Douluo’s Heavens Lottery System

Chapter 205: Dugu Bo was surprised and went to Ningjia Castle (24)

"what's up?"

Dugu Bo asked.

"Senior Dugubo has time recently?"

Bai Ge did not answer directly, but continued to ask.


After hesitating for a while, Dugu Bo still nodded.

"Then I would like to ask Senior Dugu Bo to help and one of my elders to hunt for the ninth spirit ring."

Bai Ge said slowly.

"The ninth spirit ring, son, did you really create a titled Douluo with that spirit rising pill and barrier breaking pill?"

Hearing Bai Ge's words, Dugu Bo couldn't help standing up immediately, very surprised and authentic.

"Well, that's right."

Bai Ge nodded.

"who is it?"

Dugu Bo couldn't help asking.

"Duke Long Meng Shu!"

Bai Ge said slowly.

"Gai Shi Long She, Long Gong Meng Shu?"

Dugu Bo knows about Meng Shu. He is only 78 years old this year. In terms of age, Meng Shu is even more than a dozen years older than him. He is a predecessor who has become famous before him, but he came from behind and became a famous title in the mainland. Luo Dudouluo, but Long Duke Meng Shu was still at the Contra level.

"Yes, Senior Meng Shu's cultivation is at level eighty-seven, and it happens that the Spirit Ascension Pill combined with the barrier-breaking pill can barely make Senior Meng Shu break through Title Douluo.

Bai Ge nodded.

"Although the title Douluo who used Sheng Ling Pill and Po barrier Pill to break through forcibly is worse than the normal breakthrough like Senior Dugu Bo, Senior Long Duke and Senior Snake Po can use Martial Spirit Fusion Skill Dragon Snake. Combine, so it can make up for this defect."

"My son, how many levels of Spirit Douluo can you bring to the Title Douluo with the Spirit Upgrade Pill and Barrier Breaking Pill?"

Dugu Bo couldn't help asking.

"From the eighty-seventh level to the eighty-ninth level, it should not work any further."

After thinking about it, Bai Gedao.

"Senior Dugu Bo, I know what you are thinking. Although I still have two spirit-lifting pills and four barrier-breaking pills left in my hand, I can create four titled Douluo, but the impact is too great. It would be okay if only Senior Meng Shu was one, but if too many Title Douluos appeared consecutively at one time, it would definitely attract the attention of the entire continent."

Bai Ge reminded.

In Bai Ge's view, Dugu Bo's idea should be to let him create a few more titled Douluo, and then build a super power that is not inferior to the spirit hall, but Bai Ge knows the details of the spirit hall.

The reason why the Wuhun Temple is so powerful is that there is a 99-level Qian Daoliu behind, and in addition to Ghost Douluo Ghost and Chrysanthemum Douluo Yueguan, there are also seven titled Douluo-level worship and Pope Bibi. east.

It would be okay if it were just ordinary pills, but if the secrets of Lingsheng Pill and Barrier Breaking Pill were exposed, Bibi Dong would not show mercy to the master's face.

The titled Douluo created by Bai Ge is not only inferior to the spirit masters of the same level, but also less in number than the Spirit Hall. The reason why Bai Ge allowed Meng Shu to break through Titled Douluo was only to facilitate the development of the Heaven Dou Imperial City. And the two low-level Title Douluo would not attract the attention of the Spirit Hall too much.

Although Bai Ge exposed the pill, as long as the Baicao Pill, Spirit Rising Pill, and Barrier Breaking Pill were not exposed, Wuhun Palace shouldn't care too much.

After all, Bai Ge's pill is not not sold to the Wuhun Hall. In the face of the master, Bibi Dong should not be able to make a shot.

Although Bibi Dong still attacked Tang San in the original work, it was because Tang Hao and Tang San had an enmity with Wuhun Hall, and Bai Ge was different from Tang San, and there was no **** enmity with Wuhun Hall, as opposed to beheading. Bai Ge felt that Wuhun Palace should be more willing to try to subdue him.

"I know."

After the excitement, Dugubo calmed down and realized that he took it for granted.

"Senior Meng Shu is at Shrek Academy now, and I will take you to see him tomorrow. Then I will trouble Senior Dugu Bo."

Seeing Dugu Bo also wanted to understand, Bai Ge nodded in his heart, said.

"okay, I get it."

"It's too early, I should leave too."

Looking at the sky, Bai Ge stood up and said.

"My son, don't you stay to eat?"

Dugu Bo retained the road.

"No, I have something to deal with, next time."

Bai Ge shook his head.

After speaking, Bai Ge pushed open the door of the quiet room, and Dugu Bo quickly followed him when he saw it. The two went all the way to the living room. In the living room, the three girls didn’t know when they got together, and they were arguing about something. .

"Rongrong, still, ready to go."

Standing at the door, Bai Ge shouted.

Hearing Bai Ge's words, Ning Rongrong and Meng still stood up quickly and ran towards Bai Ge, while the ten girls who were sitting in the living room silently stood up and followed.

All the way to the door of Dugu Mansion, the sky was already dark.

However, even though it entered the night, the entire Heaven Dou Imperial City was still brightly lit. There were also special Soul Guidance Device street lights on the road, and it was bright everywhere.

"Senior Dugu Bo, we are leaving."

Turning around and smiling politely at Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan standing at the door, Bai Ge bid farewell.

"My son go slowly."


Leaving Dugu Mansion, the group walked on the wide avenue of Heaven Dou Imperial City.

"Rongrong, where is your castle, let's go over."

Thinking of today's problem of staying, Bai Ge turned to Ning Rongrong.

"Our castle, shall we not return to Shrek Academy?"

Ning Rongrong asked strangely.

"Rong Rong, we went back to Shrek Academy, what should they do? Shrek Academy is not easy to accommodate them."

Aside, Meng was still a little speechless and authentic.

"Well, I forgot."

Ning Rongrong stuck out his tongue, hugged one of Bai Ge's arm by the way, and pointed out: "My castle is over there, I will take you there."

Following Ning Rongrong, the group left the Heaven Dou Imperial City from the West Gate of the Heaven Dou Imperial City, passed through a forest, and passed a small lake. A castle surrounded by a wide fence appeared indistinctly in the distance. Out.

But instead of saying that this is a castle, Bai Ge feels more like a large manor whose main body is a castle.

When he was about to enter the manor, suddenly two spirit masters appeared and blocked the way of everyone. They should be the people of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School who was responsible for guarding the castle.

However, after seeing Ning Rongrong, the two spirit masters immediately pleaded guilty and left.

However, even though they left, the two spirit masters did not return to the castle. It seemed that they were not living in the castle, but somewhere nearby.

When he came to the gate of the manor, Bai Ge took out a large set of keys that Ning Fengzhi had given before, opened the gate of the manor, and then entered the manor.

In the manor, there are large flower beds and ornamental trees arranged neatly in rows, and the flowers and branches of the trees in the flower beds are also neatly repaired.

Although it seems that there should be very few people living in this castle, it seems that someone is always taking care of it.

"Let's go, my castle is in front of you."

Ning Rongrong smiled and pointed to the castle not far away that looked extremely luxurious as a whole.

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