Douluo: Traveling through Huo Yuhao with Sasuke's panel

Chapter 105: Died before achieving success, Xuanzi wiped out Shrek!

"Lightning Leopard" Xixi seemed to have really turned into a black lightning. Wherever the lightning raged, there must be a bandit with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

Ma Xiaotao spread her wings and flew above the cave. Countless phoenix meteor showers fell below, causing a huge fire explosion.

Looking at the bandit group members howling and screaming in her soul skills, Ma Xiaotao had no mercy in her eyes, but was very excited!

This was one of the few opportunities for her to release the evil fire in her heart.

But at this moment, the craziest on the battlefield was not them, but a white phantom emitting a strong murderous aura, which was Dai Yaoheng.

Dai Yaoheng was extremely crazy. As a melee soul master, as long as the bandits attacked him, they would all die or be disabled.

There was also a soul king-level strongman who was forcibly inserted into his body by his pair of tiger claws and lifted up high, and then tore it violently.

Blood fell like rain.

Dai Yaoheng smiled coldly, said "Pooh" casually, spit out a mouthful of blood foam, and continued to fight.

The only one among the inner courtyard students who didn't kill crazily was Ling Luochen. Her personality was originally a bit cold, so at this moment she just used the ice stick in her hand to freeze a few minions who wanted to escape.

"These guys are too excited. It's a bit strange. This group of dead hand bandits is only this capable? There is no reason why the garrisons of Xingluo and Sun and Moon can't clear them out for so long." Ling Luochen was puzzled.

After a short period of cleaning, only a few members of the bandit group in the cave were left hiding in the corner and shivering.

This was the inner courtyard members who stayed behind to interrogate.

Beibei and other reserve team members almost didn't make a move, and the battle was over, but the fierce attacks of the inner courtyard seniors also left a deep impression on them.

Xiao Xiao, Jiang Nannan, Ning Tian, ​​these three young girls who had never seen such a bloody scene, covered their mouths at the same time and ran to the side to vomit.

Wang Dong also wanted to vomit, but thinking that he was still dressed as a man, he had to force himself to hold back the discomfort in his heart.

Beibei, Xu Sanshi, and Caitou were not used to it, but they were more shocked. The terrifying fighting power of these seniors really opened their eyes.

"Haha, you haven't experienced this kind of scene yet. It's normal to be like this for the first time. When you join the inner courtyard in the future and do more monitoring tasks, you will get used to it." The good guy Yao Haoxuan smiled and looked at the three girls who were vomiting crazily in the distance, and comforted them.

Then he said to Beibei and the other four boys: "The rest are just a few shrimps. You go and take care of them. You don't need to intervene for the rest. We will finish it."

Beibei and the other four nodded and walked towards the three girls at the entrance of the cave.

Then, Yao Haoxuan walked towards the few shrimps who were shivering by the wall.

He said, "Are there any other people in your group besides you? Tell me the truth and I will give you a quick death."

The remaining bandits in the corner seemed to be frightened and trembled, but no one spoke.

Yao Haoxuan showed some impatience on his face and was about to use some means.

At this moment, a gloomy scream came from deeper in the cave: "Hehehe, you dare to go against my messenger of death, you will all die and become my corpse slaves!"

"Become my sacrifice, you ignorant guys!"

When the voice came, the few shrimps in the corner not only did not feel excited about being saved, but showed deep despair on their faces.

At the same time, Wang Yan, who was one step behind the crowd, just entered the cave. Hearing this, his face changed instantly and he roared: "Everyone, retreat quickly, defend!"

The one farthest away from the crowd was Yao Haoxuan. He obviously didn't understand what this meant. The next second, he saw the bodies of the little minions in front of him swelled and turned red at an alarming speed.

"Help!" Yao Haoxuan understood instantly, opened his mouth, and didn't finish a complete sentence.

"Boom, boom, boom" Three violent roars suddenly sounded, and Yao Haoxuan, who was very close to them, had no time to react and was directly enveloped by the explosion.

His limbs, head and body were directly blown apart, flying in different directions, and blood splashed all over his body.

"Shh" Ma Xiaotao was immediately splattered with blood. She seemed to have not reacted yet, her pupils suddenly widened, and the blood on her face felt warm.

This, is this Yao Haoxuan's blood?

The companions who were talking and laughing just now suddenly broke into pieces. She couldn't believe it for a while, and was stunned in the same place.

Yao Haoxuan, just like that, died?

"Silly children, run!" It wasn't until Wang Yan's scream with a crying voice sounded in their ears that the Shrek people woke up.

