Douluo: The Ever-changing Divine King Oscar

Chapter 95 The Powerful Fourth Soul Skill (2)

The two Gai Yue smiled slightly: "The effect of this soul skill is naturally the best at the same level, but Xiao Ao's fourth soul ring is at the 30,000-year level, and can already compete with the top soul emperor's sixth soul ring. , or even the weaker Soul Saint's seventh soul ring. If you think about it this way, then this soul skill is actually not that amazing to Xiao Ao.

After hearing what Gai Yue said, Dugu Yan nodded thoughtfully. Finally, she found that what Gai Yue said was very reasonable. If it were an ordinary fourth thousand-year soul ring that could have such an effect, then it would definitely It's a top-notch soul skill.

But for Oscar, who has transcended levels to absorb soul rings, the effect of this soul skill is definitely not enough to make him excited. After all, Oscar is a person who has seen the world, how could he be so excited?

Dugu Yan turned to look at Oscar: "Xiao Ao, will you tell me the truth?"

Oscar looked at Dugu Yan's little appearance and smiled, and then said: "The effect of the soul skill mentioned by the teacher is completely correct, but it is not complete."

After a pause, Oscar continued: "Teacher, after taking my fourth soul skill, the reason why your clone can only have 60% of the strength of the main body is because my soul skill also has a limitation, that is, in addition to Except for soul masters of the same level or below my level, if other soul masters take it, for every soul ring more than mine, the clone's strength will decrease by ten percent."

"You have four more soul rings than me, so the clone's strength has dropped by 40%, to only 60% of your original strength."

"And if a soul master of the same level as me, or a soul master with fewer soul rings than me, uses this soul skill of mine, then his clone will inherit 100% of his strength, and it will be a complete copy."

Hearing Oscar's explanation, Gai Yue instantly understood. If this was the case, then Oscar's soul skill would be worthy of the results of his leapfrog absorption.

After taking his fourth soul skill, a soul master of the same level can have a clone that is 100% replica of his own strength and has a spiritual connection. This is the effect of one plus one, which is greater than two!

Even Gai Yue himself can feel that he and his clone can use the same skills at the same time to achieve a combined attack similar to martial soul fusion skills. The effect is definitely much more powerful than that of one person...

Thinking about this, Gai Yue became a little excited. If Oscar breaks through to the Titled Douluo level in the future, and then uses his soul skill, wouldn't it be possible to defeat one against two?

You must know that it is the realm of Titled Douluo. Every level difference between Titled Douluo is a world of difference, but what about you? Directly use the apprentice's soul skills to cheat? From one person to two people who are exactly the same in terms of martial souls, soul skills, and even soul bones?

When Dugu Yan heard Oscar's explanation, he immediately understood the horror of his soul skill.

Similarly, what Dugu Yan is thinking is that if Oscar cultivates to the level of Titled Douluo and allows both her and her grandfather Dugu Bo to use this fourth soul skill, not to mention Dugu Yan herself, then wouldn't her grandfather Dugu Bo be able to become two Already?

And Oscar himself has the same idea. After all, one Dugu Bo is enough to change the outcome of a battle. What if there are two Dugu Bo? Doesn't that mean that there is no intact place on the entire battlefield? Are they all Dugu Bo's poison?

After Gai Yue knew the full effect of Oscar's soul skill, he couldn't calm down for a long time, but Oscar added lightly: "Teacher, in fact, this soul skill is not as powerful as you think, because this soul skill has another The restriction is that it can only be taken once a day, and the second time it is taken it will only have the effect of restoring soul power."

Hearing this, Gai Yue rolled his eyes at Oscar: "This is also called restriction? Which soul master have you ever seen who fights every day?"

After a pause, Gai Yue said with emotion: "In the field of food, you are simply a monster! Even more monster than your talent in swordsmanship!"

Oscar smiled slightly: "After all, this is my major, so it's understandable that my soul skills are more powerful."

Oscar said, and then looked at Gai Yue and Dugu Yan calmly: "Teacher, sister, if I say that the effect of my fourth soul skill is more than this, what will you think?"

The two people who had been immersed in the power of Oscar's fourth soul skill were unable to extricate themselves. When they heard Oscar's words, they were instantly excited. Two identical Gai Yue looked at Oscar in disbelief at the same time: "What did you say? This is not you. The full effect of the fourth soul skill?”

Oscar was a little shocked when the two teachers looked at it. He laughed and replied: "Yes, this is just one of the effects of my fourth soul skill. I need a drop of your blood, teacher, to display the other effect."

Hearing this, the two identical Gai Yue looked at each other, but the avatar and the main body were connected by heart. When Gai Yue and "Gai Yue" looked at each other, they only saw the confusion in their own eyes. .

However, although he was confused, Gai Yue still cut his finger and shot a drop of blood towards Oscar.

Oscar raised his hand and used his soul power to wrap the blood to prevent it from scattering and dripping. After receiving Gai Yue's blood, the fourth soul ring on Oscar's body once again flickered with dark soul power.

As the light of soul power flickered, the soul curse was recited again, but this time the soul curse was slightly different from before.

