Douluo’s Heavens Lottery System

Chapter 284: On the stage, Huo Wu's provocation! (120)

The reason why Baige chose this lineup is not unfounded. The Blazing Academy is no better than the Elephant Academy. The members of the Elephant Armor team are all diamond mammoth soul masters. It can be said that all of them are power and defense soul masters. This lineup is very strong and powerful. It has both defenses, but the shortcomings are equally obvious, that is, it is not flexible enough. Once it encounters a flexible enemy, the Elephant Academy can be said to be immediately blinded.

Although the Blazing Academy is the same as the Elephant Academy, the Blazing Academy has strong attack, sensitive attack, control and assistance. The lower limit is much higher than the Elephant Academy, and in terms of offensiveness, Chi The Fire Academy is much better than the Elephant Academy.

In the face of a group of fire spirit masters with strong offensive power, if the lineup is selected without consideration, I am afraid that in the end, Bai Ge can only make an all-out effort to turn the tide, but in the qualifiers, out of the need to hide his strength, Bai Ge will only Demonstrates the identity of the soul master of the control system.

Blazing Team of Blazing Academy, based on the information collected by Bai Ge’s ten little maids, Blazing Team’s lineup is two strong attack type soul masters, two agile attack type soul masters, two auxiliary soul masters and a control type soul division.

Among them, one of the two strong offensive spirit masters is Huo Wushuang, the captain of the Blazing Team, the 42nd level strong offensive soul sect, and the martial soul is a unicorn fire tyrannosaurus, which is the same dragon spirit as the blue electric tyrannosaurus. It is inferior to the blue electric tyrannosaurus, but it is also extremely high. It is only different from the blue dot tyrannosaurus in that the unihorned tyrannosaurus is a fire attribute martial spirit.

Another strong attack type spirit master is named Huo Lie, a thirty-eighth-level soul sovereign, and a fire leopard spirit. He is the soul master of the Fire Leopard Sect, one of the next four sects, and the deputy attacker of the Blazing Team.

The Blazing Team also has two agile attack type spirit masters, named Huoyun and Huoyu. Both are agile attack type spirit masters with flying ability. The martial arts are the flaming cranes, and the strength is 39th level soul masters. Very difficult.

As for the Blazing Team, there are two auxiliary spirit masters, both of which are at level 38. The martial spirit is Mars. Because of the special Martian martial spirit, Mars' auxiliary ability besides support also has a certain attack power.

Finally, there is the control system soul master of the Blazing Team, Huo Wu, a forty-fifth level soul sect. Wuhun is the main body Wuhun Hokage, and she is a beautiful woman.

Like Ye Lingling, Huo Wu is also Bai Ge's favorite role. Perhaps because of the influence of Bai Ge, Huo Wu was originally a forty-fourth level. According to the information collected now, her strength has increased to forty-five level.

Originally, Blazing Academy, like Xiangjia Academy, walked in a pure limit current, regardless of roles, but in this five-element academy, except for Xiangjia Academy, which was kept in the dark, the other four academies All adjusted their teams.

Although they are still spirit masters of the same attribute, they have differentiated their respective positions based on the type of martial soul, such as strong attack, sensitive attack, control, and assistance, which can be seen from the martial soul.

Such a lineup not only has the powerful output ability of the Extreme Stream team, but also has more balance. It is precisely because of this that the Elephant Academy will be defeated successively under the Blazing Academy and the Thunder Academy, otherwise the same as the Five Element Academy , Elephant Academy is not so miserable.

Facing the Blazing Team, which are all fire spirit masters, especially the opponent also has two agile attack type spirit masters with flying ability, Ma Hongjun must play, and because of Huo Wushuang's existence, he can't shoot in Baige. Under the circumstances, Dai Mubai must also appear.

And because compared to Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, Meng still has stronger attack power, but his defense and speed are a bit behind. In the face of Blazing Academy, which has extremely strong attack power, Xiao Wu and Meng are still better shots. Tyrone and Jiangzhu, this is necessary for the hidden strength of the qualifiers.

Although the Blazing team's offensive power is better, the Shrek team is even better in terms of strength.

If Bai Ge and Dai Mubai do not play, perhaps there will still be some difficulties in the battle against the Blazing Team, but after Bai Ge and Dai Mubai play, a fifty-fourth-level soul king and a forty-fourth-level soul sect have been completely suppressed. The Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu of Blazing Academy's victory and defeat instantly changed from fifty-five to twenty-eight.

So the master became calm in an instant. Anyway, there is Bai Ge's finale. As long as Bai Ge wants to win, it is impossible to lose the game. He knows the strength of Bai Ge no better.

"This lineup is also fine, you can discuss the tactics after playing."

The master nodded and said.

"Finally I can play, my bones are waiting for rust!"

Hearing Bai Ge said to let himself go on the court, Dai Mubai couldn't help standing up a little excited, squeezing his fists, causing the joints to make a crackling noise.

"How can we fight later?"

Xiao Wu leaned over and asked.

"Our strength is going to surpass Blazing Team. When Dai Mubai will fight Wuhuo Wushuang, and Tailong will block the Huo Lie, you and Zhu Qing can clean up the opposing auxiliary and control spirit masters, and Ma Hongjun will cover you. Leave the rest to me."

Bai Ge thought for a while, said.

"it is good."

Everyone nodded.

When Bai Ge was discussing with everyone, the game was finally about to begin. With the news that the host had let all the competition teams in, Bai Ge stood up.

"Let's go."


Leaving the lounge, passing through the contestant channel, amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the surrounding audience, the Shrek team came all the way to the side of the main fighting platform in the center of the competition venue.

Bai Ge stood at the front, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu beside him, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun behind him, and Tai Long and Jiang Zhu at the back.

As a dark horse in the qualifiers of the Heaven Dou Imperial City, Shrek Academy already has a lot of influence in the audience, and Shrek Academy vs. Blazing Academy, the duel between these two academies is no different from Mars. Hit the earth and attracted the attention of countless spectators, so the organizers naturally arranged the venue for the game on the main fighting platform in the center.

On the other side of the Arena of Souls, the Blazing Academy’s team is also waiting,

The seven members of Blazing Academy seem to be all about the same age. The leader is a young man with a medium height and short red hair. He looks average, but he has a fine stature and a sense of oppression. It is Huo Wushuang, the captain of Blazing Team.

And beside Huo Wushuang was a tall girl with long fiery red hair and beautiful appearance. There was only one woman in the Blazing Team. This girl Bai Ge didn't need to guess that she was Huo Wu.

Behind Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang stood five young people, one with a cold face and red hair. According to the data, it was the Huo Leopard Soul Master Huo Lie, and the other four were two pairs of twins.

A pair of tall and slender twins with red hair, the two spirits are flamingoes, are the agile attack type spirit masters of the Blazing Team, while the other twins are tall and have tough faces. If you don’t know in advance, Bai Ge is also It is hard to imagine that the martial spirits of the two will be Mars, and they will also be auxiliary spirit masters.

While Bai Ge was observing Team Blazing, Team Blazing was also observing Team Shrek.

For the Shrek team that has a soul king and four soul sects, the Blazing team dare not despise it.

In fact, if it weren’t for knowing that Bai Ge is a Soul King-level control type spirit master, and that Wuhun is still a plant type spirit, it happens to be restrained by their fire attributes. If Baige is replaced with a power attack type spirit master, perhaps Blazing The academy will simply surrender.

However, compared to the solemnity and seriousness of other members of the Blazing Team, Huo Wu actually gave Bai Ge a provocative look with contempt, making Bai Ge a little daunted.

Did he offend Huo Wu when?

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