They looked at the corpses flying around in the cave, and their souls were suddenly gone.

Difficult, could it be?

All these corpses can explode?

As if in response to their questions, the dozens of corpses of the bandits lying on the ground all began to swell and turn red at the same time.

Since the seven members of the reserve team were right at the entrance of the cave, they had the longest reaction time.

At the moment before the explosion, Wang Yan desperately ran in front of the seven people and blocked the front with his soul power of only five rings.

Beibei also stood with Wang Yan, possessed by the blue lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, with a fearless look in his eyes, trying to protect the people behind him.

Xu Sanshi summoned the Xuan Ming Shield as the second line of defense, while Xiao Xiao used the Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron to block the front to form the third line of defense. Ning Tianhe and Caitou used Soul Guidance at the critical moment. To protect the shield, Jiang Nannan directly used the Invincible Golden Body.

But the Shrek official team members who were at the center of the explosion were far from being so lucky.

Even so, at the moment before the explosion, the instincts and subconsciousness of the official team members as disciples of Shrek's inner courtyard still caused them to react differently.

Ling Luochen stood at the passage to the cave, farthest from the center of the explosion. With a wave of the ice staff in her hand, more than ten layers of ice walls suddenly condensed to guard her front.

The soul ring on Dai Yueheng flashed, the white tiger protected the body, and the white tiger vajra transformation and the white tiger devil transformation were activated instantly.

As a spirit master of the agile attack system, Xixi increased her speed to the extreme and rushed towards the entrance.

The most confused person should be Ma Xiaotao. Yao Haoxuan's death left her completely stunned.

"Xiao Tao!"

For a moment, she felt someone pounced on her and pinned her down.

The most miserable person should be Chen Zifeng, he has no defensive soul skills at all!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom"

Dozens of terrifying roars sounded one after another at this time, and the intensity of the explosions varied. It seemed that the higher the corpse's cultivation before death, the more violent the explosions.

For a moment, the entire cave felt like purgatory, with constant roars and corpses on the ground flying everywhere in the narrow cave.

The continuous corpse explosion lasted for more than ten seconds. Among them, the corpse of the soul king that was split into two by Dai Yueheng even emitted an explosion that shook the entire cave.

At the same time as the explosion sounded, in the forest outside the cave, Xuanzi, who was eating chicken legs and drinking wine on a tree, trembled and the chicken legs in his hand fell to the ground.

The next second, his messy hair and beard stood up straight, like a mad lion.

He became furious and turned into a stream of blue light and rushed into the cave.

Unfortunately, he arrived a little late. He arrived at the entrance of the cave platform as quickly as possible and saw a scene that he would never forget in his life.

The explosion of the Soul King's corpse just now was no less powerful than the full blow of the Soul Saint strongman, not to mention the chain reaction caused by the explosion of the other corpses.

Xuanzi looked at the tragic scene in front of him, his mouth opened in disbelief for a moment, his eyes were lifeless, his whole body felt cold, his feet were unsteady, and he took three steps back.

Due to the impact of the explosion, Yao Haoxuan's head, which had long been separated from his body, rolled to Xuanzi's feet, with a look of horror on his face as he stared at Xuanzi.

And the remaining Shrek inner academy students?

"Ah, ah, ah!" Chen Zifeng was covered in blood. He had broken his arms and legs and was lying on the ground wailing.

There was a big hole in Xixi's waist, and she was bleeding profusely. She was leaning against the wall, as if she had passed out.

Because Ling Luochen was far away, nothing happened, but his right leg seemed to be affected, and he was sitting on the ground sweating.

Dai Yueheng, on the other hand, seemed to be the least injured. Since he was the strongest, he activated three defensive soul skills in time. Now his chest was just charred black and there was a trace of bloodshot eyes at the corner of his mouth. It was unclear whether he had any internal injuries. .

"Xiao Tao! Where is Xiao Tao!" Xuanzi woke up from a dream.

He didn't dare to imagine how much turmoil it would cause if Ma Xiaotao died here.

"I'm here." A very sad female voice sounded. Ma Xiaotao was kneeling on the ground, holding someone in her arms.

Xuanzi hurriedly ran to her, but when he saw the person in her arms, his eyes suddenly shrank.

"This is Gongyang Mo?"

I saw that Gong Yangmo's upper body and lower body were completely separated. At this time, his face was as pale as gold paper. He was breathing too much out and not taking in much air. It looked like he was going to die.

Gong Yangmo's eyes were completely distracted. He raised his hand, looked at Ma Xiaotao, and feebly said his last words: "Xiao Tao, I."

