinary players in the Spirit Hall is at least level 40 or higher, and the strength of the captain of the rest of the team is usually above level 40.

In this way, the first two rounds of the competition soon ended. On the fifth day of the competition, the top ten list of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition was released.

After two rounds of elimination, the weaker teams have basically been eliminated, and the teams that can survive to the third round have more or less strength.

In the third round, it was the turn of the second-placed teams of the two empires to advance to the tournament. It was an academy of the Kamikaze Academy and the Star Luo Empire, and Shrek Academy would also usher in the true first battle.

But it may be luck. In the third round, Shrek Academy encountered another team that was not too strong. It was the Botanical Academy encountered in the promotion competition. Compared to the Barak Royal Academy, the Botanical Academy is more powerful. Strong, so even though it was facing Shrek Academy, the Botany Academy did not admit defeat.

However, admitting defeat is a question of attitude. It may be a question of strength. Facing the Botany Academy, Shrek Academy still dispatched the qualifier lineup, but specially sent Ma Hongjun in a targeted manner, and then the Botany Academy was defeated.

In the fourth round of the competition, as the top six, the academies that can be promoted to the top six are basically the academies of the five-element academy, and there are no weak or weak.

In this round of competition, the Wuhundian team encountered the Kamikaze Academy, and Shrek Academy finally encountered its rival-Xingluo Royal Academy!

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