Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 59 Collective Soul Hunting

After the people who had been promoted by the fairy grass had consolidated their soul power, they were also ready to hunt the soul beasts.

In the early stage, Duguxin's main task is to remove excess toxins from the body. It is not complicated. The main thing is that after the toxins are removed, the body needs nourishment.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing gave him the method directly and prescribed tonics. He waited for the follow-up situation and stopped paying too much attention to Duguxin.

After making these arrangements, Yuan Changqing's family closed the clinic and returned to Soto City.

After arriving at Soto City, Yuan Changqing and his party did not stop in the city and went directly back to Lanyin Village.

After a few days of repairs in Lanyin Village, everyone went to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for souls.

In the past few days, Yuan Changqing also went to Soto City with his uncle and the others to check the business accounts and deal with some matters that needed to be dealt with.

Then, after arranging the business affairs, there is no need to worry about it anymore. Some trivial matters will have dedicated people to take care of them.

Now Yuan Changqing's family's business has grown, and they have hired experienced management talents. The family is also training some people, so they no longer need to show up in person.

Only when I occasionally check the accounts, or when I encounter something that cannot be solved by the people below, my uncle and the others will solve it personally.

Now Yuan Changqing's family, although there are not many core members, but their soul power is not bad. Catherine is not far away from Soul Douluo. After the sister-in-law adds a soul ring, she becomes a soul saint. Counting the sister-in-law, there are 4 soul saints. Soul Emperor There are also 4 quasi-soul emperors. It depends on whether Wang Yuyan can reach the soul emperor after adding a soul ring.

The people below are still relatively weak, but when they improve their strength, they will become the backbone of the family.

Star Forest.

This time, the first thing to do is to find the soul rings for the two siblings Yuan Zilong and Yuan Ziyi, which are relatively fixed, because they want to add the fourth soul ring.

Once you have a target, you can add a soul ring as long as you find it. Yuan Ziyi needs to find the diamond vine soul beast, and Yuan Zilong needs to find the iron sword tree soul beast. If there are similar plant-based soul beasts, that's fine too.

Now that Yuan Changqing's family has a reasonable soul ring plan, they don't need to blindly add soul rings randomly. They can just follow the route Yuan Changqing and the others have taken step by step.

Therefore, since the soul rings of their siblings are thousands of years old, they only need to go to the Millennium Soul Beast area of ​​the Star Dou Forest to solve them.

"The sixth soul skill, blue silver diamond shield."

"The fourth soul skill, Sword Tenacity Storm."

"The fifth soul skill, Sword of Ice."

"Zilong, hurry up and kill this Iron Sword Tree. This time you used too much force and almost killed it directly. Fortunately, you stopped a little bit in the end."

After Yuan Zilong eliminated the Iron Sword Tree, a purple soul ring appeared.

After Yuan Zilong absorbed the soul ring, he officially became a soul sect and reached level 42. The fairy grass raised him to 6 levels, and the iron sword tree raised him to 1 level.

In the past few days, Yuan Ziyi has also absorbed the soul ring of a diamond vine soul beast. She has also reached the 42nd level soul sect. Like Yuan Zilong, the fairy grass and the soul beast have increased her soul power by a total of 6 levels.

The soul rings of their two siblings have been resolved, and now only the soul rings of Wang Yuyan, mother Lan Ling and sister-in-law Yuan Linglong are left.

The three of them all needed the ten thousand year soul ring, so they all came to the ten thousand year soul beast area and started looking for the target soul beast this time.

Soon, the plant-type soul beast King Kong tree that her mother Lan Ling needed was found. Yuan Changqing and Catherine cooperated and solved it easily. It was not as troublesome as Yuan Changqing's previous hunting of soul beasts.

Since Yuan Changqing reached the level of Soul Saint, his strength has been greatly improved. After adding the ice and fire eyes to absorb the fairy grass, the attack power of the blue silver grass is also on the same level as those of the top martial arts, so his strength is much stronger than before.

Her mother, Lan Ling, was sitting cross-legged next to the King Kong tree. A circle of black soul rings was being absorbed by her efforts. The soul power in the ten-thousand-year soul ring was majestic, so it was difficult to absorb it. Adding in the residual consciousness of the soul beast, Therefore, you must pay more attention when absorbing soul rings.

As her mother Lan Ling stood up, it was announced that she had successfully attached a soul ring and became a six-ring soul emperor.

Lan Ling said: "I am now a level 63 soul emperor. The fairy grass has brought me level 4 soul power, and the soul beast has brought me level 1 soul power."

Yuan Fei said: "Yes, now you are finally the Soul Emperor, hahaha."

Yuan Changqing and his two wives also came over and said, "Mom, congratulations to you, you are also the Soul Emperor now, hehe."


This time grandma did not come with everyone. She also had to take care of the family at home. Ye Guang, Yuan Qinglan and Yuan Hailan were both at home, especially Yuan Hailan was only five years old, so grandma stayed at home.

Grandpa said: "Okay, now that Lan Ling's Wuhun has been solved, only Linglong and Yuyan's are left. We still need a lot of time in the Wannian area, so we can no longer take Zilong and Ziyi with us. ”

Yuan Changqing said: "Grandpa is right. The Star Dou Forest is no better than other places. In the ten thousand year soul beast area here, powerful soul beasts emerge one after another. We still put safety first."

"Everyone has been in the forest for a long time. I think we should go back to the small town outside the Star Dou Forest first to take a rest and replenish supplies."


Everyone agreed with Yuan Changqing's opinion, and then everyone walked quickly outside the forest.

Star Dou Town (a town outside the Star Dou Forest) is more prosperous than an ordinary town, mainly because it is close to the Star Dou Forest.

The Star Forest is rich in resources, including not only the soul rings that humans need to break through in cultivation, but also numerous medicinal materials.

Therefore, a lot of people have gathered here, including soul hunting teams that form teams to help people hunt for soul rings, merchants who specialize in purchasing medicinal materials, soul beasts, and merchants who facilitate soul masters' daily necessities, etc. Gradually, people gathered here. Many people, thus developing into the current size of the town.

At the place where they stayed, Yuan Changqing and the others decided after discussion that Yuan Fei and Lan Ling would take Zilong Ziyi and her brother back to Lanyin Village first, and the rest of them would hunt for the soul beast soul ring together.

Everyone returned to the Star Forest again, and now they were looking for soul beasts for sister-in-law Yuan Linglong and Wang Yuyan. It was not easy to find the soul beast for sister-in-law, because she needed to add a blue silver grass soul beast, and there are really not many ten thousand year old soul beasts. .

The Blue Silver Grass Soul Beast that Yuan Changqing cultivated himself was not old enough, so he needed to go to the Star Dou Forest where the soul beasts were most abundant to find them.

Last time Yuan Changqing also went to the Star Dou Forest to obtain the soul ring. He eliminated the Blue Silver King plant in the Blue Silver Forest and it became his seventh soul ring.

If Tang San still worships Yu Xiaogang as his disciple in the future, he doesn't know what Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor bloodline will be used to awaken. Thinking of this, Yuan Changqing feels a little irritated.

However, now the Blue Silver King has become Yuan Changqing's seventh soul ring anyway. As for Tang San's problem, it's none of his business. As the old saying goes, if God doesn't take it, he will be blamed instead.

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