Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1216: Oscar's chance

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! When Poseidon was shrinking in the military base and dared not to move, he saw a little guy rushing in. There is indeed no operational defense system here. He hardly needs to face any danger when he breaks in. Just beware and don’t get into the depths when there is a lack of oxygen.

Poseidon watched the opponent move out the backward mechanical weapons. My heart moved: "Perhaps this is an opportunity to test. You can test Tulip or Tang San's attitude towards me."

Poseidon now dare not offend either of the two. The battle between the two sides has exceeded his knowledge. It is the kind of terrible existence that can be crushed to death by accident. Poseidon didn't want to go up to the trouble at this time.

So he plans to take out some of his own weapons, or personal belongings. Give it to this little guy who broke in. See if it will trigger any reaction. If no one is in charge, he can intensify his efforts to try his own feelings about the world, whether it will lead to liquidation.

Except for those things he deliberately collected from Poseidon's body. There are still many good things. The value cannot be too high. Something that can't be too powerful, but it's not easy to find.

After all, there is one thing on him. Put it in this world. They are all existences that can be called artifacts. In this world where ordinary firearms can run rampant, even the keys he uses to open the spacecraft, the lasers released can become the existence of big killers.

After thinking about it, Hai Nerve finally decided that a Neumann machine should be used to make a small object with relatively low technical content on the spot.

Originally, Poseidon wanted to build a handheld electromagnetic gun. Compared with ordinary firearms, the biggest advantage of this thing is that it does not require a specific bullet. As long as it is a metal object, it can be launched. But after thinking about it, he gave up again. This attack weapon is similar to infinite bullets. It seems to be a bit of an upset.

So he replaced it with a small shield generator, which could not be used to attack. Even if the balance is disrupted, it will not cause much damage. Poseidon thought it was just right to use this to test the bottom line of Tulips.

The shield generator is a small ball the size of a nail, but it can actually be made smaller. But when he was young, he was afraid that Oscar would never see it.

On the other side, Oscar is worrying because he doesn't know which weapons to choose. He is like a mouse that has fallen into a rice tank. There are too many good things around, but he can take too limited.

Even eating and taking can't satisfy him. What makes him most helpless is that there are no treasures that can strengthen the body. Unable to improve his own strength. If he goes back with too many weapons. On the contrary, they may be robbed by others halfway due to inconvenience.

Oscar can only choose guns that are relatively light and easy to carry. Try to choose the same type of bullets. To relieve one's own weight and pressure.

Anyone who has explored the remains of tulips knows very well. Tulip people are obsessive-compulsive disorder. Architecture emphasizes symmetry or central symmetry. Therefore, the best things are generally on the central axis or center of the base.

This is much more convenient for those who explore the ruins, as long as they explore the direction of the central axis. Most likely you can get the best treasure in the ruins.

In this area where most of the guard robots and machinery are paralyzed. Oscar's actions went quite smoothly. After solving the door with a jack, he finally came to the central axis of the base.

It can’t be seen from here that this should be a Tibetan army cave in Tulip’s early days, but it should have been abandoned a long time ago. The weapons and equipment inside are quite primitive types. Oscar once again replaced the weapons on hand with what looks like Better appearance. At the same time, he found a whole box of bombs on his back.

After he left, he was going to conceal the entrance here and hide it so that if he could find this place next time, maybe he hadn't been discovered by others, he could come and move more good things.

Oscar moved slowly in the tunnel, and finally found the thing that surprised him the most on a metal table. That is a single soldier mech.

This mech is too crude, perhaps it is more appropriate to call it a single-soldier power exoskeleton. The height of the frame is only 2.5 meters, and it uses pure mechanical power. The power principle is numerous electric motors.

Relatively primitive technology, to make this extreme small building work, you need to plug a battery in the back. The battery with bulletproof steel plate seems to have a rough industrial beauty.

This mecha might not even be able to beat a Soul King before, but it is now. Not to mention, just the six-barreled Vulcan cannon on his arm. It is enough to be the king and hegemony in this era.

Oscar repaired it and jumped into the driver's seat to drive with the most basic mecha, he would. Although the price of this machine is the most original model. There may be differences in the operating procedures, but they are all in the same line. I can't think about it.

The problem is that as soon as he sat on it, he discovered that the mecha had no energy. Obviously it is dead. I want to know that this has been decades gone by. Those batteries plugged into the case are probably dead long ago.

There are two solar panels on the back of the mecha. But the problem is, there is no sun here. Oscar found many spare batteries. But these spare batteries seem to be dead.

"It is allowed to remove the solar panels. Then take them outside to charge the batteries, and then take them back to use, but in that case, I don't know how long it will take to charge. It will be bad if someone finds out in the middle."

Solar panels are also extremely precious to this continent almost turned into a doomsday wasteland This kind of thing that can get energy as long as you bask in the sun is equipped with a battery. It's just what everyone of these people wants now. If someone sees it, it will probably come up to **** it.

He was not worried that he would not be able to beat the robbery. There is a gun in his hand, so I don't panic in my heart. There are few weapons in the whole continent, and they are better than him. Everyone has similar physical fitness. You have a knife, I have a gun, no need to fight, and I know who will win.

What I am worried about is that people who come to rob will find this ruin, and then bring more people to explore the ruins and take away all the good things inside.

It will not be him who will have a set of **** costumes by then. Even the mecha he worked so hard to charge up could be stolen. Just when he fell into entanglement, his gaze suddenly swept across a small table next to the mecha.

Then he was stunned. Because there is a nail-sized ball floating on that table. Even so many batteries are dead, but this little ball can float here. It can be imagined that its technical content is absolutely extraordinary.

[To be continued]

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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