Douluo: My martial spirit is the Sharingan

Chapter 98 Nine Magatama Reincarnation Eye

After a while, Xiao Wu withdrew her gaze from Tang San, turned to look at Tang Hao, and said, "Uncle Tang, thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome." After waving his hand, Tang Hao lowered his gaze to Xiao Wu's face and whispered: "From a soul master's point of view, I should imprison you until Mistress needs it. Kill him and give him your soul ring and soul bone."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu clenched her fists tightly, bit her lip and said tremblingly: "Then why don't you kill me? Is it because of the relationship between me and Tang San?"

Hearing this, Tang Hao nodded and said calmly: "There is another reason why I don't kill you, that is, Tang San's mother is the same as you, she is also the soul beast incarnation of a hundred thousand years old, but the difference is , she is in the mature stage of a hundred thousand years level, and is in the infant stage."

"What did you say?" Xiao Wu looked at Tang Hao in disbelief and said in disbelief: "The third brother's mother is also a hundred thousand year soul beast?"

Tang Hao didn't speak this time, with decadence in his eyes, and blamed himself: "Yes, she is also a human who has transformed into a hundred thousand year old soul beast, but I failed to protect her and asked her to sacrifice for me..."

"Sacrifice." Hearing this, Xiao Wu's little face was startled, a mist appeared in the corner of her eyes, and she said absentmindedly: "Third brother's mother must love Uncle Tang Hao very much. If it were me, could I offer a sacrifice to third brother? "

Tang Hao shook his head, looked at Xiao Wu who was already in love, and smiled casually, "My child, I don't need you to sacrifice for the mistress. As long as I am by your side, he will be fine."

"Xiao Wu, I have to say that you are really courageous. Haven't your elders taught you? One hundred thousand year old soul beasts that have not matured are the targets of all soul masters. If I hadn't been here before By sealing the aura on your body, and with the help of that big flower, I'm afraid you have already become someone else's soul ring and soul bone."

"Have you always been with Mistress?" Xiao Wu looked at Tang Hao in surprise.

"No, but at least I will be here for a long time." As he said that, Tang Hao said in a deep voice: "My child, you should go back to where you should go. Wherever you are, you are the safest. Wait until one day, Mistress When I can protect you and you can protect yourself, you can meet."

Xiao Wu looked at the unconscious Tang San, bit her lower lip, and summoned up the courage to say, "Uncle, can you wait until Third Brother wakes up before I leave?"

Tang Hao smiled calmly, "Do you think he will let you leave like this when he wakes up? I don't want you and Xiaosan to repeat the tragedy that happened to his mother and me, so go back to the Star Dou Forest."

"Xiao San and I are wanted by the entire continent. If you don't want to cause trouble, remember not to leave the Star Forest, otherwise the titled Douluo from the Spirit Hall will definitely find you."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu nodded heavily, walked slowly to Tang San's side, squatted down, and stared at Tang San's long-standing face from close range. A drop of crystal tear slipped from the corner of his eye, falling on Tang San. Three's face.

"Third brother, you are the first man to comb my hair, and the only one. There is no space in my heart except for you. Xiaowu is waiting for you all his life."

As the words fell, Xiao Wu stood up suddenly, jumped up, and disappeared into the forest after a few ups and downs.

Looking at the direction in which Xiao Wu disappeared, a smile appeared on Tang Hao's lips, "I hope that when the day comes that Xiao San needs you, you can give everything for him, Xiao Wu."

After saying that, Tang Hao looked at the unconscious Tang San, raised his hand and slapped Tang San. Tang San groaned, moved his body, and opened his eyes.

"Dad." As soon as he opened his eyes and saw Tang Hao, Tang San became extremely excited and jumped up from the ground in excitement. He looked around, but he didn't see Xiao Wu's face. The excitement on the figure's face suddenly disappeared.

"No need to look for her, she has left. Don't worry, she is safe." Tang Hao said lightly.

"Leaving? Why did Xiao Wu leave?" Tang San asked doubtfully.

Tang Hao glanced at Tang San and said solemnly: "She must go. With your current strength, can you protect her?"

"I..." Tang San opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but when he thought of the strength of Wuhun Palace and being branded an evil soul master, he finally closed his mouth.

Tang Hao looked at Tang San's lost expression and said coldly: "She is safe and is back where she should be. When you really have the power to protect her, it won't be too late to look for her."

Hearing this, Tang San nodded, and then looked at Tang Hao in surprise, "Dad, don't you object to me being with Xiao Wu?"

Tang Hao was silent for a while, suppressing the emotions in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Xiao San, I don't object to you and Xiao Wu being together, but you have to promise me that you will never use the Eight Spider Spears to absorb the vitality of soul beasts in the future. Come to enhance your soul power."

"Why?" Tang San was stunned for a moment, then defended himself: "Dad, if I don't use the Eight Spider Spears to absorb the vitality of the evil spirit beast, do I have to practice it bit by bit? When can I protect it? Xiao Wu?"

As soon as Tang San finished speaking, Tang Hao had already arrived in front of him, and then slapped him on the face, and said with hatred: "Xiao San, are you crazy? Do you want to be evil? The title of soul master? Do you know how much danger this will bring to you?"

"Tell me, after absorbing the soul beast's vitality, has your Bluesilver Grass changed?" Tang Hao grabbed Tang San's shoulder with one hand and scolded angrily: "You have forgotten what you promised me in the first place. You have to use the hammer in your left hand to protect the grass in your right hand, have you forgotten?"

