I ignored the passers-by behind me who looked regretful, and the guys who wanted to catch up and ask questions.

After leaving ten gold soul coins as a thank you, Su Cheng took Ah Yin and left the place in a few flashes.

Next, he will go to find the Blue Silver King to be promoted to the Soul King.

"How do you feel living alone in Tiandou City these days?"


Ah Yin was silent for a while after hearing this.

Su Cheng certainly didn't want her to experience life unprepared, and he also gave her enough gold soul coins.

But unfortunately, it didn't take long for him to be completely deceived.

In a place like Tiandou City, except for the small group of people at the top of the pyramid, no one dares to rob easily.

But a strong man of that level obviously wouldn't care about a few gold soul coins.

But if you can't rob it, can't you still cheat it?

After observing for a while, some people discovered that this extremely beautiful woman often spent money to help ordinary people.

He also frequently spent money from the slave market to buy some slaves who looked "poor" and then freed them.

So, they made up the name "Slave Children Rescue Organization" and defrauded her of hundreds of gold soul coins.

By the time she reacted, those people had long disappeared.

Fortunately, Ah Yin has no need to eat. As long as he relies on instinct to absorb the essence of plants and trees, it is enough to maintain this body. Otherwise, he might have returned to the soul body state and entered the Eternal Life Sword.

However, these things obviously had a big impact on her. She was just too embarrassed to go to Su Cheng to complain.

With no money, she didn't know what she could do, so she had no choice but to wander the streets aimlessly.

As soon as he went back and forth, he was discovered by the kind-hearted woman in the fruit shop and took her in as a poor homeless person.

Such people are not uncommon in Tiandou City.

Every day, countless people get rich from this imperial capital, while countless people become poor overnight.

But in this case, it is a mistake.

In this shop, she met countless ordinary people of all kinds and became much more mature.

"Come on, tell me what happened these days. It seems that you have suffered a lot of setbacks."


Seeing that she didn't respond, Su Cheng chuckled and said, "My silly sister, I guess all the money I gave you should be gone now, right?"


Ah Yin raised his head and opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

She found that she could not argue at all, and lowered her head again.

"Haha, money and silk are touching people's hearts."

Su Cheng glanced at her and knew that he had guessed correctly.

However, a hundred gold soul coins were nothing in his eyes. No matter what the reason was, he was too lazy to pursue it.

Then he looked forward, and said intentionally or unintentionally: "This is just a few gold soul coins. How much do you think it is worth compared to a hundred thousand year soul beast?"

"..." Ah Yin was startled when he heard this, glanced sideways at Su Cheng, then turned his head and lowered his head without saying a word.

"After what you have experienced, if you go back to the time before the sacrifice, would you still dare to wander around the world?"


She still didn't speak.

The answer is no.

Su Cheng was not prepared to let her go so easily, and continued to ask: "In your heart, which one is more important, the safety of your lover, or your dream of venturing into the world? By the way, do you know how old Tang Hao was at that time? What? Tang Hao can’t understand what even my age understands?"

Then he glanced at Ah Yin, who was silent all the way, and added: "But compared to your age, I guess you can only be regarded as a little kid, haha."

"Su Cheng!"

Ah Yin glared at Su Cheng angrily.

This last sentence is a bit much.

In the soul beast clan, age is not calculated this way.

After transforming, it is equivalent to being reincarnated as a human being. Naturally, the age should be calculated based on human age.

"Ah Yin, have you ever thought about it, Tang Hao is actually used to it."

Su Cheng ignored her anger and continued to talk while walking.

"Are you used to your adventures, used to your efforts, used to you following them silently and quietly?"


"So, when you sacrificed at the last moment, what did you ask for? Did you expect him to regret it? Did you expect him to know how to cherish it? Or did you simply hope that they could live?"

These words fell into A-yin's ears, and her heart suddenly became full of distracting thoughts.

She hadn't thought about any of this at the time.

"Is there any use in regret after losing it? However, I can tell you that Tang Hao does regret it very much. He is now drinking to relieve his sorrows all day long, just like a useless person. Maybe in these years, he has thought about it more than once , I would rather die than let you sacrifice me at that time. Of course, maybe I just thought about it."

"Stop talking..."

Ah Yin shook his head palely and looked at Su Cheng with pleading and dazed eyes.

I don't know whether it was because of heartache or fear. After hearing these words, I didn't feel much joy, anger or even worry.

Su Cheng looked forward without looking at her.

"You know, if I don't show up, you might also be able to be resurrected one day in the future. That 'son' of Tang Hao is very special. He knows a lot and will treat you as your biological parents."

He paused and turned to stare into Ah Yin's helpless eyes.

"Ah Yin, if the mistake can be made up for, can it be forgiven?"

