Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 106: Thank you, let's have a baby

  Chapter 106 Repayment, let’s have children

  【Dog host, I suggest you take Rou Anran into the harem too! 】

   "What's wrong with me, that's Xiao Wu's mother, okay?"

   [Anyway, she's not a real mother. Besides, you even made a reservation for Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, the mother and daughter, so you're too embarrassed to pretend, your dog host is an old snakeskin. 】

   "I'm so bad, I'll try my best! Actually, it's good to keep Xiao Wu and her mother together all the time."

   In the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, Yun Xiaofeng was a little helpless in the face of the system's ridicule.

  【If the dog host does not accept it, a goddess of your choice will die on the Douluo Continent immediately. 】

   "Uncle, I'll call you uncle, okay, don't do this!"

   "I harvest, will it work?"

  【You're smart, dog host, don't you intend to be responsible when you and Xiao Wu's mother have a skin-to-skin relationship? 】

   "What a skin-to-skin relationship."

  【Have you forgotten about your fingers being sucked by Rou Anran? 】

   "Master, Master System, I will harvest, do I harvest, but you have to give me some time."

  【It's almost the same. 】

  Yun Xiaofeng was very speechless about his irregular tightness system, and there was nothing he could do about it.

   "Xiaofeng, my mother is like this, how can she change shape!" Xiao Wu looked at her mother, the 100,000-year-old dragon blood ginseng, she had a headache.

   "Xiao Wu, mother is not in a hurry. Now that I can see you again, mother is very happy." At this moment, Rou Anran was hugged tightly by Xiao Wu.

   Her ginseng roots were all gathered together and wrapped around Xiao Wu's waist.

  Although she is a ginseng emperor and a soul beast, I have to say that her ginseng emperor body is quite beautiful.

   looks like a child.

   "Relax! Xiao Wu, I will help your mother transform into a human as soon as possible." Yun Xiaofeng stroked the bunny ears on Xiao Wu's head. In his heart, he was thinking about how to help Rou Anran get back her soul bone.

   Empress Blue Silver was next to Yun Xiaofeng and saw that Yun Xiaofeng was particularly fond of Xiao Wu.

   She now only has malice towards Tang Dazhui, and doesn't have the slightest affection for him.

   As for her now, she is reborn. She stood beside Yun Xiaofeng very quietly, like a quiet girl, but her eyes were full of Yun Xiaofeng, the boy who brought her back to life.

   "Oh, by the way, Xiao Wu, you give your mother this immortal grass. In that case, she will become a beast-level soul beast. When she transforms into a human, her strength and ability will be higher."

   Yun Xiaofeng suddenly remembered that there was another immortal grass that the system rewarded him that could increase the life of the soul beast.

  This fairy grass was originally intended to be taken by Yun Xiaofeng for Ah Yin. Now I can only give Rou Anran, because Rou Anran is more suitable. She is still a hundred thousand year soul beast.

   And Ah Yin has become a human.

   "Thank you Xiaofeng." "Boom" Xiao Wu kissed Yun Xiaofeng's face, took the fairy grass, then hugged her mother and stepped aside, she wanted her mother to take the fairy grass.

   And she had seen this kind of fairy grass before, and Daming immediately became a super beast after taking it.

   If it weren't for the appearance of the ninth and ninth-level Title Douluo, and the existence of the top three beasts, it would not be false at all.

   Besides, there are only four Limit Douluos in Douluo Continent now.

  Tang Chen was controlled by a bat in the capital of slaughter,

   Po Saisi could not leave Poseidon Island.

   If Qian Daoliu goes to the Great Star Dou Forest, then Di Tian and other beasts will appear.

   Yunyun needless to say,

   She is now accompanying Tang Yuehua in Yuexuan. She doesn't even know where the Star Dou Great Forest is. Yun Xiaofeng probably doesn't know.

Needless to say   Ditian, there is Daming to help them guard and let them sleep peacefully. It's too late to thank.

  Evil Emperor is in another continent, even more impossible.

  Emperor Xue will not come to the Star Dou Great Forest for nothing.

   So now in the Ming Dynasty, the fighting power of the Titan Giant Ape, the King Kong Ape, and the Three-Headed Soul Beast is comparable to any of the previous three sects.

   "If I give it to my mother, I will become like Daming!" Xiao Wu took her mother to the side.

   Those herbs that Yun Xiaofeng gave her, the herbal medicine of Xianqi Xunxun, were handed to Shenhuang.

   "Mom, it will be very helpful for you to take this herb." Xiao Wu said with a smile.

   Rou Anran didn't even think about it, she took the herbal medicine that Xiao Wu handed her, and swallowed it all in one bite.

   Then, under the gaze of Xiao Wu's lovely big eyes, Rou Anran fell straight behind her.

   Rou Anran's situation frightened Xiao Wu.

   quickly hugged his mother and ran to Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Xiaofeng, look at how my mother is doing, why did she suddenly faint." Xiaowu looked at Yun Xiaofeng with tears in her eyes.

   She never suspected that Yun Xiaofeng was going to kill her mother. But she knew that in the current situation, she could only ask Xiaofeng to help her.

   "Show me." Yun Xiaofeng took Rou Anran from Xiao Wu's arms. Give her a full body check.

   "Xiao Wu, your mother is fine, it's just that she is refining the medicinal power of that fairy grass." Yun Xiaofeng held Rou Anran in his arms and reached out to wipe Xiao Wu's tears.

   "Yeah. I know, Xiaofeng, you're the best." Xiao Wu felt relieved when she heard Yun Xiaofeng explain this.

