Douluo’s Heavens Lottery System

Chapter 269: Prince Snow Star, Shrek has become famous again! (24)

"How is this possible, the second team of our Tiandou Royal Academy would lose to a Soul Master Academy team we have never heard of..."

At the back of the VIP table, a great foreign nobleman who didn't understand the situation muttered to himself in confusion.

"I said, brother, you may not know Shrek Academy, but have you always heard of Blue Bull Academy?"

In front of the bewildered foreign nobleman, a local nobleman couldn't help turning his head with a smile.

"Lanba Academy? This seems to be an advanced Soul Master Academy that entered the finals last year, right?"

After hearing the words of the local aristocrats, after thinking about it, the foreign aristocrats couldn't help but say.

"Yes, you know it. Although this Shrek Academy is called Shrek Academy, the original Shrek Academy is actually the Blue Blaster Academy. The Blue Blaster Academy eliminated the second team of Heaven Dou before entering the final. After being renamed Shrek Academy, this Shrek Academy is even more remarkable."

While talking, the local nobleman pointed in the direction of the auditorium.

"Look at the middle of the third player's viewing platform. The group of people there are from Shrek Academy. I saw the principal of Blue Blaster Academy in the last competition, so I shouldn't admit it.

But because the name of the Blue Blaster Academy has been changed, the dean is still not the original one. I don’t know, but do you know who the tall and thin old man is at the end of the group? "

The local nobleman asked mysteriously.


The foreign noble frowned.

"Dragon Snake Douluo, Meng Shu!"

The local nobles are authentic.

"Dragon Snake Douluo, wouldn't it be the Dragon Snake Douluo who was just promoted to Title Douluo not long ago?"

The foreign nobles were a little shocked.

"Yes, that's right, it's the Dragon Snake Douluo!

Dragon Snake Douluo joined a force called Pill Pavilion, and Pill Pavilion is in our Heaven Dou Imperial City. As far as I know, the pavilion owner of Pill Pavilion is a young man who is less than fifteen years old.

Although I don't know him, I heard that he was studying at Shrek Academy. If he can have such a person as a student who can be said to be even better than Sect Master Ning, do you think Shrek Academy will still be a little-known academy? "

The local nobleman smiled triumphantly.

"So it's like this..."

Hearing the words of the local aristocrats, the foreign aristocrats suddenly realized that compared to the people in the soul master world, their pure aristocrats are still too insensitive to news from the soul master world.

"That said, isn't it possible that Sect Master Ning's previously optimistic team is this Shrek team?"

Based on the information obtained, after thinking about it, the foreign nobles couldn't help but guess.


Hearing the words of the nobles from other places, the nobles of the locals couldn't help showing an instructable look.

"Do you know that the pavilion owner of Dan Pavilion still has another identity?"

"What's your identity?"

Asked the foreign nobleman.

"Sect Master Ning's son-in-law, do you know now?"

The local aristocracy is profound and authentic.

"Oh! I see, thank you Xiongtai for answering questions!"


Behind the VIP seats, the conversation between the two local and foreign aristocrats is just a microcosm.

Because Bai Ge established the Dan Pavilion and promoted Meng Shu to Title Douluo, the butterfly effect that Bai Ge now produces has long since made Shrek Academy no longer as obscure as in the original work.

Although most civilians may still not know Shrek Academy, some powerful sects, families, and great nobles have more or less collected some information about Shrek Academy because of Baige.

And with one pass and ten pass, Shrek Academy is destined to be famous earlier than in the original book.

As some great nobles in the Tiandou Imperial City spread the news about Shrek Academy to some great nobles from outside, many great nobles from outside also knew the grievances between Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and Shrek Academy.

Shrek Academy, which was originally going to join Tiandou Imperial Academy, was turned away, but now they simply defeated the second team of Tiandou Imperial Academy. It seemed that Tiandou Imperial Academy was really unclear.

Of course, because of the flyer incident before Baige, many people also know that the culprit is Prince Xue Xing, but Prince Xue Xing no longer cares about the Tiandou Royal Academy, so it is the third of the Tiandou Royal Academy who is ashamed. The Board of Education.

Feeling the strange eyes around him from time to time, Dream Machine couldn't help it after all.

"Prince Xuexing, look at your good deeds! This Shrek team should have belonged to our Tiandou Royal Academy's team, but it is because of you that made them enemies and our Tiandou Royal Academy a laughingstock! "

Mengshenji's suppressed anger sounded in the VIP table.

"The Shrek Academy's team is only five soul sects, two soul sects, isn't the first team of our Heaven Dou Imperial Academy the same? They are only bullying the second team."

Prince Xue Xing insisted.

"Huh! What do you know, let me tell you, the nine Shrek students we met back then have only played five of them, and the two most powerful ones haven't played yet!

And they also pried Lingling away. You should know how powerful Jiuxin Haitang is. Now they only use the lineup of the deputy team, but they can still easily defeat the second team of our Tiandou Royal Academy. You can imagine them. How terrifying is the true strength! "

Mengshenji coldly snorted.

On the rostrum, upon hearing the words of the Dream Machine, the Great Xueye couldn't help but frown and looked at the Prince Xuexing behind him.

Before, because of Meng Shu, although he had punished Prince Xue Xing, the main reason was Meng Shu's title Douluo.

However, although Bai Ge, who had Dragon Snake Douluo Meng Shu's trust, could not be brought into their Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, because Bai Ge is Ning Fengzhi’s son-in-law, to a certain extent, Bai Ge can be regarded as part of their Heaven Dou Empire. Naturally, Meng Shu also counts, but there is Ning Fengzhi between them, and he is not as close as joining the Tiandou Royal Academy directly.

But listening to the words of Mengshen Ji, it seems that it is not only the young man named Bai Ge, but the overall strength of the Shrek Academy students is not inferior to their Tiandou Royal Academy, and even wins.

The opponent easily defeated the second team of their Tiandou Royal Academy without exerting all their strength. Wouldn't it be a problem to defeat the first team of their Tiandou Royal Academy with all their strength?

Thinking of this, Emperor Xue Ye's face also darkened.

This Xuexing should take care of it!


On the other side, on the stage, because they easily defeated the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, the members of the Shrek team on the field are receiving enthusiastic applause and cheers from the audience.

In the face of this situation, other people performed well, but Ma Hongjun behaved a bit exaggerated, not only sitting in various poses, but also blowing kisses to many beautiful young ladies in the audience.

However, despite showing his strength, Ma Hongjun had no idea whether he could win the favor of the beautiful young lady in the end.

However, Ma Hongjun always dares to think and do.

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