Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1305: Icefield Project

It was obviously impossible to swim in the past. In this process, archers would definitely kill most of them, unless the army can be maintained during the swimming process, and shields can be established to defend against long-range attacks.

He couldn't do this kind of thing. He didn't think Jose could do it. At least in terms of the experience of controlling extraordinary power, almost no one in Tulip could surpass him.

"If it weren't for swimming, is there any way to get a large number of people out to sea at once?

If you want a large number of people to leave the coastline at one time, you need a very huge battleship. It is best to let the edge of the battleship stick to the coastline, so that the soldiers can even keep the formation in order during the evacuation process. Evacuate into the sea with a shield.

But the cost of such warships is too high, even if they use chains to connect all the warships together. It is not enough to build such a large platform.


Chengying looked at the surface of the sea and the endless sea water, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind. Although he was not a wise man, he had experienced many strange wars, and his tactical thinking was no longer limited to conventional operations.

There is one thing that can replace warships, and it fits perfectly with sea routes, and this kind of thing is inexhaustible in the ocean.

That is...water!

Of course, it is impossible for people to stand on the water, at least people who have not trained the corresponding talent can not stand on the water, but the water can freeze!

Compared to the difficulty of standing on the water. Standing on the ice, all you need is a pair of non-slip shoes. The water surface can perfectly fit the coastline, and the ice surface can also do it!

In this case, as long as a large enough ice surface is created, all fighters can walk directly into the sea. After everyone has withdrawn to the surface of the ice, they will attack with a legion to blow up the connection between the ice surface and the coastline, and then rely on it. The power of the legion pushed the ice forward.

From the beginning, Jose didn’t plan to go out to sea by boat. Those boats were just to carry supplies and use them for a certain degree of deception. This is why even if the number of ships at sea is enough for everyone to evacuate, the shipbuilding work remains the same. Did not stop.

Thinking of this, Chengying also had to believe that the other party thought that way, relying on the power of the legion in this world where extraordinary power exists. It is not so difficult to freeze an ice sheet that can carry millions of troops.

Just be prepared in advance. Ten minutes can freeze dozens of square kilometers of the sea.

As for the pursuit of soldiers. As long as they did not think of this way of evacuation. It is difficult to make such preparations in advance. I am afraid that when the chasing soldiers adjust the cloud, they have studied the massive freezing of the army formation on the seaside. They are already driving on the ice and don't know how far they have run. At that time, whether it is scattered on different ships, or continues to steer the ice surface to accelerate into the ocean, it will be their freedom.

Thinking of this, Chengying knew very well that he had to tell the coach of this news. Otherwise, even if Huang Fusong relied on his rich experience to defeat the immigrants tactically, they would have already lost at the strategic level.

This kind of report to the higher level of what he discovered, naturally still needs to be reported through Zhao Yun. After successfully smashing the enemy's army, Cheng Ying and Zhao Yun converged and asked in a guessing tone.

"General Zhao, you said that if there is a corresponding military formation. Can the millions of troops freeze all the coastal waters?"

Zhao Yun is also a well-informed army with various functions. He had already seen too much during the Battle of Northern Xinjiang.

"Theoretically, it can be done. It even only needs hundreds of thousands of troops to build a suitable military formation. Within an hour or two, the sponges in a large area of ​​the coast can be frozen. Why are you suddenly asking this?"

"I'm thinking, since these people want to evacuate overseas, why not freeze a large block of ice on the sea, and then use this super large block of ice as a ship and drive away? If you think the ice block is too big If you do. It can be used as a rowing oar in a legion attack."

Zhao Yun was stunned when he heard the words and looked at the shape of the coastline. He suddenly felt that Chengying's words made sense. There are deep water areas nearby, even huge ice blocks. After being disconnected from the land, it can also be suspended on the surface of the sea, not to mention relying on legion attacks as oars, as long as the army can get on the ice, there is a way to drive the ice away.

"Look at those docks, they are all building ships. And those people are moving things to the ships. Those ships are so full, how many places are left to hold people?

Moreover, if so many people are evacuated from the pier of the port, in which year and month will they go on board one by one? Are they not afraid of being hit by us when they are retreating? "

Zhao Yun is finally not calm now. He has always felt that this group of people is a bit too calm to delay time with them. Under normal circumstances, after knowing that some people will definitely stay and cut off, evacuate for others, delaying time. Down.

The military spirit will definitely be shaken to a considerable extent. After all, no one wants to be the cannon fodder after the break. However, in the process of their offensive, they found that these immigrants with uneven equipment were not shaken or panicked in the slightest. I didn't worry about being left behind.

Combined with Li Yuan's guess, Zhao Yun subconsciously believes that the reason these soldiers are not afraid is precisely because they have known that they have a perfect evacuation plan, and they can easily evacuate to the ice without the need for human beings. Then blast the connection between the ice and the land. Everyone evacuated safely.

Although the direction of the guess is completely wrong these people are not panicked, just because they are completely brainwashed. Death is not what they fear most. But I have to say that the conclusion is probably correct.

With speculation and corroboration, Zhao Yun also had to admit that this possibility exists, and it can be said that the enemy forces have made this kind of idea, this kind of tactics that are completely in the blind zone of people's thinking, if it really succeeds. . No matter how brilliant they have achieved. Undoubtedly, they all failed strategically.

On Chengying's side, while revealing the news, he began to think about solutions. Then I quickly figured out how to solve it.

To deal with this trick is actually very simple, as long as they can't cut the connection between the ice surface and the coastline. Since they want to make a huge ice surface. Then help them make the ice surface bigger. After they evacuated. Bringing his own army also rushed forward. Just take the ice surface as a brand new battlefield.

As for the fact that Zhuge Liang is in the army, he can use the spiritual talent of any civil servant under Liu Bei, and Lu Su's spiritual talent is precisely the ice storm!

[To be continued]

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