Douluo: The Ever-changing Divine King Oscar

Chapter 90 Lovesickness, Target Mirror Beast

In the early morning, after Oscar and Dugu Yan packed their bags, they set off directly with Gai Yue. Their destination was the far north of the mainland, known as the human forbidden zone.

The reason why the Far North is a restricted area for humans is because the ground is extremely cold and ordinary humans and beasts cannot survive at all. Only powerful soul beasts can survive in that place.

In the eyes of most people, the range of the Far North is no less dangerous than that of the Star Dou Forest. In fact, this is also true. The range and number of soul beast groups in the Far North are no less than those of the Star Dou Forest. The only difference is That is, 99.9% of the attributes of spirit beasts living in the far north are water or ice. Only a very small, specific part may have some variation.

The reason why Oscar's fourth soul ring choice this time is a bitter cold place like the Far North that he has never been to is also because of Oscar's own decision, because the goal of his fourth soul ring selection is a... A special spirit beast that only lives in the far north.

The reason why Dugu Yan went with her was because her soul power had reached the peak of level 39, which was only one step away from level 40. It was possible to break through within a month, so she went directly with her and broke through halfway. Just find a suitable soul ring to absorb it.

Moreover, the soul beast Oscar needs has the best attributes in the far north. If you want to find it at once, you also need some European emperor attributes.

So Oscar had actually made plans to stay in the Far North for a long time, but when he told Gai Yue about the soul beast he needed, Gai Yue seemed to know some traces of that soul beast.

Because before Gai Yue came to Shrek Academy, he lived in seclusion in the far north and practiced hard.

Because his Frost Moon Sword has ice attributes, the far north is very suitable for him to practice. It is simply a natural mimicry training ground.

Gai Yue has been in the Far North for decades, and it can be said that he knows the place relatively well. Therefore, the three of them did not have too many delays or accidents along the way, and it only took half a month to reach the Far North. the periphery of the land.

Then, under the leadership of Gai Yue, the three of them went directly to the place where Gai Yue lived in seclusion in the far north.

The place where Gai Yue lives in seclusion is located in the inner periphery of the Far North. That location is the junction area between the Millennium Soul Beast and the Ten Thousand Year Soul Beast. If you want to survive in that kind of place, you need at least strength above the Soul King level.

If you want to live in that kind of place for a long time and want to ensure your own safety, then you need at least a Soul Emperor level of cultivation.

After all, in this place in the far north, those ice attribute soul beasts have the natural amplification of the field, and their strength is far superior to that of soul masters of the same level, unless the soul master's own attributes are also suitable for this place.

Gai Yue's residence was dug out on the mountainside of an iceberg. It was a beautiful courtyard. Although Gai Yue had not been back for more than three years, there was not even a single weed in the yard except for the abundant snow. nothing.

A small wooden house with a wooden structure is located here, and there are no soul beasts to intrude. It can be said to be a natural place of seclusion.

After arriving at this paradise-like place, Oscar was not in a hurry to obtain the fourth soul ring. Instead, he took out the Acacia Heartbroken Red that had been prepared in advance.

That's right, it was this Lovesick Heartbroken Red strain known as the Emperor of Immortal Grade. In Shrek Academy, Oscar did not give it to Dugu Yan because he did not give it to Dai Mubai or Zhu Zhuqing. Not even the Hunyuan Pill was given.

So in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Oscar should just not let them see him.

Moreover, Dugu Yan had just been exposed to toxins in his body during the previous period, and his body was still in the accumulation stage, so it was not suitable to take such a great tonic.

But now that Dugu Yan's body has fully recovered, there will be no problem taking the immortal elixir again.

When Dugu Yan saw Oscar taking out the Immortal Emperor, he immediately thought of the poignant love story Oscar told him.

Legend has it that a long time ago, there was a peerless young man. He is quiet by nature and likes to plant flowers and trees. His garden is full of green lotus and lotus roots, and is a riot of purple and red.

Usually I like to sing to the moths in flowers and raise my glass to the moon. I feel infinitely sad when the flowers fall and become red all over the ground. The flowers must be swept away, the ground dug and buried, and weeping again and again before we can do anything.

As the saying goes: Love moves heaven and earth, but fate is lost. His quality of loving flowers to the core of his bones moved the flower fairy in the sky. The flower fairy secretly came down to earth to marry him. From then on, the two of them enjoyed a happy life together and spent a happy life together.

