Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 125: Arrest Zao Wou-Ki

   Chapter 125 Arresting Zao Wou-Ki

   "Since that's the case, then I will give you this soul bone, but you have to agree to one condition." Bibi Dong already had a very clear plan in mind.

   Yun Xiaofeng is indeed a genius in his eyes.

   The fifty-seventh-level soul king dared to trade with her a hundred thousand year soul bones in the Pope's Hall in Wuhun City, while covering his face.

   Just because of this aura, she dares to say that there is no one on the entire continent.

  Although Bibi Dong had never touched Yun Xiaofeng's bone age, she could sense that Yun Xiaofeng would never be older than twenty.

   There is such a young and talented genius. If she didn't receive her subordinates, wouldn't it be a waste of time.

   "Wouldn't she want to marry her daughter's apprentice to me! If it's true, that would be great." Yun Xiaofeng thought excitedly.

  【Dog host, you want to fart! 】


   "Your Majesty, please tell me, if I can do it, Zeng Shuai will definitely be unambiguous." Yun Xiaofeng's crooked thoughts were interrupted by the system. He knew that he was thinking too much.

   "Little devil, what do you think of the situation in the mainland today?" Bibi Dong wanted to test Yun Xiaofeng's overall situation first, whether he was optimistic about the Spirit Hall.

   "Look at it with your eyes!" Yun Xiaofeng didn't even need to think about it, and slapped his skin in front of Bibi Dong.

   At the same time, he blinked at Bibi Dong with his extremely innocent eyes.

  Bibi Dong looked at Yun Xiaofeng, "Why does the old lady want to kill this grandson!" Bibi Dong was angry in her heart.

   But her reason overcomes her urge to kill Yun Xiaofeng, the grandson.

   "Little devil, you are very courageous! Do you want that rabbit soul bone!" Bibi Dong looked at Yun Xiaofeng with a flowery smile.

   said proudly in his heart: "Little devil, I can't cure you if you don't believe me."

"Uh, ,, Your Majesty the Pope, I'm actually still young and don't know anything about the situation in the mainland, but if you use my Zeng Shuai in the future, you can safely mention it, as long as it doesn't let me hurt the people around me, Titled Douluo will also be cut for you."

  Yun Xiaofeng is a bit outspoken.

   "Little devil, you look like you are almost twenty! How dare you say that you are young." Bibi Dong thought Yun Xiaofeng was brazen.

   "Your Majesty the Pope is really smart, so you can see that I'm less than twenty." Yun Xiaofeng felt that he was telling the truth, he was indeed less than twenty years old, and he didn't lie.

   "Join the Spirit Hall? This is the condition for the Spirit Bone given to you by this seat. Otherwise, nothing will be discussed." Bibi Dong sat down on the Pope's chair again.

   He then shook the two jade legs wrapped in lavender stockings with Erlang's legs up.

   "Your Majesty, I can actually do things for you without joining the Spirit Hall." Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking.

   wiped from his soul tool.

   A piece of paper appeared in his hand in the form of a roll.

   "This is the list of platinum bishops of Wuhundian who used the power of Wuhundian to bully civilians, did not do good things, and shamed Wuhundian. And what they did."

  After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking,

  Bibi Dong on the Pope's chair stretched out her jade hand and aimed it at the scroll-shaped paper, with five fingers in the shape of eagle claws, and sucked hard.

   So the piece of paper flew into Bibi Dong's hands.

   Open the reels.

  The number one is

  Geng Xincheng, Bishop of Platinum, Miles, robbed women, oppressed the local blacksmith, and used his identity to obtain official positions under him for his relatives. and what he did.

   Then he looked at it some more, and the more Bibi Dong looked, the darker his face became.

   "Damn those bastards."

  Bibi Dong was angry, but she couldn't find anything to vent her anger at the moment, it was embarrassing.

   "Little devil, how did you know that?" Bibi Dong, who had withdrawn her emotions, asked Dao Yun Xiaofeng.

   After all, there are many things about the Spirit Hall that he doesn't know.

   "Gengxin City, the capital of blacksmiths, His Majesty the Pope, don't underestimate the craftsmen in the world." Yun Xiaofeng wanted to remind Bibi Dong to be careful of Tang San's bastard.

   In particular, Tang Doudou's Furious Tang Lian, who blew the Soul Douluo in the Spirit Hall into a **** mist.

   Don't underestimate those gadgets.

   "You have done a good job of this matter, and it seems that you can collect these very well.

   But after all, this is just your family's words, I will send someone to verify it later. If true, then Miles be damned. "Bibi Dong gritted her teeth.

   "Your Majesty, there is a word that I think I should tell you." Yun Xiaofeng felt that Bibi Dong's idea of ​​unifying the continent was to make life better for the people of this world.

   rather than destroyed.

