Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 154: Equipment that rewards your eldest wife

   Chapter 154 Reward your eldest wife's equipment

  Tiandou Royal Academy, because the royal family is under the name of Yuexuan, their life is very nourishing now.

   The entire Tiandou Imperial City, as long as some buildings need to be built, basically invite the royal family to go there.

   Although it is said that the royal family is already very rich, they dare not forget who brought it all to them,

"Tsk tsk, it's better to hold the leg of Little Demon King Yuexuan. It's a pity that I don't have a granddaughter. That old man Baihe took a lot of advantage." in front of the meeting. sighed.

   Today's Minzhi clan, Yuzhi clan, and broken clan. These three families all bought houses in the Imperial City of Heaven Dou Empire.

   Both he and Yang Wudi knew that the little beauty Bai Chenxiang was one of Yun Xiaofeng's girlfriends. But for these things, it is very common in Douluo Continent, and there are not a lot of people and women who have some skills.

  Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School has dozens of wives.

   "Old man Niu, why are you in a daze? Why don't you go to Old Man Meng to ask for money, the educational committee built by your royal family is really strong." Yun Xiaofeng looked at the educational committee of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. Satisfied nodded.

"An Ran, Xiaodie, if there is a battle in the future, try to smash the education committee first, so that you can better find something to do for the Yuzhi family." Yun Xiaofeng said, let the standing not far away The corners of Mengshenji's mouth kept twitching.

  If you want to make money, just say so.

   There is no need to tear down the Board of Education.

   It seems that what the three education committees said is useless,

   "But we three old men seem to be really useless." Meng Shenji woke up,

   "Little Master, then we'll leave first." Old Man Niu took over the remuneration for the construction of the Education Committee from Mengshenji. He happily replied to Yun Xiaofeng's side.

   "Well, let's go." Yun Xiaofeng waved his hand to signal him not to care, "Notify Yang Wudi. Let him come to me and leave it to him to do something."

   "Okay, young master." After the members of the Yuzhi family built the Heaven Dou Royal Education Council, they left.

  A Yin, Rou Anran, Liu Erlong, and Xiao Wu who were behind Yun Xiaofeng heard that Yun Xiaofeng said that as long as they had a fight, the Education Committee would be demolished first, or they said it in front of the old man Meng.

   They were all shocked by Yun Xiaofeng's operation.

   This operation is really too showy,

  Once the Education Committee is demolished, it has to be rebuilt, rebuilt, and then people from the Royal Family have to be repaired.

   This is the wool of the Royal Academy of the Heaven Dou Empire that is constantly smashing.

  The crowd walked into the Education Committee.

   Old Man Meng dared not sit down.

   Looking at Rou Anran and Ah Yin, the two veiled women, the three of them were like a stormy wave.

"By the way, Old Man Meng, there is news that someone will come to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy to rob my child bride, so this time I brought two Title Douluo to protect them, but you don't need to worry, the two of them will Live with Xiao Wu and the others.

   In addition, Liu Erlong will act as their temporary teacher just like Teacher Qin Ming.

   As for the formation of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, leave it to me. "Yun Xiaofeng said to Meng Shenji.

   Meng old man is smiling on the surface at this moment, MMP in his heart

   "I feel that the Education Committee of the Imperial Academy of Heaven Dou has no real power at all."

   "You have the final say, you have the final say." The old man Meng Shenji actually didn't care at all. "As long as it can bring honor to the Heaven Dou Empire, even if this little brat in front of him demolishes the Education Committee once a day, it doesn't matter." The other two Education Committees were all overjoyed.


  Tiandou Imperial Academy, the training room of the Imperial Fighting Team.

Yun Xiaofeng stood in the middle of the hall, "This is Yun Xiaodie, a ninety-seventh-level Title Douluo. This is Rou Anran, a ninety-eighth-level Title Douluo. Because some people may come to the academy to make trouble during this time. So The two of them are here to protect you all."

   Qin Ming and the Shi family brothers, they are both confused,

   Qin Ming is a teacher of the Heaven Dou Empire Royal Academy after all, and he also has a certain understanding of the Heaven Dou Empire.

   The Heaven Dou Empire has no titled Douluo powerhouses.

   In other words, the two veiled women in front of him were Yun Xiaofeng's personal armament.

   This is so scary.

   Yun Xiaofeng didn't tell them that there was a Title Douluo who might come to grab someone.

  " In addition, there is this one, Liu Erlong, who is known as the first person below the Soul Douluo. She will serve as your counselor and assist Teacher Qin Ming to teach you all to cultivate."

   Yun Xiaofeng arranged this, and everyone had no opinion.

  Qin Ming had opinions, but he didn't dare to mention them.

   His opinion was that he felt that Liu Erlong was not worthy of him to help him train these children.

  Yun Xiaofeng looked at Dugu Yan, Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Leng Leng, Bai Chenxiang, Xiao Wu, Dropping Tree, Shishi, and Shimo who were present. Adding himself and the upcoming Ning Rongrong, there were ten people, and the number of members of the participating team was seven. Clearly the team is overpopulated.

  【And Xueke, your dog host. 】

   "She is a princess, participating in a **** soul master elite contest."

  【So you just forgot about her? dog host]

   "How is that possible, it's just that I'm busy during this time. By the way, does the system master know why Xueke hasn't come to see me during this time?"

  【She was confined by her Lao Tzu prison. 】

   "Damn it, what the **** is old man Xue Ye thinking?"

  【It's not because Yuexuan is the only titled Douluo among the nobles, Yunyun, Xue Ye is not very smart, and doesn't understand what Limit Douluo means. In the face of Xue Ke's request that she want to marry you, he did not agree and insisted on recruiting you as his concubine. 】

   "It has been identified that the old man Xue Ye is sick."

  【Well, almost. Get Princess Xueke as soon as possible, know. 】

   "・・・・Uncle, please don't threaten me like this."

  【Do you still want to meet your eldest wife? 】

   "Think. But what does this have to do with Xue Ke?"

  【I will reward you with a piece of equipment from your eldest wife. 】

   "Thank you, System Master."

   Yun Xiaofeng was a little speechless, he always felt that his system was a bit outrageous.

   However, after coming to Douluo Continent, isn't it just robbing the goddess, resources, and everything about Tang Doudou?

  Because of the large number of people present, Yun Xiaofeng did not take out the system reward from the system space to give his eldest wife the equipment.

   But Yun Xiaofeng has now confirmed one thing. If it was impossible for Yun Xiaofeng to be sure before, then he was sure when the system said that he would reward a piece of equipment for his eldest wife.

   Thinking of this, Yun Xiaofeng thought it was incredible.

   is simply a nuclear man.

   (end of this chapter)

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