But who knows, the good times don't last long. When the gods learned about this, they were very angry and ordered the flower fairy to be transferred back to the gods. As a result, the walls collapsed, the flowers and trees faded, and the garden became desolate.

When he heard this, Dugu Yan's eyes were already slightly red, and the crystal clear in them.

One day, a white-haired old man came and told him that his beloved white peony in the garden was the incarnation of his beloved wife. As long as the flower was destroyed, the flower fairy would lose her immortal body and be banished to the mortal world to be with him. Get married again, but don't ruin the flowers.

After saying this, the old man turned into a breeze and left.

From then on, the young man suddenly woke up and regretted that he had treated the flowers poorly, and began to take care of the flowers and plants carefully. Although he loved his wife, he could not bear to burn the peonies, so he loved them even more. He cried to the flowers day and night, his tears dried up, and his heart broke. He died of missing her heartbroken. When he was dying, he bled on the red petals of lovesickness.

Although this story sounds ridiculous, it is indeed touching enough, and Lovesick Heartbroken Red is indeed worthy of the title of Immortal Emperor.

After all, in the original work, after Xiao Wu sacrificed herself, she turned into a dumb rabbit. It was because she ate the Heartbroken Red that she was able to be resurrected later. Otherwise, Tang San would have lost his beloved wife because of this. .

At this time, Oscar, who was standing in front of Dugu Yan, was holding a very strange fairy herb in his hand. It was a white flower that looked very ordinary. The flower was the size of a palm, shaped like a peony, and had no grass leaves. A large stone is connected under the rhizome. The stone is completely black. From the way Oscar holds it, it can be seen that its weight is extremely shocking.

On top of that white flower, there were some astonishing touches of bright red, and the traces of bright red like blood looked a bit thrilling.

This is the heartbroken red, the emperor among immortals.

Oscar said to Dugu Yan: "Sister, the name of this fairy medicinal herb is Acacia Heartbroken Red. It is a divine treasure among fairy medicinal herbs."

Dugu Yan's eyes moved slightly, staring at Oscar with vigor, because she knew that this was the fairy herb that Oscar had selected for her long ago, and it was also the most special one.

"I have told you the method before. If you want to pick this Acacia Heartbroken Red, you must think about your loved one when picking. When you are sincere, spit out a mouthful of blood and sprinkle it on the petals. If you are half-hearted, , even if I vomit blood and die, I can’t even pick the flower off.”

"If the flower is removed, the lovesickness will never wither as long as it is by the owner's side."

"The stone under the flower is called Wu Jue. If it is forcibly destroyed, the medicinal power of this Acacia Heartbroken Red will be completely lost, which means that the immortal product will be completely destroyed, so I will keep it until today."

"Of course, if you eat this grass, it will have the power of immortality like the world. I conservatively estimate that as long as you take it, your soul power can be increased by at least ten levels, and your body will be completely transformed."

Hearing this, not to mention Dugu Yan, even Gai Yue on the side had to sigh at the wonder of this immortal emperor.

Moreover, he has also experienced the power of fairy herbs. Without the ink jade divine bamboo pill that Oscar gave him, he would not be able to reach level 88 now, and his martial soul would not evolve.

At this time, Dugu Yan looked at Oscar with affection in his eyes, and took the lovesickness from his hand.

After a long time, Dugu Yan spat out a mouthful of blood and sprinkled it on the heartbroken red of lovesickness.

Infected by the blood donation, the lovesickness broke out with a strong red light. It was already evening at this time. The lovesickness between Oscar and Duguyan swayed slightly, and then slowly moved from the black stone. Slowly falling off, the Wu Jue Stone turned into powder, as if all the energy was fed back to the lovesickness.

This lovesick red plant was suspended quietly between the two people's chests, occasionally swaying and flashing red light, reflecting the lovers looking at each other lovingly.

Under the reflection of the red light, the two people's bodies gradually became close to each other, and their four lips overlapped together.

Gai Yue looked at the two young men who suddenly kissed with a confused look on his face, and then left the yard silently, not knowing where he went...

After a long time, the lips parted. Dugu Yan held the Acacia heartbroken red plant in her slender hand.

Dugu Yan held the lovesickness in her left hand, gently stroked the flowers and leaves with her right hand, and said softly: "Xiao Ao, that story is true, right?"

Oscar nodded and said softly: "Although the relationship between us should not be judged by a flower, it can indeed prove our love."

"Eat it, it will give you the best help, and you can always stay with me, let us encourage and make progress together."