   "Speak." Bibi Dong just came back to her senses from the documents she saw about Miles and others.

   said a word coldly.

   "Whoever wins the hearts and minds of the people wins the world." This is a truth that Yun Xiaofeng knows.

   "It's a good sentence to win the hearts of the people. It's a good saying." After hearing this sentence, Bibi Dong stood up instantly. I really appreciate Yun Xiaofeng.

   Then Bibi Dong took out a bone from his soul tool, a right arm soul bone.

   It’s extraordinary just by looking at it.

   The soul bone of the right arm of Rou Anran of 100,000 years.

  Because Bibi Dong had already fused the spirit bone of her right arm, she had no place to fuse Rou Anran's spirit bone.

  Otherwise, Yun Xiaofeng may have to spend a lot of time talking.

   "Take this soul bone, remember to apologize to her after reviving." Bibi Dong threw the pink right arm bone to Yun Xiaofeng.

  Yun Xiaofeng took the spirit bone and looked at it, but he didn't see why, he didn't understand why the system wanted him to take back Rou Anran's spirit bone in order to revive it completely.

  【You know shit. 】

   "Oh, you are the uncle, you have the final say."

  【Remember, your uncle will always be your uncle. 】


  Yun Xiaofeng is about to say thank you, and then continue to say something.

  Bibi Dong threw another token over.

   "This is the Pope's decree. You can exercise the rights of the Pope. You have the right to mobilize the Wuhun Hall, except for the bad old men in the Elder Hall."

When    Yun Xiaofeng took the token, he was stunned.

   He thought to himself, even if Bibi Dong merged with a new spirit, he wouldn't give him the spirit hall directly.

   Don't you see his beauty, but he still wears stockings.

   "Ghost, Yueguan, you two come in." Bibi Dong's voice spread to Yueguan, Ghost, who was waiting outside Wuhun Hall.

   An enchanting figure walked in with a group of dark shadows.

   "It's you?" Yue Guan and Gui Mei exclaimed.

   Both of them are Super Douluo now.

   When did Yun Xiaofeng come to the Pope's Palace, why didn't the two of them know.

   "Hey, two elders, long time no see. How are you doing?" Yun Xiaofeng knew that he was about to be exposed in front of Bibi Dong at this moment.

   Expose it. Anyway, he didn't do anything to feel sorry for Wuhun Temple.

  Bibi Dong asked suspiciously, "Yueguan, Ghost, do you know each other?"

"His Majesty the Pope, this kid is the one who robbed our entire team in the Star Dou Great Forest, but he also gave us immortal grass, and we are still earning it." Yue Guan, Gui Mei, knelt down on one knee, and They reported to the Pope that they knew Yun Xiaofeng.

   "So you're the kid who wants to marry Nana to be your thirteenth concubine. You're not small." It turned out that it was the kid who came to her for the soul bone, so she understood.

  Such a precious immortal grass was given away as soon as she said it, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was really possible to revive the rabbit.

   "Oh, two elders, in fact, we are a family from the beginning. You're welcome." Yun Xiaofeng had no objection to Bi Dong's Hen Ha Er. They all accepted Bibi Dong's orders.

   Actually, Yun Xiaofeng thinks about it now, Yueguan is the most crispy existence in Titled Douluo.

  In the original work, Tang San was killed by a single spirit bone skill.

   was also injured by Dugu Bo who used his son and mother to chase the soul.

   You must know that Dugu Bo was only level 91 at that time.

   Not to mention Dugu Bo who is now level 95.

   "Beautiful sister, if you meet your opponent in the future and you can't beat him, tell him we are a family and he won't embarrass you." Yun Xiaofeng said to Yueguan.

  Yueguan stroked his white and tender face.

   "Don't worry, little brat, my sister is almost breaking through the 97th level now," Yue Guan's voice was a little girlish.

  Bibi Dong on the Pope's seat almost vomited.

   What did she hear just now, Yue Guan claimed to be her sister.

Is   Yueguan crazy?

   The ghost beside him was expressionless. It seems that she has been immune to the existence of the sissy Yueguan.

   "Well, elder sister, pay attention to safety." Yun Xiaofeng was still wearing stockings, and winked mischievously at Yueguan.

  Yueguan replied with a faint smile, indicating that he knew,

   "By the way, Your Majesty the Pope, since I'm here today, I should also give you the spirit bone that was exchanged before." Yun Xiaofeng hadn't forgotten yet.

   Wiped from the soul tool, an emerald green soul bone of the right leg appeared in Yun Xiaofeng's hand.

   "Your Majesty, this piece is the soul bone of the right leg of the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor. I believe you will be very interested in it."



  Bibi Dong and Yueguan, Ghost, I heard that the soul bone of the 100,000-year Blue Silver Emperor is very restless.

