The sun was shining brightly, illuminating the earth, and the villagers of Lanyin Village started a new day with the sound of roosters crowing.

Yuan Changqing's family also sat around the living room and began to enjoy breakfast. Although it was simple, it seemed warm.

Now Catherine is considered a member of their family, just waiting for the two to complete the wedding.

Therefore, after eating breakfast, Yuan Changqing told his grandfather and others about Catherine, and his grandfather agreed.

There is a big room deep in Yuan Changqing's home. This is the room where his family worships their ancestors.

After entering the house, you can see the memorial tablets of family ancestors in the middle of the house.

Yuan Changqing's family walked in one after another, because whenever something big happens, they will come here to solve it.

Grandpa Yuan Tao stepped forward and said, "Now that we have a new member in our family, there are some things we can let Catherine know."

"Now let's worship our ancestors first and then talk."

Everyone began to worship their ancestors in order according to their age. After the worship, Grandpa stood at the top.

"Catherine, although you and Changqing are not married yet, our family doesn't have so many rules, and everyone approves of you very much."

Catherine's: "Thank you, Grandpa, and thank you all for your trust."

Yuan Changqing's family members also had smiles on their faces and looked at her very much.

"Okay, now let's get down to business. Catherine, you also know some things about our family. Maybe you don't know the details. You can ask Changqing yourself about these. I won't say more here." Grandpa said simply. .

"Okay, Grandpa, I understand."

"Then what follows is the biggest secret of our family, so if you want to know it, you need to swear on your own martial spirit."

Yuan Changqing then told Catherine, "Katherine, everyone in the family will have to go through this. As long as you awaken the martial spirit, you must swear to the martial spirit. You also know that some things will be fatal if exposed."

"It's okay, I understand. If you can tell me this now, you treat me as a family member. I'm very happy too."

Then grandpa told Catherine about the family's martial arts, and Catherine swore an oath with her martial arts in front of everyone.

Grandpa said: "Okay, Changqing, you can pass on the skills to Catherine, and you can also tell Catherine about the situation at home."

"Okay, Grandpa, I understand."

Afterwards, everyone left the ancestral house and went to do their own things.

Yuan Changqing took Catherine and Wang Yuyan back to his room.

"Katherine, now I will pass on our family's inherited technique "Eternal Spring Technique" to you, and also "Five Animals", please slow down and learn it with Yuyan."

So, Yuan Changqing explained to her the first seven levels of "Changchun Jue" step by step.

After Catherine memorized everything, he began to teach her how to do it. When Catherine learned it, she could perform the exercises smoothly.

"Catherine, you are still a beginner. If you don't understand something, you should ask it immediately. Our technique is still very different from the techniques on Douluo Continent."

"So, if you don't understand, just ask. If you practice it forcefully, it will be dangerous. In the worst case, your life will be damaged, and in the worst case, your soul will be destroyed."

"When you usually practice, recite the mantra silently before practicing, and wait until your mood calms down before starting to practice."

Yuan Changqing told Catherine some of the precautions for cultivation, fearing that she would not understand and cause an irreversible situation.

"I know, I will pay attention, don't worry."

Wang Yuyan also said: "Sister Catherine, from now on we will practice together. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

"Thank you sister Yuyan, you are so kind."

Yuan Changqing said: "Well, that's right, you can also ask Yu Yan, and you will practice together in the future, so that we can take care of beginners like you."

"Also, you should study "Five Animal Plays" carefully. The bird plays in it may be of some unexpected help to you."

Catherine was also looking forward to it and said, "What help can I get?"

"You need to feel it yourself, because I can't tell you the specifics, but my uncle feels it very clearly. If you can't feel it, you can ask my uncle for advice later."

"Okay, that's all."

"Haha, although I don't know, I have some guesses, maybe it has something to do with martial spirits. Your martial spirits are all bird martial spirits."

"Yes, I understand. I will learn from Sister Yuyan seriously."

Yuan Changqing said again: "Okay, then I will tell you some things about my family."

"I also told you some things about my family last night, but there were some things that I couldn't say at the time. You know what happened now."

Catherine said: "Well, I know, after all, this is a family secret and cannot be revealed casually."

Seeing that Catherine understood the general situation so well, Yuan Changqing released his martial soul, and saw two yellow, two purple and one black soul rings entwined on the blue silver grass. This was the best configuration of soul rings.

"Catherine, let's see what's different about my martial spirit?"

Catherine also observed his martial spirit seriously and felt that there was nothing different.

Because as long as a soul ring is attached, the martial soul will undergo some changes, just more or less.

Catherine thought for a while and said, "Has she become stronger?"


Hearing what she said, Yuan Changqing was speechless, and Wang Yuyan even laughed.

"Okay, I won't let you guess here. The difference in my martial soul now is what I call evolution."

"Evolution? Is it the theory you told me last night about the choice of soul rings to make martial souls stronger?" Catherine also reacted.

"Yes, you also know that there are blue silver grass everywhere on Douluo Continent, and now my martial soul has a big change from the ordinary blue silver grass."

"This is because the martial spirit has evolved. My current martial spirit has evolved twice."

Catherine exclaimed: "You have evolved twice. You are now the Soul King. Can you still evolve in the future?"

"I don't know if it can still evolve, but the possibility is very high."

"Then how did you evolve, because of the soul ring?"

"Yes, choosing the right soul ring can make the martial soul evolve, especially the low-level martial soul."

"But you also know that the innate soul power of low-level martial arts is low and it is difficult to cultivate, so this situation is rare in our family. This is also because our family's ancestral skills can be realized, so you can think of the important reasons. "


Catherine did not expect that "Eternal Spring Secret" was so powerful and terrifying. She also thought about the consequences if it were leaked.

"Don't worry, I will be careful. Even if you talk in your sleep, I will keep this secret."

"Haha, it's not that exaggerated. As long as we are strong, everything can be solved."

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