Ah Yin's face was pale, even his lips were bloodless.

"Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. There is no shame in making mistakes, but sometimes the reasons for making mistakes are shameful."

Su Cheng said calmly, "Ask yourself, I can't give you the answers to these things."

After leaving the city, Su Cheng looked at A Yin.

"Let's go and find the Blue Silver King. Don't forget your promise."

Ah Yin sighed silently in his heart and temporarily put down those messy thoughts.

The sea of ​​​​mind that had finally calmed down these days was easily stirred up by Su Cheng again.

After thinking for a while, she raised her finger and pointed in a direction.

Then he spoke softly: "If you can't succeed, you can't hurt them."

She knew what Su Cheng's purpose was, but she wasn't optimistic about it.

This is not to look down on Su Cheng.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ah Yin is the person who knows his true strength best besides Su Cheng himself.

But she also understands the situation of the Blue Silver Grass clan.

For a person like Su Cheng who possesses the Sword Martial Spirit, the Bluesilver Grass Forest cannot be of any help at all, even if he possesses the Five Elements Domain.

"Don't worry, there are so many soul beasts in the world, there's no need for me to stare at a bluesilver grass." Su Cheng said frankly.

When he turned around, he saw Ah Yin's sad look on his face, and couldn't help but curl his lips.

"However, your mentality that the world's soul beasts are one family is really a bit ridiculous.

"People hunt soul beasts, just like wolves eat rabbits and sheep eat grass. It is normal for the weak to eat the strong. Even among the soul beasts, there is no peace. They will never fight each other because of their territory, cultivation, and food. Rare.

"Don't make it sound like there are only two camps in the world: soul beasts and humans. Even among you soul beasts, don't the vegetarian soft-bone rabbits also feed on your blue silver grass?

"If we insist on dividing them, it is more reliable to say that spiritual creatures with true self-awareness are divided into one camp."

Ah Yin was stunned and turned his head to look at Su Cheng in surprise.

This was the first time she had heard such an argument.

"But I never pity the soul beasts, and the transformed soul beasts will be killed even if they deserve to be killed."

Su Cheng grinned, showing his white teeth.

Seeing this made Ah Yin feel cold in his heart.

Then he glared back and said loudly: "Then why did you just say those high-sounding things?"

"It's a joke, you shouldn't ask me about this."

Su Cheng raised the corners of his mouth, with a cruel light in his eyes.

"This world is like this. Do you think I want to obtain soul rings by hunting soul beasts? This way of advancement simply makes me feel sick.

"I don't even want to eat fairy grass. If it weren't for the bottleneck in upgrading, why would I bother hunting any soul beasts to help me advance?

“This has nothing to do with camp.

"To tell you the truth, if the promotion method of a soul master is to kill people to obtain rings, then I will still not be merciless when it's time to strike."

"..." These words made Ah Yin stand on the spot, speechless for a moment.

Su Cheng snorted coldly: "In my opinion, it is unreasonable for people to rely on soul beasts and soul rings for advancement.

"The relationship between the two is not a cycle of heaven under normal rules, but more like a rule imposed on this world by some special will. But for me now, I can't resist it.

"You'd better pray that I can succeed this time and find a way to advance naturally without hunting soul beasts."

Hearing this, Ah Yin felt an inexplicable shudder, and asked in a harsh voice: "This is why you want to go to the Blue Silver Grass Forest, not just to condense the fifth soul ring?"

"What do you think?" Su Cheng turned around and rushed towards the direction A Yin pointed just now.

Looking at his back, Ah Yin couldn't help but whisper in her heart: "Su Cheng, what kind of person are you..."

A few days later, Su Cheng followed A Yin to an unknown forest.

Before Ah Yin could speak, he was keenly aware of the wonderfully harmonious environment around him.

Like a field, but higher than the field.

If I have to describe it, it's like an incomplete and alternative small world.

Su Cheng immediately closed his eyes.

The realm of the Five Elements spreads out, and the vertical lines between the eyebrows flicker on and off.

Plants like Bluesilver Grass are very common in Douluo Continent, and they are not far different from ordinary weeds that can be seen everywhere.

But here, there is only Bluesilver Grass.

As Su Cheng immersed himself in this world little by little, the Blue Silver Emperor soul bone that had been dormant for a long time in his right leg suddenly began to slowly emit a faint blue light.

A Yin, who was standing next to him, also took a deep breath at the same time.

Her feelings at this moment were much deeper than Su Cheng's, and her gentle eyes were full of nostalgia and nostalgia.

Here, all were once her people, and they all regarded themselves as mothers.

Even though there is no real Blue Silver Emperor blood in this body now, she can already feel the feeling of flesh and blood being connected.

