Douluo: The Ever-changing Divine King Oscar

Chapter 80 Thoughts on Xiao Wu, taking Dugu Yan to theory class

At night, Oscar tidied up a room for Dugu Yan next to his room. Although they couldn't live together, as a couple, and with Oscar's privileges at Shrek Academy, there was no problem in living close to each other. 【6】【9】【s】【h】【u】【x】【.】【c】【o】【m】

Ma Hongjun's room is on the right side of Oscar's room, while Duguyan's room is on the left, and Oscar is placed in the middle.

Dai Mubai's room was in another wooden house, not next to theirs, but they were both in the same yard.

After tidying up Dugu Yan's room, Oscar asked Dugu Yan to wash up together. After doing all this, Oscar and Dugu Yan kissed him goodnight before returning to his room.

Ma Hongjun was expressionless during the whole process. Although he was envious, he pretended not to see it. When Duguyan closed the door of her room, Ma Hongjun followed Oscar back to Oscar's room.

Ma Hongjun didn't want to sleep with Oscar. After all, even if he wanted to, Oscar would never allow it.

Ma Hongjun just hadn't gotten along with Oscar for too long and wanted to spend more time with the boss, share interesting things about this year, and learn more about the boss's gossip.

Previously, when his sister-in-law Duguyan was here, Ma Hongjun was embarrassed to ask him many questions, but now he must seize the opportunity.

Although Oscar was helpless about this, he did not drive away Ma Hongjun. After all, it had been a long time since he had gossiped and shared daily life with Ma Hongjun.

And with Dugu Yan beside him, it was really hard to talk about some topics. Now that it was just him and Ma Hongjun, they had nothing to talk about.

Dai Mubai has been sleeping since he was treated by Shao Xin. It's not that Dai Mubai didn't wake up, but that Shao Xin deliberately let him sleep so that he would basically recover the next day.

It has to be said that Shao Xin, who has reached the realm of Soul Saint, also has some means in this aspect of treatment.

Shao Xin's soul skills are also versatile, including assistance, recovery, and treatment. The effect is similar to Oscar's first soul skill. However, Shao Xin's soul skill specializes in one ability, and the effect is much better than Oscar's.

Ma Hongjun asked Oscar a lot of questions, and also talked to Oscar about some problems he encountered in his daily practice.

Oscar also answered him carefully, especially knowing that Ma Hongjun was constantly improving his self-created soul skills - the "Flaming Phoenix" series, Oscar was very pleased with this.

Originally, Ma Hongjun could only rely on the use of the Phoenix Flame to fight, but now he was barely able to integrate soul power and attacks into it, giving birth to a truly self-created soul skill.

Among them, Flanders has paid a lot for Ma Hongjun. Although Flanders did not create his own soul skills, some of his soul skills had an important inspirational effect on Ma Hongjun.

So in a sense, Flanders, the teacher, is quite competent and has provided Ma Hongjun with a lot of help.

It wasn't until late at night that Ma Hongjun reluctantly left Oscar's room. If it weren't for Oscar's tough attitude, this kid probably wouldn't have planned to leave tonight.

After Ma Hongjun left, Oscar smiled helplessly, then sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice his soul power.

Now he is at level 37, not far from level 40, and Oscar has already thought about the choice of the fourth soul ring. He only needs to break through to level 40 to get the fourth soul ring he wants. .

The next day, Oscar still got up very early. Oscar happened to open the door. Coincidentally, Ma Hongjun and Dugu Yan from next door came out at the same time.

Oscar glanced at the two of them with a strange expression, and then asked Duguyan gently: "How is it? It's your first day living here, are you still getting used to it?"

After a night of practice, Dugu Yan felt much more energetic, with a charming smile on her delicate face: "Since I followed you, I haven't experienced the feeling of sleeping for a long time. I spend every night practicing, So it’s the same everywhere.”

Hearing this, Oscar smiled helplessly: "I'm doing this for your own good, but you have really worked hard during this period."

Dugu Yan also smiled: "I understand that if you are left far away, I will be embarrassed to follow you!"

Ma Hongjun rubbed his eyes: "Boss, sister-in-law, don't be so lazy this early in the morning and go practice?"

Hearing this, Oscar nodded: "No problem, just so you can get familiar with your sister-in-law's soul skills."

The three of them went to the square together. On the way, Oscar noticed that Dai Mubai didn't get up. He went to his dormitory to take a look and found that the boy was still sleeping, so he didn't disturb him.

However, Oscar was quite helpless. His physical fitness was indeed abnormal. At level thirty-seven, he could already catch up with the Soul Emperor. It was normal for Dai Mubai to lie down for a whole day with that almost full force punch.

However, this reminded Oscar of Dai Mubai's thirty-seventh level versus twenty-nineth level Tang San in the original work. Although Tang San was not Dai Mubai's opponent at that time, if he only used two soul rings, Dai Mubai actually lost.

