Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 111: Little Fox

   Chapter 111 Little Fox

  The royal family of the Tiandou Empire, the residence of Prince Xueqinghe.

  Qianrenxue is not so much the Qinghe River.

   The more you think, the more angry you get.

   The arrogant girl of the Martial Soul Hall, when she awakens her Martial Soul, she is a seraph with a god-level Martial Soul. The soul power is as high as 20.

   This is her pride.

   Now she has been molested by a disciple, and she has lost her soul tool. The most important thing is that she doesn't even know who the other party is.

   And there is a very precious thing in her soul tool.

   She is the young master of the Spirit Hall, but now she does not dare to issue a wanted warrant as the Crown Prince of the Heaven Dou Empire.

   "No, I must go back to the Wuhun Hall and tell Grandpa in person to let him kill the grandson of that indecent old lady." Qian Renxue thought about it at the Prince's residence.

   In the end, I decided to go back to the Spirit Hall in person.


   Wuhun City, located at the intersection of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

   This city is not part of the two empires.

   is a place of belief for spirit masters all over the world.

   After a few days, Yun Xiaofeng walked leisurely into Wuhun City. Along with him was a soul saint of the Min family, who was Bai Chenxiang's second grandfather in terms of seniority.

   "Master Bai Er, we are here." Yun Xiaofeng was the first time to come to Wuhun City.

   can be described in one word, that is, how big it is.

   "Wuhun City is worthy of being the place of faith for all spirit masters in the world! Here, I feel like I can't bring it up at all!"

   Mr. Baihe gave a wry smile.

   "Actually, it's not just you, even if the old man Baihe comes, he will definitely not be able to show the "table"." Yun Xiaofeng said indifferently.

   Baihe wanted to slap Yun Xiaofeng when he heard what Yun Xiaofeng said.

   is such a special blow to people, but Baihe has to admit that what Yun Xiaofeng said is also true.

"Let's go, I'll go shopping in Wuhun City to see what good souvenirs there are. After I buy them, you can bring them back to my wives." Yun Xiaofeng gave the tall and thin old man behind him to Arranged clearly.

   "Okay," Bai He also wanted to go back, Wuhun City Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! Maybe someone who happens to be random is a Soul Saint-level expert.

   Baihe also knows Yun Xiaofeng's ability, especially his life-saving skills are too special.

  Title Douluo couldn't catch him, so he had nothing to worry about.

   And this time he came with him to bring goods.

   In the words of Yun Xiaofeng, it is to send express.

   He himself has no fighting power.

   In addition to flying fast.

   Yun Xiaofeng arranged the work for their Minzhi family too easily. The lives of their people are not yet in danger.

   is just to inquire about the news, and the salary is very high.

   In the past, it was the broken family and the royal family who helped their min family. Now it's back.

   Now Yang Wudi of the broken clan, Niu Mu of the imperial clan almost envies the lousy old man Dead Baihe.

   I envy him for having a good granddaughter.

   As for the Lizhi family, after the group of orangutans learned that Tang Hao blew up their wife's soul in Wuhun City, they still chose to follow Tang Hao. The three of them were speechless.

  The four major families that Tang Hao killed were so miserable.

   Today's broken clan, Yang Wudi. The royal family, Niu Mou. The Min family, Baihe, belonged to Yun Xiaofeng. In other words, it belongs to the existence of Yuexuan.

   As for Tang Yuehua, he arranged etiquette classes for the three clansmen in Yuexuan. Required course.

  No way, Tang Yuehua raised his forehead speechlessly when he saw the rude appearance of the three clansmen.


  Yun Xiaofeng and Baihe strolled around Wuhun City for a whole day and bought a lot of things.

After    was handed over to Baihe, he was sent back to the Tiandou Empire.

   What he has to do next is a bit big.

After    Baihe left Wuhun City, Yun Xiaofeng checked into a hotel.

