Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 513 Darkness Ends

Every place was opened secretly, and tens of millions of troops were killed in every place.

These are all the beings hidden by Emperor Huangtian and Ye Fan. They once participated in the dark war, and later died and were reflected back.

Now, the darkness is about to be calmed down, and they reappear in the world again, fighting for the world again, to shine light on the world again.

Whether they were the subordinates of Emperor Huangtian or Ye Fan, countless strong men born over the ages appeared one after another at this moment, rushing towards the dark and strange ethnic groups.

Now, the dark and strange tribe has launched a final resistance, rushing towards the heavens and all realms, wanting to exterminate everything and perish together.

The strong men of the dark and strange ethnic groups are out in full force, leading the army of darkness to come to the heavens and massacre all living beings.

With the ancestral land of the Dark Plateau being pacified by Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan, Emperor Huangtian, and the ruthless empress, victory is only a matter of time.

Under the leadership of the two heavens, all the creatures in the world also began to rush towards the dark army. In order to completely pacify the dark and strange ethnic group, they are now fighting hard and swaying their blood.

"The ancestor of darkness has been completely suppressed. The darkness that presses on the heads of all living beings will be completely torn to pieces and trampled through today!"

"Come on, kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

A terrifying aura of murder filled the sky, and a terrifying murderous intention was directed at the dark and strange ethnic group.

This will be the last battle. After this battle, the darkness will be melted by the light, and the bright years will reappear in the world.

The Divine Bell of the Wushi Emperor shook the sky, and the mighty time of eternity, with the Wushi Bell above his head, killed the two Dark Immortal Emperors, with unparalleled domineering power.

"Today, I will kill a Dark Immortal Emperor to prove his Dao!" Brother Di Gu also rushed towards a Dark Immortal Emperor at this time.

Emperor Bone Brother was originally the half body of the Corpse Immortal Emperor. Unfortunately, it was contaminated by darkness, weirdness and unknown, so half of his body had to be cut off.

And this is also the reason why Brother Di Gu hates the dark and strange tribe. Otherwise, Brother Di Gu's talent may not be weaker than the current Yuan Changqing and the other four.

The heavens and universe are filled with murderous intent, shaking all realms.

Luo Tianxian, Meng Tianzheng, Butcher, Burial Master, Qing Emperor, Ancient Divine Silkworm Emperor, Ancient Qilin Emperor, Yuhua Emperor Gai Jiuyou...

These supreme powerful men who dominate the world are now rushing to the front to face the supreme powerful men of the dark and strange tribe.

This peerless battle shocked the world. Today will also be the day that history is completely rewritten. It is destined to be sung by the world for eternity, forever recorded in the annals of history, and passed down to future generations.

Immortal Emperor-level experts such as Wu Shi directly led the dark experts to the outside world. A war at the Immortal Emperor level would naturally not break out in the realm.

What's left is the fight between the dark and strange ethnic group and all the beings in the world. If you want to regain the light, you need all the beings in the world to fight hard.


Sky Horned Ant, Yuan Yue'er, Pang Bo, Ten Crown Kings, Duan De, Black Emperor, Jiang Taixu, Banished Immortal, Shi Yi...

These strong men who had shed endless blood throughout the ages, once again shed their blood and began to fight for the world again.

This time, it will be the final battle to completely destroy the darkness and weirdness in the heavens. Terrifying battles continue to break out everywhere in the heavens and the universe, and they are extremely tragic.

Countless creatures were fighting bloody battles, using terrifying peerless magical powers to continuously kill the enemy.

The sky and the earth are shaking, countless worlds are constantly shaking and shaking, countless stars are falling, the void is shattering, the earth is collapsing, endless blood is spilling across the starry sky, the earth, blood and fire are constantly being staged in the heavens and the world.

Those supreme human races that had fallen for eternity were also reflected by Huangtian Emperor and Ye Fan. The Sun Holy Emperor, Taiyin Human Emperor, Jiuli Emperor, Taihuang and others have all reappeared in the world and reproduced their peerless style.

The descendants such as the Holy Prince, Zhang Bairen, Dao Yi, Tai Chu and other outstanding figures also showed their due peerless style.

At this moment, the powerful men from all over the world are constantly killing the strange groups of darkness, and they are leading the monks from all over the world to continuously fight against the dark army with unparalleled bravery.

They had all fallen in the dark war, and were reflected back again by Ye Fan. They were extremely powerful, and they were the main force in this war with the dark and strange ethnic groups.

The war swept across the heavens, and countless dark creatures continued to emerge from all over the heavens to join the most terrifying war in eternity.

The war is raging, and the strong men in the world will naturally not fall behind and wait to be killed. Endless armies also come from the world and rush towards those dark and strange ethnic groups.

The army of darkness is too numerous to imagine. Even if the dark warriors who have been killed cannot be resurrected, their number is much greater than that of all the worlds.

The foundation of all heavens and realms has been being consumed, and the remaining foundation now is only a drop in the ocean.

But the dark and strange tribe is different. They have absorbed countless powerful people and transformed them into dark creatures. They have accumulated countless epochs.