And he had already made Dai Mubai lie down for a whole day with one punch. If Tang San were to punch him now, would he be killed directly?

And what makes Oscar feel coldest now is that when he first traveled through time, he even thought about following Tang San and becoming a god by the way.

Looking at it now, I have already captured the Ice and Fire Eyes in advance, and I have also formed such a deep friendship with Dugu Bo, Dugu Yan's grandson.

Now that there is no longer the Eye of Ice and Fire, which was the first and biggest cheat in Tang San's original work, I wonder if there will be any changes in Tang San's future development?

Oscar is not worried about anything else. He is just afraid that the flapping wings of his little butterfly will lead to changes in the subsequent plot and the original work. If that is the case, then Oscar's advantage of foresight will no longer exist.

If that's the case, then Oscar needs to be more careful.

But even if this kind of thing really happened, Oscar wouldn't be too worried. After all, the Ice and Fire Eyes are now in his hands. He also gave Dugu Bo ancient books on elixirs and immortal herbs. This treasure There is absolutely no chance for others to take it away.

And now Dugu Bo will be more careful not to let others discover the existence of the Ice and Fire Eyes, so Oscar is not worried about this.

And as long as the Ice and Fire Eyes are in hand, whether Oscar creates his own force or joins others in the future, this will be an absolute trump card and the foundation for his future achievements.

Just thinking about it, Oscar also thought of Xiao Wu, not because he had any bad thoughts about Little Rabbit, but because she has a walking soul ring and soul bone that is one hundred thousand years old!

Oscar couldn't really say he disliked or liked Xiao Wu, but if necessary, Oscar wouldn't mind taking this walking 100,000-year-old soul ring and soul bone.

After all, Oscar now has some capital and strength, but there are too many factors to consider when it comes to Xiao Wu.

The biggest obstacle is naturally Tang San's father, the youngest titled Douluo on the mainland, Haotian Douluo - Tang Hao.

According to the original work, Tang Hao has always known Xiao Wu's identity, and in the early stage, he most likely regarded Xiao Wu as Tang San's soul ring.

But because Tang San and Xiao Wu fell in love in the later period, and Tang Hao's woman also took the form of a soul beast, Tang Hao did not take action against Xiao Wu, nor did he object to Xiao Wu being with Tang San.

At this stage, Tang San and Xiao Wu are still studying at Notting College in Notting City, and Tang Hao will most likely be secretly protecting and observing them.

Although Tang Hao will not always follow Tang San, and the original work also clearly mentions that Tang Hao left many times midway, but at this stage Oscar is not sure whether Tang Hao has left.

The only thing Oscar could be sure of was the time when he met the Titan Giant Ape and the two times at the beginning of the Soul Master Competition that Tang Hao was not there. At other times, Oscar was not sure whether Tang Hao was there.

What's more, now he has no good reason to go to Notting City to catch Xiao Wu, so Oscar has always kept this matter deep in his heart and has not revealed it.

And according to the development of the original work, I am now twelve years and six months old, which means that in one and a half years, Tang San and Xiao Wu will come to Shrek Academy to enroll. This is also an opportunity.

And it seems that in the original work, Tang Hao also secretly escorted Tang San and Xiao Wu to Shrek Academy, beat up Zhao Wuji, told Zhao Wuji some things, and then left again?

So Tang Hao will also leave Tang San this time? Is this his chance too?

However, according to the original work, if a soul master has cultivated above Soul Douluo, he will most likely be able to see the true form of the rebuilt soul beast. And before the rebuilt soul beasts enter the mature stage, they are even more invincible in front of titled Douluo. Escaped form.

And my teacher is now close to the eighty-eighth level of cultivation. Not to mention reaching the ninety level in a year and a half, he can at least reach the eighty-ninth level, right?

So if Xiao Wu comes to Shrek Academy, she will definitely be seen through? If this is the case, will Tang Hao still agree to Tang San and Xiao Wu coming to Shrek Academy?

No, that's not right, Tang Hao has never been to Shrek Academy at all, and he must not know about the changes in the academy. Although Flanders and Yu Xiaogang are good brothers, Gai Yue is not used to showing up in public, so he will not let him Flanders goes to swagger.

And if this is the case, Tang Hao will most likely not stop Tang San and Xiao Wu from coming to Shrek Academy. After all, he didn't know that a small Shrek Academy could have so many powerful soul masters.

But Tang Hao will definitely follow him like the original one. What if the teacher discovers Xiao Wu's identity, captures her, and then Tang Hao stops her?

If this is the case, then there is a high probability that they will not have the chance to obtain the walking soul ring and soul bone of Xiao Wu. After all, Tang Hao is now a titled Douluo. Even if his body is disabled, Gai Yue cannot deal with it.

