Douluo: My Sharingan is not serious

Chapter 559 Ye Qiu wouldn’t do anything to the grass, right?

Ye Qiu smiled reassuringly, it would be best if Xiao Wu could figure it out.

Otherwise, it would be very distressing and difficult for him to see the originally lively little rabbit become depressed and depressed.

"Okay, let's go back to practice quickly. This is a waste of a lot of practice time."

While Ye Qiu dismissed the girls, he put his arm around Xiaolan's waist and walked towards her room.

Ning Rongrong glared at Dugu Yan and closed her window angrily.

She is not stupid, Dugu Yan was definitely laughing at herself just now.

It was just that she was the first to notice the connection between Xiaolan's growth and Ye Qiu's cultivation, so she was put off.

Dugu Yan shrugged, closed the window expectantly, and slowly entered a state of cultivation.

If there are no accidents, she will be the first person to obtain a soul ring of more than 40,000 years!

Liu Erlong, Zhu Zhuqing and the other girls nodded to each other, and after saying hello, they also returned to the room to practice.

In Xiaolan's room.

Ye Qiu sat down and was about to practice, then he remembered that Xiao Lan didn't need to practice.

She has always hung up on herself and asked herself to help with leveling. Apart from bringing some benefits to herself through eating earlier, she has never practiced on her own.

As her cultivation level increased, Xiao Lanhu's food and drinks were only enough to support her own expenses, and it was rare for her to be able to take care of him.

"Brother, you shouldn't have brought Xiaolan back just now. Xiaolan will be bored again later."

Xiao Lansheng hugged Ye Qiu's neck from behind helplessly.

Ye Qiu rolled his eyes: "You didn't know how to remind me before, or I'll send you back now."

Little Blue's plump red lips were pressed against Ye Qiu's face. As he spoke, the warm lips kept moving over his tender face, and occasionally they could feel a little slippery.

"Brother, why don't you go there with Xiao Lan? Maybe you can get into that state of embracing all rivers again?"


Ye Qiu raised his eyebrows, resisting Xiaolan's teasing, and suddenly felt that what Xiaolan said made sense.

Blue Silver Forest

It was simply a mimetic training environment specially created for him.

Even if you can no longer find the wonderful state just now, at least your cultivation speed will be much faster.

"Then, brother, just go with you and wait until I leave a note for Erlong and the others."

Ye Qiu chuckled, carried Xiao Lan behind him, came to the table and left some writing, then took Xiao Lan and left the room through divine power.

When they reappeared, they had returned to the Blue Silver Forest.

Lan Ying, who noticed the movement, was already standing under her own body, looking strangely at the sudden appearance of Ye Qiu and Xiao Lan.

Puzzled: "My emperor, why are you back again?"

"Because my brother wants to practice here, Xiao Lan also wants to play with sister Lan Ying."

Xiao Lan jumped to the ground and rushed towards Lan Ying quickly.

"So this is ah."

Lan Ying hugged Xiaolan's delicate body, nodded slightly, and said to Ye Qiu: "With blue silver bloodline and blue silver domain, this is indeed an excellent place for you to practice."

"Well, I might have to disturb you more often in the future."

Ye Qiu nodded, sat down cross-legged, and took a practicing posture.

"Do not worry about it."

Lan Ying smiled mischievously, and her gentle voice made it impossible to hear her reluctance.

After a while, Lan Ying blushed and added: "As long as you don't look at me with your eyes."


Ye Qiu, who had sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated, his brows trembling.

did not expect.

It was so uncomfortable for him to have such a disgusting day.


Gently exhaling a breath of turbid air, Ye Qiu unfolded the Blue Silver Domain and began to practice.

Lan Ying was in the distance, playing with Xiao Lan, looking at Ye Qiu from time to time, her eyes searching.

Why don't you feel that sense of oppression now? Could it be that I have really been poisoned by him? But I am already very careful!

Time flies, and the scorching sun moves westward.

The training time passed quickly. Xiao Lan, who was tired of playing, was lying on the body of the Blue Silver King. There was Blue Silver Grass beside her fanning her diligently. Her treatment was on par with the emperor.

Lan Ying floated on her branch, looking at Ye Qiu doubtfully. That feeling seemed to be only felt when her mental power was tested. What on earth was going on?

Ye Qiu, who slowly put away the Blue Silver Domain and ended his training, had no idea what was going on in Lan Ying's mind.

If Lan Ying had asked, he might have told it directly about the Seed of Life.

But obviously Lan Ying, who was a little afraid of contact with Ye Qiu, had no intention of asking.


Seeing that Ye Qiu had finished practicing, Xiao Lan flew down from the branches and leaves directly towards Ye Qiu.

As soon as Ye Qiu opened his eyes, he heard the crisp call. He quickly raised his hand, summoned many Blue Silver Emperors, and rolled Xiao Lan into his arms.

He gave her a helpless look.

"Next time you are so rash, I won't answer and let you fall to the ground."

"No way, brother is not willing to let Xiaolan shed tears."

Xiaolan squeezed into Ye Qiu's arms without fear, and kept rubbing her body. Her soft and fragrant body made people feel comfortable in her arms.

Ye Qiu knocked her head angrily, and he was really reluctant to use too much force. This little girl didn't even pretend anymore, she still smiled every time she hit her head.

"Are you leaving?"

Lan Ying appeared in front of Ye Qiu.

"Well, I should come over again tonight."

Ye Qiu stood up with Xiaolan in his arms. Although his practice here was not as fast as his usual practice with Qian Renxue, it was at least faster than his own practice.

What's more, he can't be with Qian Renxue all the time. She also has her own things to do, but the Blue Silver Forest is different. He can come whenever he wants to practice.

When faced with emergencies, the news will not be received in time, unless Xiao Lan is left at home as a tool to convey information.


Lan Ying was a little surprised, and it became clear when she thought about Ye Qiu's soul skills.

"It depends on whether the moon is bright or not."


Ye Qiu was stunned for a moment and quickly reacted.

The Blue Silver Forest seems to work at sunrise and rest at sunset just like the common people in Douluo Continent.

In order to prevent accidents, they basically spend the night time underground, but there are no exceptions. They will also emerge when the moonlight is sufficient.

With enough light, they can form a mirage barrier that protects the Blue Silver Forest.

"You can come over and take a look when the time comes. If you can, we will naturally welcome you to come."

Lan Ying said softly.

Although she didn't want to keep Ye Qiu here overnight, he was the Blue Silver Emperor's majesty after all.

Moreover, it is still a grass. Ye Qiu can't be such a beast and do something to himself, right?

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