A strong feeling of admiration emanates from the forest.

It's like a wanderer who has been away from home for many years has finally returned to his mother's arms.

Grief, touch, surprise, nostalgia...

Countless emotions were pouring out to her silently.

As Ah Yin, one of the central axis of the Five Elements Domain, gradually immersed himself in the world of Blue Silver Grass, Su Cheng quickly integrated into this small world with the help of the domain.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in his heart without warning.

"King, great king, is it really you? You finally came to me, thank God..."

This was said not only to Su Cheng, but also to Ah Yin who was standing beside him.

In the originally peaceful and distant small world, a strong spiritual power suddenly came, entangled with Su Cheng.

"King, can you please come to me?" The voice seemed to become more urgent, with strong desire.

Su Cheng didn't hesitate, got up and ran directly into the forest.

Ah Yin was a little surprised at this time.

She originally thought that she needed to use herself as a link to connect the spiritual powers of both parties, but she didn't expect that Su Cheng could directly feel the call of the Blue Silver King.

After stepping into the forest, Su Cheng stood up and moved quickly in the direction of the spiritual pull.

Wherever he passed, the bluesilver grass on the ground seemed to be calling excitedly, swaying gently rhythmically, as if dancing happily for his arrival.

This forest is not large, but the plants here look ancient, as if they have experienced a long time.

You can see towering trees reaching into the sky everywhere, and even the sun's rays can hardly reach the ground from these dense plants.

After running rapidly for about half an hour, the spiritual power connected with him became particularly clear.

"King, I'm here." The spiritual call appeared again, and the excitement seemed to be mixed with a little nervousness.

Passing through two ancient trees that required at least several people to embrace, the huge Blue Silver King appeared in front of Su Cheng.

Slender vines climbed up, tangled up to about ten meters in the air, and looked like they were made of countless vines. Each of those vines is as thick as an average person's waist and more than a foot in diameter.

Its whole body shone with a crystal clear blue light, and around it, blue silver grass grew extremely lush.

In the condensation in the middle of the vines, there is a trace that looks like a human face, showing an obvious smile.

The extremely powerful aura was released without reservation, and strong mental fluctuations spurted out from the face in the center, pulsing happily around Su Cheng's body.

"Blue Silver King?" Su Cheng stared at the huge vines in front of him with burning eyes.

"King, you are finally here." The human face in the center of the vines opened its mouth wide and spoke human words.

"Your king is here."

As Su Cheng finished speaking, A Yin appeared next to him.

"Your Majesty!" A look of extreme surprise appeared on the man's face, "It's really you?!"

He seemed a little unable to believe the scene before him.

The aura that Ah Yin had before seemed to be different. Instead, it felt the very obvious aura of the Blue Silver Emperor on Su Cheng.

But after feeling it carefully, there were two drops of blue liquid flowing down from the eyes of its human face.

Then came the ultimate anger.

A high and painful roar rose into the sky.

Even if it is as gentle as it is, it still has untouchable reverse scales!

"Who?! Who made you suffer so much!"

Su Cheng felt the terrible mental pressure beside him, and his expression became slightly solemn.

Although this powerful and condensed hostility was not directed at him, the feeling of being an enemy of the world, even if it was only a slight contact, was not pleasant.

But he didn't have much fear in his heart.

It's not because he trusts Ah Yin, but because he is confident enough to get out of here.

In this small world, the Blue Silver King is indeed far stronger than him.

But it's not enough to keep him here.

The Blue Silver King's killing methods are limited, and his strength lies in mental power and restraint.

However, this aspect happens to be firmly restrained by his Eye of True Sight, which can help him break through the siege with his Arrancar.

Seeing the Blue Silver King with tears dripping from his eyes and an extremely angry expression, Ah Yin also felt something in his heart.

Maybe she was really too narrow-minded in the past.

Trapped in human emotions, she completely forgot her identity and responsibilities, and her loyal people who were always thinking about her.

Shaking her head, she said softly: "Those things have passed. You don't have to worry about it. I have let it go. Besides, Su Cheng will help me truly resurrect in the future."

Then he turned to look at Su Cheng, "Is that so?"

Ah Yin's eyes were as sincere as a child's, without any threatening intent.

She has never been the type to threaten others.

The two of them had been together for a long time, but the things they experienced during that period were still vivid in her mind. During these days, Su Cheng had never deceived her.

When Su Cheng heard this, he also turned to look at A Yin.

His eyes flickered slightly, and after a moment he said in a deep voice: "I can't guarantee it. But I will try my best."

"That's enough." A faint smile appeared on A Yin's face.

He turned back to look at the huge Blue Silver King in front of him and said solemnly: "Help him perform the awakening ceremony."

Today, I still owe 8 chapters.

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