So if that was the case, they would have no chance to get their hands on Xiao Wu's walking 100,000-year-old soul ring and soul bone. After all, Tang Hao would definitely not give up Xiao Wu to them.

However, Oscar didn't really think much about Xiao Wu originally, mainly because his teacher Gai Yue was about to break through to level 90 and needed a suitable soul ring.

Although Xiao Wu's body is a soft-bone rabbit and its attributes are not compatible with Gai Yue's martial spirit, the quality of the hundred thousand year soul ring is enough to make up for the gap in attributes.

Therefore, if Gai Yue can possess a hundred thousand year soul ring, then there is a chance that it will hit the ninety-nineth level peerless Douluo, not to mention Chen Xin.

But now, although Oscar does have thoughts about Xiao Wu, it is indeed a difficult point for Tang Hao to deal with, not to mention that doing so means turning against Tang San, and he may become an enemy in the future.

Therefore, Oscar still needs to consider the pros and cons. After all, although he has some capital and strength now, he is not yet able to confront Tang Hao head-on, so he really needs to think twice before doing anything.

After all, although Tang Hao is half-disabled, he is still a real titled Douluo.

As he walked, Oscar shook his head, not allowing himself to think wildly. After all, thinking is worse than doing. Unless that day really comes, no matter how much you think about it, it will be just a fantasy and have no practical significance.

Dugu Yan noticed Oscar shaking his head and asked with concern: "What's wrong? Are you worried?"

Oscar shook his head: "I just thought of something, it's nothing."

Dugu Yan nodded: "If you have anything on your mind, you can tell me. Maybe I can help you."

Oscar smiled slightly: "Yeah."

Soon, the three of them came to the square. Oscar took Ma Hongjun to familiarize himself with Dugu Yan's soul skills, and also taught Ma Hongjun and Dugu Yan how to cooperate.

After all, Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Flame has a restraining effect on Dugu Yan's poison to a certain extent. In a team battle, if the two of them don't cooperate well, it's likely to be self-defeating.

After two hours of simple training, the time came to around eight o'clock. It was already bright and the sun was slowly hanging in the sky. Oscar and the three of them went to the cafeteria together to have breakfast.

By this time Dai Mubai had also gotten up. When the three Oscars arrived at the canteen, Dai Mubai happened to come over. Seeing Dai Mubai who was no longer in serious condition, Ma Hongjun smiled: "Mubai, how are you? I'm not kidding you, am I? The boss's strength is not what we can Just a random guess."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai's face turned slightly red. Originally, he wanted to test how powerful Oscar was, but he didn't expect that yesterday's spirit fight was knocked out by someone's punch.

Although the soul power gap between him and Oscar is eight levels, and there is one soul ring difference between them, Oscar didn't even use soul skills at that time, and he was defeated in seconds with such a simple punch. .

Moreover, Oscar was still an auxiliary soul master. To be honest, Dai Mubai himself felt a little embarrassed. But because of this, Dai Mubai fully recognized Oscar's strength.

Facing these two monsters, Oscar and Ma Hongjun, he has completely learned to let go of his princely pride and be willing to be his younger brother.

After all, if he didn't want to, he would probably be punched to death.

"Don't mention it. It's true that I took it for granted. I will never refute what Brother Ao says in the future. He told me to go east and never to the west." Dai Mubai smiled bitterly and said immediately.

Oscar waved his hand after hearing this: "It's not that serious, we are all classmates. Let's eat first."

Then Oscar took the lead and led Dugu Yan into the cafeteria, followed closely by Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai.

Oscar, who was walking in front, suddenly looked back at Dai Mubai: "Since your health is fine, let's train with him in the afternoon."

Dai Mubai nodded: "No problem, let Brother Ao arrange it."

Although Dai Mubai has been in school for a year, he has only been with Oscar for less than a day, but when he is with Ma Hongjun in the academy, Dai Mubai has already heard Oscar's legendary deeds and his ears are ringing.

In addition, Oscar punched him yesterday, so Dai Mubai was quite convinced by Oscar's words. As Dai Mubai himself said, he would never go west if he was told to go east.

Oscar nodded, then took Dugu Yan to a table and sat down, asking Shao Xin for four breakfasts.

The four of them finished their breakfast quickly, and then Oscar took Dugu Yan to a theory class.

Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai are also taking the theory class. Although they usually work very hard in practice, they basically know nothing about theory, so they can't basically master it like Oscar did after two years of study. Oscar even went to buy books to read himself.

They couldn't do what Oscar did, so they still had to take theory classes.

Dugu Yan, on the other hand, had almost no systematic study of theoretical knowledge since she was a child. It was not because the teachers were not good, but because her own conditions did not allow it.

Now that Oscar is with her, Dugu Yan is very willing to study, and the poison in her body has been resolved, and she is not afraid of contact with her classmates. She is not pressured to learn things and go to class.

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