Moreover, the dark and strange tribe has been spreading darkness. Countless worlds have been eroded by darkness, and countless strong people have turned into dark creatures.

The dark powerhouses they gave birth to are not comparable to those in the current world.

Even in the dark and wretched land, in these endless years, no one knows how many dark creatures have been nurtured.

However, now that the Dark Ancestor has been completely suppressed, even if there are more dark creatures from the dark and strange tribe, it will not help.

After all, the dark creatures no longer have the power of the priest level, and the dark immortal emperors below can no longer play a role in setting the cauldron.


In the heavens, there was a cry of killing, and the endless army of darkness continued to join the battle, charging towards the heavens and the world, in an attempt to annihilate the heavens and perish together.

The descendants of the supreme and powerful people in all the worlds, including the emperor's son, emperor's daughter, and son of god, also set an example by rushing to the front and constantly killing the dark creatures.

Countless imperial soldiers, immortal soldiers, and immortal emperor soldiers continued to bloom with supreme power, killing the hostile army.

Living beings continue to fall into the heavens, not only from the dark side, but also from the heavens and the realms. Countless creatures fall away. Endless blood dyes the heavens and the sky red, which is tragic and terrifying.

The battle between quasi-immortal emperors and above was so terrifying that the world was shattered and the time and space stopped.

There are also people who are constantly lamenting that there are too many dark and strange tribes, and the strong men in the world are also unable to defeat the four punches with both hands. They lament that their strength is too weak and cannot completely crush the strong men on the dark side.

Therefore, some of the strongest men in the world began to fall.

However, they have no regrets, because they see hope. This time, the light will shine on the heavens and the world again, and the darkness will be completely quelled.

Meng Tianzheng, a strong man from ancient times, was the supreme strong man who fell in this war.

He left with relief and a smile, turned into a bright light, and disappeared into the world.

Unfortunately, Emperor Huang Tian and others, who were suppressing the Dark Ancestor, could only watch helplessly as the powerful men from all over the world began to fall.

Emperor Huangtian felt some indescribable grief in his heart. He was now extremely angry, constantly evolving the supreme avenue, and constantly refining and destroying the Dark Ancestor.

The strong men in the world also endured the extremely heavy heart, burst out with terrifying power, and continuously killed the dark creatures to calm the grief in their hearts.

It was not until the ruthless Empress completely refined and destroyed the Dark Ancestor that she finally freed up her hands to attack the Dark Immortal Emperor. The situation was completely reversed and became clear.

As the ruthless empress took action and eliminated the Dark Immortal Emperor, the strong men in the world also showed their power as peerless strong men.

At this moment, when the powerful men from all over the world are killing the dark creatures, they are like giants stepping on ants.

Everything will be settled, and the dark and strange ethnic group will be completely wiped out.

On the dark plateau, as Emperor Huangtian used the thunder pool to completely refine the dark ancestor, and after obliterating it, Ye Fan also completed the complete obliteration of the dark ancestor.

Yuan Changqing also destroyed the Dark Ancestor soon. Although it was a little slower, this was because Yuan Changqing suppressed the Dark Ancestor in the World Pearl from the beginning.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing also completely obliterated the last two Dark Ancestors. At this point, all the Dark Ancestors have fallen, and the Dark Plateau has been completely leveled.

All the Dark Immortal Emperors and weird creatures were exterminated and completely obliterated.

This battle finally wiped out the dark and strange ethnic groups and ushered in the final light, which will once again shine on all the worlds.

Countless living beings also perished in all the heavens and realms, and it was extremely tragic.

Countless strong men have also suffered severe trauma, and even their origins have been shattered.

If the ruthless empress hadn't taken action in the end, and the powerful men from all over the world had freed their hands, I don't know how many other creatures would have perished as a result.

The Holy Prince, Hua Yunfei, Old Madman, Dongfang Taiyi, Dacheng Holy Body Yang Xi and others all fell in this battle.

After all, the weird tribe knew that there was no way to survive in this battle, and they were so crazy that they dragged the strongest men in the world to die together as if they were desperate for their lives.

Until the end of the war, those dark worlds were also broken, the strange earth was completely shattered, and the dark and strange ethnic groups were completely killed and extinct.

The darkness was strange and ominous, and now it was completely calmed down.

It is a pity that countless great emperors, true immortals, and powerful immortal kings in all the worlds have fallen and paid a heavy price.

And this most terrifying war in history also left all the worlds devastated and dilapidated.

Even many big worlds were completely destroyed and ceased to exist.

However, in this battle, the heavens and worlds won the final victory.

This is also the result that countless generations of people have been looking forward to. They have been looking forward to it for countless years, and today, it has finally come true.

The darkness was completely wiped out, and the world finally ushered in light.


Endless creatures burst into endless cheers, excitement, and joy at this moment.

The darkness that has been weighing on countless worlds for eternity has finally been put down.

Countless old people who have experienced endless darkness also shed tears of excitement at this moment. They were so happy that they could not express their joy.

The darkness finally ended.

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