Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 271: The worship hall is exempted, and the bridal chamber is directly

   Chapter 271

   "Cold, cold, cold." After the people from the Shui family left, Shui Xianrou released the ice seal on Yun Xiaofeng.

   Yun Xiaofeng was almost frozen into a dead dog.

   also blamed himself for being stupid, he didn't know how to use it if he had ice. Do not use your own physical strength to resist.

   "Mother-in-law, hurry up and add some blood to me, or I will die of cold." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, he looked at Shui Xianrou with a frightened expression.

   "Hey, you child." Ye Xiaorou could only sigh helplessly. Nine spirit rings were released, and the ninth was bright red,

   "Another Titled Douluo, are the Titled Douluos on the mainland now popular? Are hundred thousand year spirit rings everywhere?" Shui Binger's three girls were already numb.

   I just don't know how the three of them would look if they knew that except for the three of them and Yun Xiaofeng, they were all Titled Douluos.

   "Xiaorou, you don't need to treat him, just cool it down! I'll help him warm up later." Shui Xianrou said to Ye Xiaorou with a smile on her way to Yun Xiaofeng.

   Yun Xiaofeng feels that his head is not enough at this time,

  Shui Xianrou wants to help him warm up, how?

   So under Yun Xiaofeng's terrified gaze, he felt his feet leave the ground.

   And he was also hugged by Shui Xianrou in the way of a princess hug.

   "Since everyone is here, let's come to Tianshui College as a guest," Shui Xianrou walked unceremoniously in front of her after saying that, while Yun Xiaofeng, who was held in her arms by her princess, had a blank mind.

   "It's okay to be hugged by a woman, but what's more, being hugged by a princess. How can I meet people in the future." Yun Xiaofeng wanted to cover his face.

   Rou Anran, Ah Yin, Dugu Bo, Ye Qi, and Ye Xiaorou, none of them thought that Yun Xiaofeng would meet such a strong woman. And what a rank ninety-eight titled Douluo.

   "Since my sister invited us, then we are welcome." Rou Anran would naturally not be polite to Shui Xianrou. After all, if Shui Xianrou was really with Yun Xiaofeng, then she Rou Anran would have to be one step ahead of Shui Xianrou.

   also told Shui Xianrou that she was just a younger sister.

   "Thank you sister for making it happen." Shui Xianrou is so smart.

   As soon as she heard Rou Anran's words, she understood the meaning.

   turned around to thank Rou Anran, and at the same time smiled faintly at Ah Yin.

   Ah Yin's body smells very good, a kind of fresh, like a woman with the breath of life.

   I saw her nodding to Shui Xianrou, indicating that she had no opinion.

   So Shui Xianrou was relieved.

   At this time, Yun Xiaofeng really felt that Shui Xianrou really helped him warm up. What's special is the way a princess is hugged.


   "Little handsome guy, let me discuss something with you." In the office of the dean of Tianshui College. The people are seated.

  Shui Xianrou said to Yun Xiaofeng in her arms.

   "Auntie, can you let me down first? I beg you." Yun Xiaofeng really wanted to cry at this moment.

   Now that he is being held in the arms of Princess Shui Xianrou, even Shui Yue'er can't hold back a snicker.

   "That's not possible, you have to promise me first, otherwise I won't let you go." Shui Xianrou is smart, if she let go of Yun Xiaofeng, then this guy will run away and find someone.

  So Yun Xiaofeng was sealed with soul power in Shui Xianrou's arms at this time.

  Yun Xiaofeng really wants to cry right now.

  Are all girls so stubborn now?

   He couldn't figure it out.

   "Then let's talk about it first." Yun Xiaofeng was still afraid that Shui Xianrou would give her a question that would make his heart unbearable.

   "Marry me." Shui Xianrou said very seriously.

   "Auntie, can we stop making trouble?" Yun Xiaofeng really had a headache. face this problem.

   Hearing these two words again, the Title Douluo present did not respond.

   They can already be sure that Yun Xiaofeng can't escape Shui's delicate palm.

   But Shui Binger couldn't figure it out.

   She had already sold herself to Yun Xiaofeng. But Shui Xianrou is her teacher and the dean she most respects.

"Bing'er, Yue'er, Xue Wu, in fact, the three of you were all grown up by me, and the three of you are very clear about the teacher's character. The outside world thinks that the teacher likes women, but this is actually wrong. The teacher is just Waiting, waiting for the man who can turn me into a woman. Now the teacher is waiting." Before Shui Bing'er could speak, she was stopped by Shui Xianrou.

   When the three girls heard Shui Xianrou say this, they all nodded, because Shui Xianrou was also serious.

"If I guess correctly, he has many women, and they will increase in the future, but the moment I saw him, the feeling that I had known him for tens of thousands of years or even more soared out of my heart. So the teacher will become his woman no matter what method you use, do you three understand the painstaking efforts of the teacher?" Shui Xianrou's words touched Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Wu Qingying, Shui Xianrou doesn't have a grudge against you, right?"

【no. 】 "Hehe, no, how is that possible, I knew from the beginning to compete with the old lady."


   "These six soul bones are considered my dowry. Of course, as for the dowry, you have already asked Shui Bing'er to give it to me in advance. So I don't need to go to the church. It's not too early tonight, so let's go straight to the bridal chamber."

  Shui Xianrou gave Rou Anran the six spirit bones that Yu Yuan exploded.

   You must know that this is a set of spirit bones that fell from the Sect Master of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect.

   At the same time, these six spirit bones are also part of the background of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

   "Fuck." Dugu Bo, Ye Qi, and Ye Xiaorou were also taken aback by Shui Xianrou's words.

   "Slim, don't you think about it anymore?"

   "What else do you want to think about, what else do you want to think about." Shui Xianrou and Yun Xiaofeng didn't agree, so they were about to announce the wedding with Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Binger, Yueer, Xuewu, the three of you should go back to sleep first, it's getting late. Don't worry, none of you can escape. It's the teacher's dowry. We will live together then."

  Shui Xianrou's words directly shocked the three of Shui Binger.

   "Go, sister, go back to the dormitory." Shui Yue'er quickly got up and quickly bowed to all the seniors present, then pulled Shui Bing'er and left the dean's office.

   "Xiaorou, why don't you two go out tonight with Senior Dugu to open a room." It's very late now, and she hasn't come to solve the accommodation problem in Tianshui College.

   "Hey, well, I really admire your courage." Ye Xiaorou was happy that her best friend found a home.

   But she was actually looking for her son-in-law, which gave her a headache.

   As for why Ah Yin and Rou were not allowed to leave Anran, because these two women belonged to Yun Xiaofeng, the bridal chamber was only lively when everyone was together.

   "Dou Luo: Xiao Wu Rebirth" is short of monthly tickets. Lack of investment, is there any friend who has not acted?

   (end of this chapter)

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