Dugu Yan shook his head and said affectionately: "No, Xiao Ao. How can anyone be willing to take such a fairy grass? Didn't you say that as long as it recognizes its owner, it will never wither? ? I want it to stay with me all the time, love it and pity it."

Hearing this, Oscar always felt as if he had experienced something. Soon Oscar remembered, wasn't this what Xiao Wu said to Tang San in the original work?

But now Dugu Yan and Xiao Wu don’t know each other at all, okay? Could it be that this fairy herb has a different kind of charm for the people who pick it?

But when thinking about this plot in the original work, Oscar couldn't help but sigh at Xiao Wu, a love-minded rabbit.

It is obvious that he is a soul beast, and the first priority should be to cultivate to level 60 and enter the mature stage, but he is still in love and cannot extricate himself.

It’s no wonder that he was hunted down and sacrificed later. Of course, this may also be the author’s own trap, forcibly subduing his intelligence in order to arrange a hundred thousand year soul ring for the protagonist.

But it doesn't matter. Oscar naturally won't let Dugu Yan keep this lovesickness red. Such a treasure can only be his own if he eats it into his body.

As for the rabbit Xiao Wu, after all, he is destined to be a soul ring, so who should he be? Anyway, although Oscar has no objection to her, if there is a chance, Oscar will never let it go.

Oscar looked at Dugu Yan and explained: "Sister, this lovesickness red plant is indeed pitiful, but what I want to tell you is that in this world, only strength is the root of protecting everything. Without strength, in the end we Maybe nothing can be protected.”

"So my suggestion is that you take this Acacia Broken Heart Red strain to maximize its effects."

"As I said before, after taking this Acacia Heartbroken Red strain, your fourth soul ring will most likely be able to absorb a ten-thousand-year-level soul ring. The improvement of a ten-thousand-year soul ring is far greater than you imagine. Much bigger.”

"And even your martial spirit may evolve as a result. The value of taking it is far greater than collecting it."

Oscar's tone was very sincere and sincere, and Dugu Yan began to waver in her heart after hearing Oscar's words.

Seeing Dugu Yan wavering, Oscar continued: "One more thing, I am only thirteen years and four months old now, but you are already seventeen years old, four years older than me."

"But my soul power has already reached level 40, and you are only level 39. If you don't use this lovesickness, you will be pulled further and further away from me in the future. I don't want you to be just the woman behind me. , I hope you can stand with me to face the future."

As soon as these words came out, Dugu Yan's pupils trembled slightly: "Shall we face the future together?"

Oscar held Dugu Yan's right hand and said, "Do you want to watch me go further and further away, and you can never catch up?"

Dugu Yan shook his head: "No, I want to make progress and grow with you."

After saying that, Dugu Yan's eyes became firm and he said to Oscar: "Xiao Ao, I understand, I will not be willful."

Oscar let go of Dugu Yan's right hand and said softly: "Go ahead and take this Acacia Broken Heart Red, and then I will accompany you to find a suitable fourth soul ring."

Dugu Yan nodded firmly and headed towards the wooden house behind him.

Oscar looked at Dugu Yan's back and was looking forward to what kind of improvement this Immortal Emperor would bring to Dugu Yan. After all, in the original work, the lovesick red one sacrificed her soul to Xiao Wu. Saved.

Watching Dugu Yan enter the wooden house, Oscar turned around and planned to ask Gai Yue about the mirror beast, but found that Gai Yue was no longer there.

That's right, Oscar's fourth spirit ring has long been determined to be the Mirror Beast. In the original novel, it was this spirit beast that changed Oscar, turning him from a food-type spirit master who could only assist to an all-powerful one. The soul master.

But now that Oscar's physical fitness and mental strength have reached the Soul Emperor level, it is possible to absorb a 30,000-year-old soul ring, so the target is naturally placed on the Mirror Shadow Beast.

After all, Oscar now has no other offensive abilities except the attached soul bone, which is still too monotonous compared to most soul masters.

If he could obtain the soul ring of the Mirror Beast, then Oscar could become an all-powerful soul master like the original, directly transforming from a food system into a versatile master.

Not seeing the teacher, Oscar was slightly startled: "Where is my teacher? Where did the old teacher like me go?"

After Oscar searched around and found no trace of Gai Yue, he had no choice but to give up and protect Dugu Yan peacefully.

After all, this is already the inner perimeter of the Far North, and there may be soul beasts without eyes appearing at any time.

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