Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 149: Out of body martial spirit

  Chapter 149 Out of Body Martial Spirit

   "Button, button, button." There was a soft knock on the door.

   "Come in." Yun Xiaofeng knew who it was.

   "Yun Xiaomiao, I've met the master and some mistresses." After Catwoman entered the room on the fifth floor, she first gave Yun Xiaofeng a salute, and then gave Yun Yun and others a Wanfu etiquette.

   "Okay, little meow. You don't have to do this in the future. Call me young master." Yun Xiaofeng told the truth, he didn't have a hobby of being that kind of master.

"Okay young master, Young Master Yuehua, let you go down. She said that Sect Master Ning wanted you to talk to you about something." Catwoman's cat ears and cat tail are all there, and she seems to want to possess a martial spirit. looks like, but it's not.

   "Well, I see. Xiao Miao, your soul power level is now 21?" Yun Xiaofeng has real eyes.

   saw through Yun Xiaomiao's soul power level at a glance.

   "Well, yes, young master." After Yun Xiaomiao arrived at Yuexuan, she handed it over to Tang Yuehua, although she only arrived at Yuexuan for a short time.

   But she is very good at learning.

  Tang Yuehua also likes to teach her.

   Yun Xiaofeng looked at her cat ears and cat tail.

   always feel a little twisted.

   "Take this. Then refine it here." Yun Xiaofeng took out a divine herb, catnip, from his storage space.

   Picked a leaf from the catnip and handed it to Yun Xiaomiao.

   Yun Xiaomiao looked at the mint leaves that Yun Xiaofeng handed over, and her saliva almost came out. It was similar to Zhu Zhuqing's reaction back then. Soul masters of cat martial arts are basically not immune to catnip.

   "Thank you, Master." He put the divine herb catnip into his small mouth, and then began to cross his legs and start refining the medicinal effect.

   "Wife Yunyun, look at it, I'll go down and see what Ning Fengzhi is up to." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, he ran downstairs to Yuexuan.

   Liu Erlong stared at Catwoman's changes with wide eyes.

  Xiao Wu looked at Catwoman, the pair of bunny ears on top of her head shrugged for a while, then stood upright,

   Rou Anran looked at the pair of bunny ears on top of Xiao Wu's head, she also liked it tightly, she also had a pair of them once upon a time. But now, inexplicably, even her own body has become a dragon blood ginseng emperor.

  A Yin was amazed by the changes in Yun Xiaomiao.

   Twenty-two, twenty-four, twenty-nine, and thirty.

   The medicinal herb, catnip, directly raised Yun Kitten's soul power level to level 30.

   After reaching level 30, Yun Xiaomiao's martial spirit began to change.

   The cat ears on the top of the head are still there.

   But the cat tail on the tail disappeared.

   At the same time, in front of her sitting cross-legged, a kitten with dark fur appeared.

   Liu Erlong witnessed the whole process.

   "Is this a martial soul mutation?" she exclaimed.

   But no one answered her at the moment.

   She could only cover her mouth and said nothing.

   Because she knew that Yun Xiaomiao was still cultivating at the moment.

   Finally, the cat ears on her head disappeared.

   Yun Xiaomiao opened her dark eyes and looked at the kitten in front of her.

   picked up her own martial spirit.

   "Thank you for protecting the Dharma for me." Yun Xiaomiao was so excited at the moment.

   Her soul power level has soared by at least ten levels. It was only because he didn't get a spirit ring that he was stuck at level 30.

The biggest benefit of    is that the martial spirit has mutated, and she no longer has to pay attention to her tail all day long because she wears clothes.

   looked at the kitten in her arms. She couldn't help but kiss her.

   "Xiao Miao, can you give me a hug with your martial spirit?" Xiao Wu said, she really likes this furry animal.

   Besides, the kitten is Yun Xiaomiao's martial spirit, and will definitely not attack people.

   "Of course you can, young lady." Yun Xiaomiao handed the kitten in her arms to Xiao Wu.

   "It's so cute. It's much cuter than the martial spirit of that liar master Yu Xiaogang." Xiao Wu teased with the kitten in her arms.

   "Xiao Wu, this is Xiao Miao's martial spirit, don't tickle the cat's itch." Rou Anran patted the bunny ears on Xiao Wu's head angrily.

   "Uh, I'm sorry, Xiaomiao. I didn't mean to. I almost forgot." Xiaowu's sincere apology made Yun Xiaomiao somewhat wrong.

   "It's okay, as long as the young lady likes it." She felt that when she was bought back by Yun Xiaofeng, she was the happiest in her life.

   The people in Yuexuan are very kind to her.

   Although the time was short, no one bullied her, no one looked down on her, and no one discriminated against her,

   "By the way, Xiao Miao, you are now level 30, you need a spirit ring to break through." Yun Yun asked.

   Because she never absorbed a spirit ring.

   It's just that the color of her spirit ring has changed.

   "Yes, young lady." Yun Xiaomiao bowed to Yun Yun.

   "Sit down with your legs crossed, I'll prepare a spirit ring for you." Yun Yun took out a dark magic core from her storage ring.

   After Yun Xiaomiao sat down cross-legged, Yun Yun handed the secondary magic core to Yun Xiaomiao. "Crush it and absorb it."

   Two white spirit rings lit up under his feet, and the corners of their mouths twitched when they saw Liu Erlong and Xiao Wu. Such a spirit ring configuration is probably the worst they have ever seen.

  The magic core Yunyun took out was second-level, equivalent to the spirit ring produced by the spirit beasts between the thousand and ten thousand years on the Douluo Continent.

   Yun Xiaomiao's third spirit ring soon began to condense.

   "The longer you hold on, the longer the age will be. If you can't hold on, you must give up. You must not be eager for quick success. Understand?" At this time, Yun Yun's words whispered into Yun Xiaomiao's mind.

  Yun Xiaomiao nodded.

   "Soon, the third ring was condensed.

   The age is almost four thousand years.

   This is already equivalent to the fourth spirit ring of many spirit masters.

   At the same time, the second spirit ring also turned yellow.

   I have to say that Yun Xiaomiao's spirit ring configuration is the most ridiculous existence in their team today.

  The first spirit ring, twenty-eight years.

   The second spirit ring, eight hundred and twenty years.

   The third spirit ring, four thousand five hundred years.


  Although the first spirit ring is still white, Yun Xiaomiao is already very satisfied.

   "Thank you young lady, my soul power level has reached level 35 now." Yun Xiaomiao bowed to Yun Yun. Thank you very much.

   "Don't be polite to me, you will be Yuexuan's person from now on. No one will dare to bully you. By the way, release your martial spirit. Let me see."

   Yunyun also wants to play cats. But she couldn't speak directly, so she could only let Yun Xiaomiao release her martial soul to show her.

  A dark kitten appeared on the floor.

   jumped into Yun Yun's arms.

   The eyes of the little black cat, one is bright yellow and the other is sapphire blue.

   is very cute.

   Yun Xiaomiao's martial spirit is loved by everyone on the fifth floor.

   Even Liu Erlong, after recovering from his astonishment, also joined the army of cats.

   (end of this chapter)

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