Chapter 347

  Tiandou Empire, Yuexuan.

  In the conference room on the third floor, many people gathered here. Because Yun Xiaofeng has something to discuss with them today.

"Big cat, you will help the stupid goose and manage the Tiandou Empire in the future. How about it, do you like this job? Xueke is now the emperor of the Tiandou Empire." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking , felt a touch of resentment behind him.

   "Baby Xue, come here, my husband hugs." Qian Renxue was very bitterly complaining that Yun Xiaofeng had put her wanting to be emperor for nothing this time.

   is still rubbing salt on her wounds in front of her face.

   In fact, she didn't blame Yun Xiaofeng in her heart, she blamed Tang Ritian, that bastard.

   "Huh." Qian Renxue turned her head to one side. With my mouth pouting and four words written on my forehead, I am very unhappy.

"Okay, okay. Don't be angry, those so-called rights are really useless to you." Yun Xiaofeng really didn't understand why Qian Renxue wanted to be the emperor. , but when she opened the harem, she didn't have any tools for committing crimes.

   Qian Renxue: "You think it's you, bastard, old snakeskin,"

"By the way, big cat, you moved to the palace first these few days, how about you, the treatment is definitely better than yours in the Star Luo Empire." Yun Xiaofeng knew that Zhu Zhuyun yearned for power, so let her go Help Sheke. As such. She also has something to do. Don't be bored at Yuexuan, learn etiquette or something. At the same time, it is also good to help the dumb goose share the pressure.

   "Okay, I got it." Zhu Zhuyun didn't expect that Yun Xiaofeng would bring Xueke to the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire step by step.

   She suddenly remembered the experience of being trapped by her own sister, and her pretty face turned slightly red.

"Remember to take care of yourself during this time. I'm going to take my team to Wuhun City to participate in the Continental Senior Spirit Master Elite Competition." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, Qian Renxue, Zhu Zhuyun, everyone was speechless. look at him.

   Someone who can hack Title Douluo to participate in the Continental Elite Competition, interesting? bully children.

   "Wife Yuehua, Wife Yunyun, I'll trouble you to live in the palace during this time to protect Xueke's safety." Yun Xiaofeng looked at the two wives who raised him, and was very happy.

"Little bastard, don't worry, my sister Yun Yun and I will not hurt your concubines." The word "men" was particularly heavy, obviously it was for Yun Xiaofeng to go to that Wuhun City to participate in the Continental Senior Class. The Soul Master Competition was not happy, and at the same time was a little jealous. Tang Yuehua was talking about the girls who were about to stay and not go to Wuhun City.

   "Wife Yuehua, let's also arrange the cold parents into the palace, as well as Yanzi's grandfather." Since the eldest wife is not here, then Tang Yuehua, as the second wife, has great rights. And Yun Yun stayed in Tiandou Imperial City. There is no need to worry about the safety of the cloud and Xiaofeng.

  Xueke just became emperor, so she definitely won't go to Wuhun City.

   If Yunxiaomiao goes, she won't be on the stage, so she doesn't plan to go.

   Zhu Zhuyun will definitely not be able to help Xueke manage the Heaven Dou Empire. In addition, she also doesn't like the struggle in the soul master world.

   As for Jiang Zhu, he will definitely go to Wuhun City with Liu Erlong.

   Then the list of teams going to Wuhun City came out.

   "Xiaodie, An Ran, Erlong. You three are responsible for protecting us this time. Hehe." Yun Xiaofeng arranged for his wives with the highest cultivation level to arrange temporary guards for the moment. They all nodded, meaning they agreed. So shamelessly said: "My wife is strong and comfortable."

"Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Dugu Yan, Ye Leng Leng, Bai Chenxiang, Jiang Zhu, Ning Rongrong. And me, this team is enough. Tsk tsk." Yun Xiaofeng asked the Stone Brotherhood family to practice hard and win Break through to Title Douluo as soon as possible and then come out.

   As for Teacher Qin Ming, Yun Xiaofeng felt that he had completely regarded himself as a tool person.

   But it doesn't matter.

   At least in the future, when he can brag with others: "There were soul emperors among the students in my team, who are more powerful than me."


   Heaven Dou Imperial City, Shrek Academy.

   Since the murder of His Royal Highness Prince Xuebeng and Prince Xuebeng.

  Tang Ritian has been in a state of Meng circle these days.

   Two nights ago, he wanted to secretly go to the Tiandou Imperial Palace and attack Xueqinghe.

   But he was chased and chopped by Sword Douluo before he even acted, so he had no choice but to run away. Fortunately, Sword Douluo didn't realize it was him.

   Otherwise, it will cause trouble for the Clear Sky Sect again.

   Then came the news the next day that the Crown Prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Qinghe, was hit on the head with a blunt weapon and died. The murderer was invited by Prince Xue Beng.

   This made Tang Ritian have the urge to run away, and Xue Qinghe was killed before he even started. It's none of his business.

   In Tang Ritian's heart, this was a premeditated misfortune.

   is to let him take the blame.

   "What the hell, don't let me know who did it, or I'll kill him like a bastard." Tang Ritian was very depressed, what the **** is this?

   At the same time, he also realized that this matter was a conspiracy. And not too small. It's just his IQ that he can't even think of it if he breaks his head.

   "Little San, you must pay attention to safety on the way to Wuhun City this time, Baba will protect you in secret." Tang Ritian said solemnly to the Shrek Seven Devils. As for Yu Xiaogang, he was no longer in Shrek Academy.

"Don't worry, Baba, just go to Wuhun City and use our Shrek Academy's strength to defeat everyone to win the championship. Could it be that Wuhundian can't afford to lose like this?" Tang San felt that Wuhundian couldn't be in front of everyone's eyes. Let's murder the Shrek people.

"This time, your team will just follow the other teams. Your teacher asked me to pass a message to you, saying that he will be waiting for you in the Spirit Hall." As for Yu Xiaogang going to the Spirit Hall to ask Bibi Dong about the training of the twin spirits Method, Tang Ritian is full of joy.

"Well, that His Majesty Haotian, can you lend us some money? Prince Xuebeng originally planned to support our college's 10,000 gold soul coins for the establishment of the school, but Prince Xuebeng has now been tested and collapsed. Several of our students They are all soul kings, and they can’t get the subsidy from the Spirit Hall. They don’t even have enough tolls to go to Spirit City.” Dai Mubai was extremely hard-pressed. He couldn’t walk to Spirit City. After a day and a half, when I got there, the entire continent's high-level soul master elite competition was completely over.

   "Save some money." Tang Ritian listened to Dai Mubai's words and fell silent for two seconds. He took out a bag of gold soul coins from his worn-out robe and threw it to Dai Mubai.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty." Dai Mubai put the weight of a small gray purse on it, feeling like there were more than a hundred gold soul coins. Immediately overjoyed.

  Tang Ritian stood on the spot, didn't say anything, just took a deep look at the team that could win back the Blue Silver Emperor's soul bone, and then exhaled a turbid breath.

   put the cloak on his head, then left Shrek Academy, and then hid in the dark.

   (end of this chapter)

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