   "Xiao Wu, don't worry! Your mother is fine." Ah Yin also walked slowly to Xiao Wu's side and stroked her bunny ears.

   "Hmm, thank you Sister Ah Yin." Xiao Wu obediently rubbed Ah Yin's palm with her bunny ears.

   "Benefactor, I feel that this place is very suitable for plant-type soul beasts to grow, what exactly is this place!" Ah Yin's body is the Blue Silver Emperor, and even after evolution, it is still plant-type.

   "Well, the name here is Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye. It's mainly the spring water, have you seen it?" After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, he pointed to Ah Yin at the spring of Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye.

   "What a wonderful place." Ah Yin expressed surprise. She didn't expect that there is such a strange place in the world.

   "The growth rate of plants here is about 30 times faster than the outside world." Yun Xiaofeng's explanation made Ah Yindu cover his mouth in surprise.

   "It's incredible, benefactor, this kind of place is simply a treasure!" Ah Yin was amazed at the ability of the Ice and Fire Eyes.

   "A Yin, don't call me your benefactor in the future, call me Xiaofeng! Same as Xiao Wu. I feel like you always have a weird feeling when you call me your benefactor."

   Yun Xiaofeng doesn't want to be called benefactor by Ah Yin all the time.

   Ah Yin was a little disappointed when he heard this: "But Ah Yin is already there, don't you despise Ah Yin?"

   "You forgot, my bloodline has already reshaped your body for you. Besides, I can't blame you for what happened before, but that human being is too sinister." Yun Xiaofeng said angrily.

   At the same time, he had a plan in his heart, he wanted to make Tang Dazhui pay a painful price.

   Who made him want to go to Notting Junior College to pretend to be a force, and hurt Xiao Wu. Moreover, he was very clear about the activities between him and Yu Xiaogang.

   When he was at the Nuoding Elementary Spirit Master Academy, he simply wouldn't let that **** Yu Xiaogang get close to Xiao Wu.

  Xiao Wu was still so young, Yun Xiaofeng protected her very well, and did not let her know the sinister intentions of Yu Xiaogang and Tang Hao.

   "Well, I can feel it, but after all,,,," Ah Yin wanted to say something,

  Yun Xiaofeng interrupted with a stern shout: "Ayin, I know, the past is just a cloud of smoke, I hope you don't worry about the past life."

  A Yin was a little moved by what Yun Xiaofeng said.

   Indeed, at this time, she is no longer the Ah Yin she used to be, but now she has the strength of a level 98 Super Douluo.

   is terrifyingly powerful.

   Especially fighting in the forest, the bonus is quite high.

   It is entirely thanks to Yun Xiaofeng that she was able to regain her new life. Otherwise, in the cave that Tang Hao had placed for her without sunlight, it would take tens of thousands of years before she could transform again.

   Not even a little bit of safety.

   "Thank you for not disliking Ah Yin. If you need Ah Yin to do something for you in the future, you will not hesitate to go through fire and water, and you will be smashed to pieces." Yun Xiaofeng was a little confused by Ah Yin's words.

  God needs you to be crushed to pieces,

  This young master appreciates you.

   In the future, I will give birth to a bunch of children for this young master.

   "Sister Ah Yin, in fact, if you want to repay Xiaofeng, you can give birth to a child for Xiaofeng. I will also have a child for Xiaofeng in the future." Rogue Rabbit's words, although it was Yun Xiaofeng's heart.

   But he can't admit it!

   "Aha, today's moon is really round!" Yun Xiaofeng immediately began to play haha, not wanting to let Rogue Rabbit discuss this matter again.

   "Yeah, yes, now there is such a round moon during the day, it's so strange!" Ah Yin and Xiao Wu looked at each other, and then they both covered their cherry mouths and laughed lightly.

   "Cough, Xiao Wu, let's not talk about the birth of a child for now. Set up your mother first, she may need a little time to refine the medicinal effects." Yun Xiaofeng knew that Rou Anran's current situation was special.

   It takes a little time to refine the potency.

   After she succeeds, her cultivation base will skyrocket by a level.

   "A Yin, we'll leave the resting place to you." Yun Xiaofeng is lazy, but Xiao Wu is not.

   For this trivial matter, Ah Yin is like a knife to kill a chicken.

"Okay, just leave it to me." After Ah Yin finished speaking, not far from the Eyes of Ice and Fire, she used her Blue Silver Empress of Martial Soul and the Blue Silver Grass of the Domain Blue Empress. break out of the ground,

   Soon following Ah Yin's thoughts, the blue silver grass was woven into a large mesh-like bed.

   The pink mesh bed that looks very girly, inherits the color of Ah Yin's martial arts in the same line.

   Finally, a bowl-shaped cover is woven to buckle the net bed upside down. Like a small yurt.

   Xiao Wu saw the pink blue silver grass, she wanted to taste it.

   "Don't, Xiao Wu, you must never eat it. This is our temporary nest in the Eyes of Ice and Fire. After all, we're going to stay here for a few days."

   Yun Xiaofeng knew what she wanted to do when she saw Xiao Wu's drooling look.

   Ah Yin looked at Xiao Wu's greedy expression, then stroked Xiao Wu's bunny ears and smiled, "I'll cook tonight, can I make sure Xiao Wu eats well?"

   "Really? Sister Ah Yin." Xiao Wu held the sleeping Emperor Shen in her arms. He looked happy.

   "Of course, don't worry! I won't lie to Xiao Wu." Ah Yin fondly touched Xiao Wu's bunny ears.

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   (end of this chapter)

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