"The fourth soul skill: looking at a cat and drawing a sausage in a tiger's mirror!"

As the soul curse was recited, the endless soul power light wrapped around Gai Yue's drop of blood and began to vibrate, and then an ice blue sausage exuding cold air appeared in the form of a mini version of the Frost Moon Sword. Oscar's hands.

Looking at the shape of the sausage in Oscar's hand, and the fact that Oscar had just asked for a drop of blood from Gai Yue, the two identical Gai Yue and Dugu Yan both had an idea of ​​the second effect of Oscar's fourth soul skill. A rough guess.

Then I saw Oscar handing the sausage directly to Dugu Yan, and then I heard Oscar say: "Sister, give it a try."

Dugu Yan blankly took the ice-blue sausage, which was like a mini version of the Frost Moon Sword, and then ate it into his mouth. When the sausage entered his mouth, he first felt a heart-piercing coldness, and then in his soul power Under the influence of it, it directly turned into the essence of soul power and flowed into the body.

After feeling the changes brought to her by Oscar's fourth soul skill, Dugu Yan once again looked at Oscar with an incredulous look on her face, and then looked at Gai Yue.

"Yanyan, how is the effect?" Two identical Gai Yue couldn't help but ask.

Dugu Yan did not answer, but slowly raised his right hand under Gai Yue's puzzled gaze. The next moment, a Frost Moon Sword that was exactly the same as Gai Yue's martial spirit appeared in Dugu Yan's hand.

When Gai Yue saw that Dugu Yan could actually use his martial spirit, he was stunned for a moment, and then he had a guess about another effect of Oscar's fourth soul skill.

At the same time, three soul rings, two yellow and one purple, rose up on Dugu Yan's body, and then the third purple soul ring on Dugu Yan's body shone.

With the release of the soul skill, the next moment, the Frost Moon Sword in Dugu Yan's hand began to dance like a dance, and the endless ice sword energy instantly crisscrossed and attacked the two Gai Yue.

"The third soul skill: Frost Moon Manhua!"

"What?!" Gai Yue saw that Dugu Yan could still use his soul skills? Immediately surprised.

Gai Yue couldn't help but think in his heart: "The second effect of Xiao Ao's fourth soul skill is to directly copy the blood provider's martial soul and soul skill? What about the soul bone skill? After all, Oscar is the fourth The clone of the first effect of the soul skill copied the martial soul, soul skill and soul bone skill."

However, Gai Yue's reaction was not slow. The two identical clones of Gai Yue released their martial spirits instantly. The Frost Moon Sword in their hands released endless ice breath. The clones' figures flashed and came to Gai Yue's body. The clones were ice-cold. The sword was held across his chest, directly resisting Dugu Yan's attack.

Although the clone only has 60% of Gai Yue's strength, its soul power level is as high as 60% of the 88-level Gai Yue's strength, which is far beyond what Dugu Yan, who is only at level 40, can compare with today.

But it was not over. Then the third soul skill was blocked, but Dugu Yan slowly raised her right arm. The ice blue soul power light condensed on her right arm, and an ice blue element in the shape of a sword formed. Suddenly burst out.

"Ice Dragon Python's right arm soul bone skill: Ice Age!"

Terrifying ice suddenly erupted from Dugu Yan's right arm. This was obviously not the soul bone skill of her right arm, but Gai Yue's soul bone skill copied through Oscar's fourth soul skill.

The terrifying power of freezing suddenly broke out and attacked Gai Yue's clone. The terrifying power of ice directly froze the environment around Dugu Yan.

Gai Yue raised his eyebrows when he saw this scene. He knew that Oscar's fourth soul skill was definitely not simple. After all, that was the case with the sausage before.

However, facing Dugu Yan's copy of his own soul bone skills, the clone Gai Yue just slowly raised his right arm, and the same icy blue light swayed, but it was not an attack, but directly directed Dugu Yan's attack to Dugu Yan. All absorbed.

Dugu Yan, on the other hand, used all his strength to activate the soul bone skill copied from Gai Yue, and his soul power was almost exhausted. After withdrawing the soul, he stopped attacking, but the copied soul did not disappear.

Gai Yue also withdrew his clone at this time and looked at Oscar with some horror: "Xiao Ao, although the effects of your two fourth soul skills are similar, they are completely different. Doesn't this represent your fourth soul skill?" Soul skills have two forms of skills?"

Having said this, even Dugu Yan couldn't help but sigh: "Xiao Ao, your soul skill is completely comparable to a hundred thousand year soul skill, right? One soul skill has two effects. This is not something that only a hundred thousand year soul ring can possess. Of?"

Looking at the horrified two people, Oscar's smile remained unchanged: "Actually, I'm quite surprised, but that's the fact."

"My fourth soul skill has two effects. One is the mirror clone intestine used by the teacher before, and the second is this mirror clone intestine."

