Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1260: Spiritual talent

A huge amount of energy burst out of Chengying's body, blowing all the surrounding debris away. At the same time, he also felt that his thinking was unprecedentedly clear, and his suppressed thinking ability had recovered quite a bit after just that. Part of the degree.

   Although he was not as strong as his mental power when he first came to Douluo, he also had power close to the titled Douluo-level spirit master.

   "It seems to be the extraordinary power unique to this world!" Cheng Ying fell into the memory: "If I remember correctly, the extraordinary power of God III is divided into two parts, one is the spiritual energy of the civil servants, and the other is the energy of the generals.

The strength of mental energy is not divided into too much detail. Only when it reaches the level of top civil servants can a qualitative change of spiritual talent be condensed, while the qi of a general is relatively hierarchical. It is condensed from the lowest level of internal qi to that of general generals. Cheng Gang, the internal energy of the top military commander, and the world-breaking class of the top master...

   Hmm... If you have to say, Lu Bu should be the only heart-catching powerhouse in the later stage. The ability to directly release the plasma cannon with Fang Tian's painting halberd is really exaggerated.

Speaking of it, there was a saying in the early days that civil and martial arts cannot be fellow practitioners, and that if you have spiritual talent, you can’t break through the internal energy separation, but in the later stage, there seems to be no such limitation. Zhou Yu is a freak who has both spiritual talent and internal energy separation strength. NS.

   What I just mastered, should be the spiritual talent! Hmm... Is the effect turned out to be a group inspire inspiration and greatly improve learning ability? It's really a talent that fits my personality!

   Hmm... But if you join the current Han Empire as a civil servant, you will not be jealous! After all, my background is too mediocre. I can awaken my spiritual talent without any education. It's a lie!

   In this case, you can only pretend to be a military commander! I don’t know if I can become internal qi separated from the body. Compared with the spiritual talent, an ordinary peasant child accidentally swallows the sacred stone fragments to achieve internal qi separation from the body. , At least I won’t be able to find out who I’ve taken refuge immediately by Jose. "

Thinking of this, Chengying sat cross-legged and began to feel good in her qi. Although she was a farmer child, her living standard was not bad under Liu Bei's rule because she was in Xuzhou. Ying felt the existence of the first ray of air in the body.

What Chengying can bring to this world is not only scientific knowledge, but also the insight of practice. For him, there is no bottleneck in his cultivation. The strength in front of him is really drizzle compared to his previous realm. Therefore, this Under his control, the wisps of internal qi grew rapidly, reaching the level of condensed internal qi in the blink of an eye.

   Even so, it continues to grow rapidly, and it will not take long before it will be able to reach the point where it can become a qi, but Chengying did not feel the slightest joy, but rather worried.

Even with his strength in the chess world, he can use his experience to quickly improve his cultivation base. If he is a strong person who creates soul power, wouldn't he improve faster? It may not take long before he can become the world. The strongest?

   If it is a world like God III, with relatively low force value, if it randomly arrives in a world like Doupo, Panlong, Dragon Ball, Marvel, then he is afraid that he wants to farm for hundreds of thousands of years?

"Forget it, let's continue practicing now! Even if you want to farm, you have to grow more proficient than anyone else!" Cheng Ying suppressed the distracting thoughts in her heart, and continued to guide the internal qi in the body, absorbing the heaven and earth essence qi from the outside world and turning it into his own use. , Under normal circumstances, when the inner Qi is separated from the body, doing so is looking for death. The violent heaven and earth essence will tear the martial artist's body to pieces, but Cheng Ying can rely on a huge amount of mental energy to guide every ray of heaven and earth. The essence of Qi was turned into self-use, and in just a few minutes, he successfully broke through to practice Qi Chenggang.

At this time, some people hurried in because of the shock wave just now. It was the neighbor of the original owner who came in. Seeing the mess in the room, he immediately exclaimed. Then he saw the red skin on Cheng Ying's body, the constantly wriggling muscles and blood vessels. , Hurriedly ran to the village’s Tuntian Barracks and called the veterans there.

The veteran with a long spear quickly ran to Chengying’s cabin. At this time, Chengying’s internal energy had reached the point where water overflowed, and reached the peak of Qi training into a gang. A trace of internal energy was coming from his body. As long as he can open up the internal and external channels to release the internal qi from the body and completely connect with the essence of heaven and earth, then he will truly break through to the separation of internal qi.

   "Everyone is scattered!" The veteran saw what was happening to Cheng Ying and quickly started to rush people. Even the parents of the original owner were driven out of the yard.

   "Don't get close! This kid doesn't know what adventure he has had. He has reached the peak of Qi training and is now linking with the essence of heaven and earth, breaking the internal Qi blockade!

   Once this child successfully breaks through, the essence of heaven and earth will flow into his body to help him temper his body. This kind of child who has never practiced martial arts at all does not know how to control internal qi! He is fine, but if a lot of heaven and earth spirits gather here, all of you who watch the excitement will suffer!

   Disperse all of them to me! hurry up! you! Don't think I didn't see it! Get me down from the stick! "Four veterans brandished their spears and drove the onlookers away.

At this moment the wind and clouds suddenly changed, a whirlwind enveloped the small courtyard, and the huge heaven and earth spirits gathered along the trajectory of the cyclone towards the hut, but it was not as violent as the veteran said, but extremely peaceful. , Tempering Chengying's body a little bit.

Ordinary generals break through the internal energy and leave the body, which lasts at most three to five minutes. This process of tempering the body is over. However, Cheng Ying has forcibly delayed this process, making his body more strengthened by tempering. After half an hour passed, the gathering of heaven and earth's spirits ended. Onlookers were impatient and left directly, but more people gathered around.

As the gathering of heaven and earth finally ended, the four veterans glanced at each other. One of them wielded his spear and walked towards the hut. He opened the door curtain with the spear, and she just saw Chengying open her eyes with a divine light. Blooming from his eyes, if an ordinary person stares at him, he will definitely be in a coma. Fortunately, the opponent is also a veteran of a hundred battles, who dared to swing a knife at the internal energy on the battlefield, after a while dizzy, He recovered his sobriety, holding the gun vigilantly, looking at Chengying.

   "Ah! What are you doing! My family has always been abiding by the law! I have never done anything bad!"

   Hearing Chengying's weird words, the veteran only noticed that he was carrying a weapon in his hand and rushing into a child's house with a murderous spirit. It was indeed improper. It was normal for the child to be scared.

   then forcibly pulled out a smiley face: "Don't be afraid! I have no intentions, just take you to register! It's a good thing! If you are lucky, you might become a general in the future!"

   [To be continued]

   ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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