Douluo: The Ever-changing Divine King Oscar

Chapter 34 Set off to hunt for souls

Faced with Dai Mubai's question, Oscar just smiled slightly, and then said: "Actually, it's okay if you understand it this way, but I am not a twin martial spirit. ׺°"˜˜`"°º×"

Hearing this, Dai Mubai was a little confused for a moment. What does it mean that it is okay to understand so well? And then it’s not twin martial souls? How can you practice swordsmanship if you don't have twin martial souls?

Oscar had no intention of hiding it from Dai Mubai, because there was no need. After all, he would often use the Azure Jade Sword, so unless he didn't use it, there was no need to hide it.

And now that Dai Mubai will not leave after joining Shrek, there is no danger to Oscar.

Besides, no matter how bad things go, there is still a strong man like his teacher Gai Yue. Unless a titled Douluo comes, who can hurt him?

And the Titled Douluo also looked down upon his external soul bones. After all, after the external soul bones were fused, they couldn't be removed and used like the six main soul bones, so Oscar didn't have to worry about this at all.

Outside, Oscar would package himself as a soul master with sword martial souls, and he wouldn't have to worry about others coveting his external soul bone.

Seeing Dai Mubai's puzzled expression, Oscar raised his left hand, and a sky-blue jade sword appeared directly. In Oscar's right hand, an orange sausage slowly appeared.

Seeing the "martial spirits" on Oscar's left and right hands, Dai Mubai exclaimed: "Twin martial spirits!"

"But these are obviously twin martial souls. Brother Ao, how can you say it's not the case?"

Oscar smiled when he heard this and explained: "My martial soul is the Supreme Sausage, and this is my external soul bone."

Oscar said, taking back the sausage, still holding the azure jade sword in his hand, and showed it to Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai became even more puzzled when he heard this. A soul bone attached to the outside? Is there this type of externally attached soul bone?

And can externally attached soul bones be cultivated like martial souls? But how is this possible?

As Oscar walked, he continued to explain his external soul bone to Dai Mubai. Dai Mubai only felt a little incredible after hearing this.

Not to mention Oscar's luck, Oscar's talent and perseverance are beyond his reach.

As a food-type soul master, he is able to become a being comparable to an attack-type soul master by relying on the external soul bones. This is undoubtedly a special existence in the soul master world.

Dai Mubai did not doubt what Oscar said, because whether it was from Ma Hongjun's previous description or from Vice Dean Zhao Wuji's attitude towards Oscar just now, Oscar had an unparalleled status in Shrek.

At this moment, Dai Mubai felt more and more that he might have come to Shrek at the right time. After all, he has such a talented student, so will he also have such an improvement after entering?

After all, those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black, and Oscar and Ma Hongjun are obviously the red ones.

And the most important thing is that the two of them have such talents. If they become friends or even brothers, then when they face the pursuit of their elder brother in the future, they will help them, or in other words, they will have the support of the forces behind them. Wouldn't it be possible to escape?

Of course, this is just Dai Mubai's idea. What will happen depends on how he contacts these two people.

It was already afternoon when he took Dai Mubai to get familiar with the academy. Oscar didn't even eat at noon, so after getting familiar with the academy, Oscar took Dai Mubai directly to the cafeteria and had a delicious meal.

When Dai Mubai saw the ingredients in the canteen, he was shocked again, because this was actually soul beast meat?

And judging from the energy felt in the food, this food is definitely from at least a thousand-year level.

And this meal was exactly the Sea Soul Beast that Flanders and the others had hunted before. The Sea Soul Beast was so huge that it would take more than half a year for a few of us at Shrek Academy to eat it.

Gai Yue froze the remaining uneaten food. Just defrost some when it's time to eat.

After Oscar took Dai Mubai to dinner, today's enrollment was over. Just like the original work, only Dai Mubai was admitted.

However, the enrollment period lasted for three days, and there were two more days to come. However, except for Oscar, no one else knew that Dai Mubai should be the only student this year.

However, Oscar will naturally not stay in the academy waiting for admission. After all, he has already reached level 30, and obtaining the soul ring is the first priority.

So after Oscar settled down with Dai Mubai that night, he went to find Gai Yue. He planned to set off to obtain the third soul ring tomorrow.

Of course, there is also Shao Xin, who has also broken through to level 70 and can be promoted to Soul Saint with only one soul ring.

And because these two days are the days for the college to recruit students, it is only necessary for Gai Yue to take Oscar and Shao Xin to obtain the soul rings.

Because Shao Xin is a food-type soul master, this time they chose the closer Sunset Forest as their destination. Sunset Forest is within the Tiandou Empire and is more than a hundred miles south of Tiandou City.

The reason why he chose Sunset Forest, apart from the fact that Shao Xin's soul ring was easier to obtain there, the more important reason was Oscar himself.

The soul ring he wanted to obtain for his third soul ring was still the same as in the original work. He wanted a flying soul skill, but the choice of soul beast Oscar was clearer.

It is not the crested crested snake like in the original work, but the sharp-tailed swift that is said to be purely sensitive and the fastest. There is not a sharp-tailed swift group in Sunset Forest, so Oscar chose Sunset Forest.

Since he had to choose a flying soul skill, speed would naturally be the top priority, and Oscar would definitely want the best soul ring.

Rather than having no direction like the original work, whatever you encounter is what you encounter. If that were the case, wouldn't Oscar have been blind for so many years?

After determining the goal and destination, Gai Yue set off with Oscar and Shao Xin the next day.

Flanders and the others did not go together, but stayed in the college to take charge of the overall situation. After all, it was still the enrollment time for freshmen, and they also wanted to recruit a few more geniuses.

After all, there are only three people in the academy including Dai Mubai, and it is impossible to form a normal team.

Oscar, who has left the academy, doesn't have so many ideas. After all, he knows that there will only be Dai Mubai this year, and there will be no newcomers in the next two years, and only in the third year will someone come.

And if nothing goes wrong by that time, their Shrek Seven Devils Heavenly Group should have gathered together.

And this is what Oscar is looking forward to, because if Tang San comes, then he will have the opportunity to receive an immortal herb just like in the original work, which will allow him to improve his strength even more quickly.

It's not that Oscar himself doesn't want to go to the Ice and Fire Eyes, but because now he has no chance at all. If there is a chance, Oscar is not 100% sure, but he is also very sure to win Dugu Bo, and then do it himself Received the two eyes of ice and fire.

Because he has not been idle in the past five years. Whether it is pharmacology or medicine refining, he has been doing experiments himself. In addition, because of reading the original work, he also made some small suggestions on how to detoxify Dugu Bo. experiment.

Although it is not certain that it will be successful, if there is a chance to give Dugu Bo or Dugu Yan a try, Oscar will definitely be able to find the right method quickly.

After all, there are a lot of medicinal materials in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes. Oscar has also collected many pharmacological books over the years, and some of them have records of fairy herbs. Although not all, they are enough for Oscar to use.

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Something delayed me yesterday, so I'm sorry for the slow update!

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