The people who came to snatch the soul bones this time were pretty good. Although they were not at the Contra level, there were also a few Soul Saints.

"The fourth soul skill, Blade Storm."

Yuan Changqing didn't think too much and just started fighting. He saw blue silver grass growing out from all directions on the ground. Countless blue silver grass vines pointed at the fighting men in black at the same time. The leaves of blue silver grass were like blade fragments, growing from the vines. It fell off and shot towards the man in black in a steady stream.

"The third soul skill, the body of a black panther."

"The second soul skill, Leopard Shadow."

The martial spirit of the man in black is a black panther, and he is an agility attack spirit master. Seeing Yuan Changqing attacking him, he quickly launched defensive spirit skills and speed spirit skills, and after he was out of the attack range, he also started to counterattack.

"The fourth soul skill, Leopard Shadow Claw."

"The sixth soul skill, blue silver diamond shield."

"Tiger style."

The man in black saw the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit and used his speed to launch a close attack on Yuan Changqing. In an instant, he relied on his speed to reach Yuan Changqing and slashed his sharp claws towards his neck.

When Yuan Changqing saw the man in black attacking, he quickly activated his defense. The black panther's claws grabbed onto the blue silver diamond shield and was firmly defended.

Because he had learned "Five Animals", Yuan Changqing practiced it every day. This time was an opportunity, and he quickly used Tiger Style to counterattack.

I saw that the hands of both sides were constantly colliding. Although the other party was blessed with soul skills, Yuan Changqing's body was also refined into an ice and fire mysterious body through the ice and fire eyes. With the soul power in his hands, he also fought with the Black Panther Soul Master. There has to be a return.

The close collision between Yuan Changqing and the man in black also left the two parties with no time to use other soul skills. The Black Panther soul master felt that Yuan Changqing was a plant-type soul master and would definitely not be able to defeat him in the end.

After fighting for a while, Yuan Changqing also discovered the thoughts of the Black Panther Soul Master, and this Black Panther Soul Master was also very scheming. He led Yuan Changqing to slowly move away from the battlefield here, away from Dugu Bo, so that he could use his speed to run away.

After discovering this, Yuan Changqing was not impatient, but was choosing the moment to seriously injure the Black Panther Soul Master with one blow.

"Bear pose."

When the Black Panther Soul Master slowly moved to the battlefield position, he stopped attacking. Yuan Changqing also found an opportunity to directly hit the Black Panther Soul Master with the Bear Style.

The bear style inherits the weight of the bear, so after Yuan Changqing used the bear style to hit the black panther soul master, the black panther soul master felt as if a huge force had hit him, and he was directly seriously injured.

"The fifth soul skill, Sword of Ice." After the Black Panther soul master was seriously injured, Yuan Changqing quickly used the soul skill, and saw blue silver grass growing from the ground, and the vines of blue silver grass were like a cold sword. Like a sword, if it is pointed at the Black Panther Soul Master, if he makes any move, he will be punished.

Yuan Changqing said disdainfully to the Black Panther Soul Master: "You still want to run away with the little trick in your heart."

The Black Panther Soul Master realized that he had been seen through and asked, "How did you find out?"

"You said that you, an agility-type soul master, actually fought me in close combat. This is a bit abnormal. Moreover, during the battle, you have been slowly moving away from the Titled Douluo and leading me farther away. , If you can't see this, wouldn't you be a fool?" Yuan Changqing explained the reason.

Then he asked: "Who sent you? After telling the truth, you might still have a chance to survive. I believe that with the strength of your Soul Saint, you can avoid the person who sent you!"

The Black Panther soul master said angrily: "Hmph, you think I will believe what you say."

Yuan Changqing said indifferently: "Whether you believe it or not has nothing to do with me. You can only take a gamble. Think about it, isn't it good to live? Look at this colorful world, how beautiful it is!"

The Black Panther Soul Master is also a soul saint level figure. Of course he will not believe Yuan Changqing's words, and said: "Don't even think about getting anything from me. I won't tell you even if you die. Just go find it slowly, ha." Ha ha."


Yuan Changqing originally wanted to ask, but just as he was about to speak, he saw that the Black Panther soul master had cut off his heart and blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Yuan Changqing murmured: "It looks like he's a dead soldier! Alas! You said you were a good agility system soul master and came to fight me in close combat. Aren't you looking for death!"

After Yuan Changqing was done with this, he looked at other battlefields and found that Catherine and Dugu Bo had already finished, and Dugu Xin's opponent was also shaky.

When Dugu Bo saw Yuan Changqing, he shouted to Dugu Xin: "Xin'er, deal with your opponent quickly. It's time for us to leave, otherwise it will be troublesome when the Huicheng Guards arrive."

After Dugu Xin heard Dugu Bo's words, he defeated his opponent in a few seconds, and then came over to join everyone.

From the beginning to the end of this battle, it didn't take long for everyone to easily resolve it.

Afterwards, the people who gathered together left the place where they were fighting the men in black. Not long after they left, a group of city guards arrived.

Back at Dugubo's house, everyone sat together and talked about it again.

Yuan Changqing asked: "Old Poison, have you ever asked who is planning to kill people and gain goods?"

Dugu Bo shook his head and said: "No, originally I wanted to catch him alive, but I didn't expect that after he found out that I was a Titled Douluo, he was trapped by me again. With no chance of survival, he attacked frantically and desperately. This is what I wanted to do." The rhythm of death."

"So, I don't want to catch anyone alive anymore. It's obvious that these people are dead soldiers."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, the same goes for the Soul Saint who fought with me. After he was seriously injured by me, he originally wanted to ask something, but in the end he killed himself."

Dugu Xin said: "Father, I think it must have been done by the people in the auction house today. Although we waited in the teahouse for a while, to ambush us on the way back, they must have been monitoring us, but they just didn't check. Be clear about our background.”

Yuan Changqing also said: "Yes, although you, old poison, were somewhat famous on the mainland before, your appearance has changed too much in the past year."

Dugu Xin added: "Yes, father, and what's more, since you became a titled Douluo, except for one trip to Wuhun Palace, you have been reclusive and have not been exposed much. Therefore, today's news about these men in black It’s obviously lagging behind.”

Dugu Bo nodded and said: "Then these people are really looking for death, but these people are very courageous. They actually dare to openly kill people and buy goods in the city."

Yuan Changqing said: "It seems that the power of this person is not small. He can directly send three soul saints, so we should not underestimate him. We should pay more attention to it in the future."

"But, old poisoner, which force do you think this is? Do you have any other discoveries?"

"Hey, it's true. After I dealt with those men in black, I found someone in the distance who was observing them, but I didn't pay attention to them. As long as these people come again in the future, there will always be clues."

Yuan Changqing said: "That's true, but after they know that you are a titled Douluo, they will definitely not dare to come again."

Catherine said: "Whatever, it's best if you don't come, and it will be less troublesome. If you do come, it will be a good time to see who is behind it."

Everyone also nodded, and Dugu Bo said again: "Okay, this is all for the future, everyone just be careful in the future."

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