"I guess you also noticed the changes in my soul curse just now, right? There are two full names for my soul curse. One is 'Photography of a Tiger, a Cat, a Mirror Image of a Clone Sausage'. I don't need other people's blood to create this effect. The effect is After the user takes it, he can condense a clone without consuming soul power. If the user has the same number of soul rings as I do, then the clone can have 100% of the abilities of the original body, including martial souls, soul skills and soul bones. For an identical clone, if the level is higher than mine, the strength of the clone will drop by ten percent for every additional soul ring."

"The full name of the soul spell for the second effect is 'Mirror Image Copy Sausage'. The effect is that it can completely copy the spirit, soul skills and soul bone skills of the blood provider, and the strength exerted is based on It depends on the user’s own soul power level.”

"If the user's physical fitness and soul power are stronger than those of the blood copyer, then at the same level, the soul master who uses my fourth soul skill can still exert more powerful strength. This is completely It is based on the user’s own strength.”

"And after using the clone sausage, unless the soul power is exhausted, you can always have the ability to provide blood soul masters, and there is no time limit."

Hearing Oscar's detailed explanation, both Gai Yue and Dugu Yan couldn't help but open their mouths in surprise.

One soul skill and two skill effects? And there are two such powerful effects? Oscar's fourth soul skill is completely comparable to a hundred thousand year soul ring, right? Is this the benefit of absorbing soul rings beyond one level?

And even if it is a hundred thousand year soul skill, it may not be as powerful as the two effects of Oscar's fourth soul skill, right?

Oscar's own thoughts are actually similar to those of Gai Yue and Dugu Yan. He originally just thought that being able to obtain the ability to copy sausages would be enough, but he didn't expect that there would be an unexpected gain this time?

Moreover, Oscar's own replica sausage in the original work can only exert 70% of the strength of the blood provider. Even with the blessing of the head soul bone, it can only reach 80%!

And it seems that it can only copy the martial soul and soul skills of the blood provider, but not the soul bone skills! And it can only be used for three minutes! !

But Oscar's current replica sausage can perfectly replicate the blood provider's martial arts, soul skills and soul bone skills? And can you still exert 100% of your strength? The most important thing is that after taking Oscar's replica sausage, there is no time limit, but until the soul power is exhausted!

And if the user is already strong enough, can he develop even more powerful strength? !

Now the effect of the copied sausage alone has far exceeded the power of the original, not to mention that Oscar's fourth soul skill actually has two different effects?

When no one's blood is used, the original clone sausage becomes a clone sausage, and this is the skill of Oscar's head soul bone in the original work!

However, what surprised Oscar was that in the original work, Oscar's sixth soul ring was only over 20,000 years old when a soul bone exploded, and his fourth soul ring came from a 30,000-year-old mirror beast. No soul bones were revealed?

Could it be because his fourth soul skill already possesses the characteristics of the two most powerful skills of the Mirror Shadow Beast? Is that why the soul bone wasn't exploded?

In fact, what Oscar doesn't know is that the reason why he can have two effects in one soul skill is that, in addition to his own current talent, there is also the reason why this mirror beast is willing to be absorbed by Oscar.

Because when Oscar was about to kill the mirror beast, his words made the mirror beast no longer want to resist.

At that time, Oscar and Gai Yue said that if they could not absorb this 30,000-year-old spirit ring, there would still be two mirror beasts in the canyon. And those two mirror beasts are the wives and children of this 30,000-year-old mirror beast.

Oscar didn't know that his unintentional words had caused some changes in his fourth soul ring.

Of course, in the final analysis, this is because Oscar's current talent is strong enough to carry the two skill effects of the Mirror Beast. Otherwise, even if the Mirror Beast takes the initiative to sacrifice, he will not be able to achieve such a gain.

After all, although Oscar's martial spirit is just a sausage, after so many evolutions of absorbing soul rings, absorbing two immortal herbs in the Ice and Fire Eyes, and the body forging evolution in the Ice and Fire Eyes, his Sausage Wuhun has long since changed from what it used to be.

If Oscar's Sausage Martial Spirit was only a top-level food-type Martial Spirit before, then his Sausage Martial Spirit now definitely exceeds this level, not to mention reaching the level of a Seraphim, but it's definitely not far behind.

Oscar himself knows this, but he just doesn't have an intuitive feeling.

Now his fourth spirit ring has two effects, which is enough to show that Oscar's martial spirit itself has surpassed the level of top martial arts.

And Gai Yue and Dugu Yan also discovered a rather special point, which was the subtle changes in Oscar's two soul curses.

The soul spell of the cloned sausage is "draw a cat from a tiger". If we understand it literally and in terms of ability, it means that the user makes a copy of himself, compares himself to a tiger, and compares the copy to a cat.

Copying sausages is like "copying a cat and painting a tiger". The blood provider is compared to a cat, and the copied ability is a tiger!

This also clearly distinguishes why the cloned sausage can allow the user to even exert more power than the blood provider. Of course, the premise is that your background must be higher than that of the blood provider.

The two soul incantations of Oscar's fourth soul skill are simplified as mirror sausage of a tiger and a cat, and sausage of a cat and a tiger.

The clone sausages are 'photograph a tiger like a cat' and a 'mirror image sausage', while the duplicate sausage is a 'photograph a cat like a tiger' and a 'mirror sausage'.

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