  Especially Yueguan, he hated Tang Ritian.

   Bibi Dong sucked hard, sucking the spirit bone of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg into her hand.

   "Little devil, it's not like you stole Tang Ritian's wife." Bibi Dong asked Daoyun Xiaofeng with a smile.

   "Your Majesty, stop joking. The Blue Silver Emperor has completely dissipated. Of course, after the Blue Silver Emperor dies, there will be another Blue Silver King that will advance to the Blue Silver Emperor."

   Yun Xiaofeng's words, the three of them absolutely believe, after all, it was said by the ghost of the soul when Tang Ritian exploded the ring above the Wuhun Temple.

"This spirit bone is indeed very good. I can use this spirit bone to make Tang Ritian come to the Wuhun Temple to die. I challenged the majesty of my Wuhun Temple, how can I let him go unpunished." Bibi Dong said majestic. .

  Yueguan looked at the soul bone in Bibi Dong's hand with bright eyes.

"Yueguan, don't think about this soul bone for the time being. If you take this soul bone, it is estimated that Tang Ritian will squat you every day. You can resist him a few times." Bibi Dong's words brought Yueguan back to reality in an instant. .

   "Thank you, His Majesty the Pope for reminding me." Yue Guan then remembered that the original Blue Silver Royal Family Tang Ritian's wife.

   If he used Tang Ritian's wife's soul bone, he wouldn't be chased and killed by Tang Ritian.

When   Yueguan thought of Tang Ritian's hammer at this moment, cold sweat broke out from his back.

"Yueguan, Guimei, the two of you, go and investigate all the officials in the Hall of Souls on this piece of paper. See if they are like the crimes on the paper, and if so, execute them immediately." Bibi Dong gave Yueguan Guimei a direct decision. The right to behead Miles et al.

   "Yes, Your Majesty the Pope." Yue Guan took the list from Bibi Dong's hand and the crimes he had committed.

   "This group of **** is really **** good." Yue Guan scolded angrily.

"Your Majesty, someone in our Wuhun Hall found Zhao Wuji, who was at the same level as the Soul Emperor, and escaped from the besieged by more than ten Soul Emperors in the Wuhun Hall near Gengxin City. What do you think about this matter? "The ghost is reporting to Bibi Donghui at this moment.

   "What did Zao Wou-Ki do when he was hunted down?" Bibi Dong asked casually curiously.

"Your Majesty, it was because there was a descendant of a platinum bishop who had participated in the siege of Tang Hao in the Wuhun Temple. Zao Wou-Ki couldn't see it when he molested a good woman on the street, and then the dude was shot to death with one palm." After speaking, the corners of his mouth twitched.

   Zao Wou-Ki's idiot is so reckless.

   "Then this matter is over, and there is no need to investigate Zao Wou-Ki's crimes." Bibi Dong said lightly, to her, this matter seemed like a trivial matter.

   "Master System, do you know why Zao Wou-Ki left the Tuocheng City?"

  【Dog host, Zao Wou-Ki has left Shrek Academy because he doesn't like Yu Xiaogang and others training students. He is traveling everywhere now. Look for opportunities to break through. 】

   "Thank you uncle."

  【Well, be good. 】


   "Your Majesty the Pope, can I make a suggestion?" Yun Xiaofeng had his idea.

   He remembered that in the original work, Tang Doudou bought off Gengxincheng and made many hidden weapons of Tangmen.

   Now that he has a chance, he will take down the Blacksmiths Association.

   "Well, kid, you said."

"Your Majesty, I suggest that Zhao Wuji be appointed as the Platinum Bishop of Soul Hall in Gengxin City. Now his cultivation is almost at the level of Soul Douluo, and the grievances between Zhao Wuji and Soul Hall are almost rare in the whole continent. knew.

  If Wuhun Temple convinces people with virtue, then it can restore some more reputation of Wuhun Temple in Gengxin City.

   At the same time, Zao Wou-Ki can go to the Blacksmiths Association to learn to craft. I feel like it's a waste of his muscles not to iron. "The old **** Yun Xiaofeng said in a presence.

   "Well, kid, your suggestion is really good." Bibi Dong nodded in approval to Yun Xiaofeng's suggestion.

   "Yueguan, Guimei, the two of you will personally go and take Zao Wou-Ki to Gengxincheng to take office. Remember, don't embarrass him." Bibi Dong immediately issued an order.

   "Yes, Your Majesty the Pope." Yueguan, Gui Mei, knelt down on one knee again at this moment, and Bibi Dong said respectfully.

   "Your Majesty the Pope, I still have things to do. This is the dowry gift I gave you. Goodbye." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, he took out a soul tool and threw it at Bibi Dong.

   Then Yun Xiaofeng started flashing and running.

   Because you can’t run without running.

   (end of this chapter)

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