   "Would you like to find Aunt Thirteen and play with me!" Yun Xiaofeng seemed very bored in the hotel room.

   So Yun Xiaofeng did what he said.

  Everywhere, the realm opened.

   Then the corner of Yun Xiaofeng's mouth gave an evil smile.

   Wuhun City, in Hu Liena's boudoir of Wuhun Academy.

   The owner of the room is sitting by the window, looking at the night sky outside. She is holding the soul tool that Yun Xiaofeng gave her after the Star Dou Great Forest was robbed by Yun Xiaofeng.

   "I don't know who you are. I don't know if we'll have the chance to meet in the future. I don't even know what your name is!" Hu Liena murmured to herself, looking at the starry night sky by herself.

   Yun Xiaofeng appeared behind Hu Liena unknowingly. A pair of salty pig hands were about to wrap their arms around the little fox's waist.

   But he just got close to Hu Liena, Hu Liena was a backhand elbow.

  Although Hu Liena is only a Soul Sect now, but after taking the fairy grass that Yun Xiaofeng gave her, her physique has even surpassed Soul Emperor.

   In addition, Yun Xiaofeng did not expect at this moment that Hu Liena's reaction would be so fast.

  Hu Liena's elbow just hit Yun Xiaofeng's eye socket.

   "Bastard, who are you, you are so daring, you dare to hide in my room." Hu Liena shouted fiercely.

   "Little fox, you are going to murder your husband!" Yun Xiaofeng was speechless, and kindly came to find the little fox to play for a while.

   As a result, he was beaten.

   "Ah! It's you! Why did you come into my room all of a sudden. You didn't peek at me taking a shower, did you!"

  Hu Liena remembered that she just finished taking a shower. There are still beads of water on my hair now.

   "What beautiful things are you thinking about!" Yun Xiaofeng covered her eyes with one hand and gave Hu Liena a brain break.

   "How are you, are your eyes okay!" Hu Liena was knocked out by Yun Xiaofeng and covered her head, but she was more concerned about what happened to Yun Xiaofeng's eye sockets.

   In fact, Hu Liena is completely concerned and messed up. She had forgotten how this **** killed the 30,000-year-old soul beast with one sword in the Great Star Dou Forest.

   And if Yun Xiaofeng hadn't rescued her at that time, she might still be alive today and don't even know!

  Hu Liena's eyes began to mist,

   "Little fox, what's wrong with you! I don't even need to cry! Come on, kiss first." Yun Xiaofeng said brazenly.

   "No, hurry up and explain honestly, how did you suddenly appear in my room." Hu Liena would not forget that a man suddenly appeared in her room, if it was spread out. Absolutely shocked the entire Pope's Temple.

   "Little fox, I miss you, I just wanted to give you a surprise. But who knew that you actually murdered your husband!" Yun Xiaofeng pretended to be sad.

   Yun Xiaofeng said this, and the little fox blushed.

   lightly pawned, "Who thought you were a badass."

   "Oh, I really miss me! That makes me so sad." At this time, Yun Xiaofeng's hand that was covering his eyes was released. Hands spread out.

   "Pooh, haha." Hu Liena looked at Yun Xiaofeng at the moment, she couldn't help it.

   One eye socket is normal, the other is black, a veritable panda eye, and it is very discordant because there is only one!

   "What are you laughing at, silly fox." Yun Xiaofeng still doesn't know that he has panda eyes now!

   looked at Hu Liena with a silly smile. He was also curious about what the little fox was laughing at!

   "Your eyes, haha." Hu Liena was as happy as a little fox. She took out a mirror from her storage soul tool and handed it to Yun Xiaofeng.

  When Yun Xiaofeng took over the mirror, he saw his own image inside, and then his entire face turned black.

   "Little fox, this young master tells you that you are finished today." Yun Xiaofeng said viciously. The momentum is very full.

   The little fox was stunned for a moment.

   (end of this chapter)

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