The next second, his head tilted, his hands dropped weakly, and he became completely silent.

Xuanzi was completely stunned. There was a student, dead, dead?

At this moment, Xuanzi suddenly remembered the lofty ambitions he had set in the Poseidon Pavilion before setting off.

"Don't worry, I will lead the team this time, nothing will go wrong, guaranteed!"

"It is impossible for a person to step into the same river twice. This time I will definitely bring them back intact. Just rest assured!"

"Invincible shield? We Shrek don't need that kind of thing!"

"Whoever uses a soul guide is tarnishing our Shrek's fine tradition!"

"I am a mighty ninety-eighth-level Douluo, how could it be that..."

All the flags he planted turned into boomerangs and struck hard on Xuanzi's body.

Xuanzi really didn't expect that the boomerang would come so quickly.

Memories flashed before my eyes again.

There seemed to be a similar scene many years ago.

That time, a gathering of stars gathered in Shrek's inner courtyard, and it was himself who took them out to hunt for soul rings. The group of talented children were also so high-spirited.

But he only left for a while. When he came back, he saw a scene similar to the one now. The students were bleeding like rivers and suffered heavy casualties.

It takes hundreds of years for a sapling to grow into a towering tree, but it seems to only take a few minutes to saw them off.

Shrek's geniuses don't need a few minutes, just Xuanzi using his arrogance and Shrek's pride to kidnap them morally is enough to destroy them.

"Old man, what on earth did you protect!"

Wang Yan, who was standing far away and resisting the shock wave of the explosion, hugged his head in pain. He didn't care about Xuan Zi's identity and scolded him fiercely.

Xuan Zi was so shocked that he felt as if his soul had left his body and he wanted to cry but couldn't.

How, how could this happen!

The Shrek reserve team on one side of the cave, because they were far away from the explosion site, all seven of them were intact, and they all breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

"Xuan Lao, save people!" Ma Xiaotao raised her head with tears in her eyes.

"Oh, right, right!" Xuan Zi came back to his senses.

He waved his hands and wrapped up Xixi and Chen Zifeng, who were more seriously injured, with his soul power.

"Let's go!" Xuan Zi shouted, wanting everyone to leave the cave first.

Then, as if he suddenly thought of something, he also wrapped up the broken bodies of Gong Yangmo and Yao Haoxuan with his soul power.

"I promised to bring you back intact." Xuanzi said sadly.

He suddenly remembered his promise at this time.

Although the person is gone, the body is intact.

At this moment, the Death Messenger who was hiding deep in the cave had a gleam in his eyes. Now that the Shrek people were distracted, he could also see that the old man in front of him had unfathomable cultivation.

But this old man was really stupid, and he even brought the body with him.

How could he miss such a great opportunity?

The Death Messenger almost laughed to death at this time.

Then, his fifth soul ring flashed, and he turned into a wisp of purple smoke out of thin air and fled to the entrance of the passage!

But with only five rings of cultivation, how could he escape the eyes of everyone?

Wang Yan shouted angrily: "Xuan Lao, kill him, kill him!"

Although Xuan Zi was shaken at the moment, he was at least a level 98 Super Douluo. He knew in an instant that this man was definitely the evil soul master who had brought such a terrible blow to the Shrek people.

The anger in his heart was like a raging fire, and it was violent to the extreme!

"Damn it, why don't you die for me!"

He dragged the two injured people and two corpses with one hand, and his soul power turned into a big khaki hand and grabbed the purple smoke fiercely.

In order to protect the seven uninjured Shrek reserve team members, he came to them at a very fast speed.

The Death Messenger was stunned and thought, could this old man be an undercover of my Holy Church?

Why does every step seem to help me escape?

But since there is such a good opportunity, he will naturally not let it go.

The Death Messenger's eyes lit up, and he snapped his right fingers and launched the corpse explosion again.

The bodies of Yao Haoxuan and Gong Yangmo also began to turn red and grow bigger.

Chen Zifeng looked at the two bodies that were about to explode, his eyes full of fear. He desperately knocked on the shield formed by Xuanzi's soul power, trying to escape, but the shield that originally protected him became his cage.

Xixi had just woken up from a coma, and when she saw this scene, her eyes were already desperate. She had finally escaped a disaster, and she probably never thought that she would die at the hands of her own commander.

And all this came from Xuanzi's "kindness".

When the Shrek reserve team saw Xuanzi approaching them, they fled back frantically, and everyone was yelling.

"Don't come over!"

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