When he thought that Tang San might have absorbed the soul beast's vitality, causing his soul power to become filthy and unable to awaken the blue silver royal bloodline, Tang Hao became extremely excited. Who else could help him destroy the Spirit Hall? Ah Yin takes revenge.

"Dad, I haven't forgotten." Hearing this, Tang San held his aching cheek and said aggrievedly: "My Bluesilver Grass has indeed changed. It now has the same ability as the Eight Spider Spears and can also absorb life force. And soul power."

"Your Bluesilver Grass has mutated?" Tang Hao frowned and asked in confusion.

"Well, Dad, my Blue Silver Grass has indeed mutated. I should call it Dark Blue Silver Grass now." Tang San lowered his head and released his martial spirit.

After absorbing the vitality of an unknown number of soul beasts, the originally bright blue Blue Silver Grass turned into black purple at this moment, with a faint fishy smell still exuding from the grass blades.

Tang Hao was slightly stunned, looking at the Blue Silver Grass in Tang San's palm, he suddenly raised his palm and slapped Tang San on the face again, angrily yelling: "Xiao San, this is the Blue Silver Grass that your mother left for you." Now that my soul has turned into this, how do you want me to explain it to your mother?"

Tang San's head was buzzing from Tang Hao's slap. He covered his red and swollen cheeks and looked at Tang Hao in disbelief, "Dad, you can't blame me entirely. You also agreed with me to absorb the vitality of those evil spirit beasts. , otherwise I wouldn’t have used this method to improve my soul power in order to participate in the Continental Soul Master Elite Competition.”

Tang Hao's eyes shot out a cold light and looked directly into Tang San's eyes, "Do you mean to blame me? If you hadn't told me that you could absorb the life force of soul beasts to increase your soul power, would I have allowed you to do this? Now, do you want to blame me as a father?"

"Dad, I don't." Hearing this, Tang San gritted his teeth and said aggrievedly: "It wasn't because of Tang Yin. If it weren't for Tang Yin's strength, his soul power cultivation speed was also fast, and he was taken away by you, dad. Cultivation, Xiaosan had no choice but to take this step."

Hearing Tang Yin's name, Tang Hao was immediately shocked and angry, but he was quickly suppressed by him. He only heard him say coldly: "Xiaosan, now that the matter has come to an end, it's time for me to tell you."

"Tang Yin is not your biological brother, he is just a bastard, a picked bastard!"

When Tang Hao mentioned the word "bastard", his palms clenched tightly, and a strong murderous aura suddenly erupted from his body.

"???" Tang San was a little confused, looked at Tang Hao in confusion, and asked cautiously: "Dad, what do you mean? Tang Yin is not his mother's child?"

Just as he finished speaking, an angry voice sounded, and Tang San's whole body flew out like a cannonball. Finally, he hit a big tree hard, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and then slowly stopped his body.

"Bastard! What are you talking about?" Tang Hao was relieved of the hidden scar in his heart by Tang San's words. His eyes were suddenly filled with murderous intent, and he said angrily: "Your mother only gave birth to one child: you." , Tang Yin is just a picked-up bastard, don’t you understand?"

His whole body trembled, and Tang Hao's eyes were like those of an evil ghost in hell. Then, he coughed twice and spat out a mouthful of dark red blood to the side.

"Dad, I was wrong. Xiao San understands. I shouldn't have lied. When did you get injured?" Seeing Tang Hao spit out a mouthful of black blood, Tang San rolled and crawled towards Tang Hao.

"It's nothing, it's just that today's action caused some old injuries." Tang Hao suppressed the injuries in his body and said calmly.

"Dad..." Tang San looked at Tang Hao and wanted to say something, but was silenced by the latter's sharp look.

Tang Hao said calmly: "Xiaosan, let's go. Next, I will guide you to practice martial arts, and at the same time, I will also find a way to solve the problem of your twin martial arts. As for your dark blue silver grass martial spirit, I will find a way to bring you Go for a second awakening, so that the devouring attribute of your Blue Silver Grass may be purified, and then you can awaken the real Blue Silver Grass."

"The Spirit Hall is booming now. If you cannot purify the dark attributes of your Blue Silver Grass Spirit, you will no longer have a place on the mainland in the future."

"Also, don't tell anyone about your martial soul's mutation, not even the master."

Tang San nodded silently, recalling that when he was in the Pope's Palace, his teacher had always trusted him unconditionally. He would remember this kindness in his heart.

Tang Hao glanced at Tang San and seemed to see through his mind, and said calmly: "When you become stronger, you can go back to Shrek Academy to see the master. I believe he will be very happy to see you again."

"Yeah." Hearing this, Tang San nodded heavily.

Upon seeing this, Tang Hao stood up and ran towards the depths of the forest ahead, leaving only one sentence, "Don't ask any more questions. My special training for you will start from now on. Follow me."

Tang San took a deep breath, gathered his soul power, and followed Tang Hao in the direction he left.

"Xiao Wu, wait for me..."


Seven days later, Blue Silver Forest.

Tang Yin slowly opened his eyes. The originally purple rippled eyes were now filled with nine magatama. When he moved his body, he was surprised to find that his body seemed to have undergone wonderful changes.

The soul power in his body became more and more abundant, and his whole body seemed to have endless strength. The originally black hair also turned back to his own silver at this moment, but unlike before, this silver hair was mixed with shiny hair. blue.

With long silver-blue hair hanging like a waterfall, Tang Yin's body exuded a blue-gold halo, like an immortal. As these churning blue-gold rays of light spread out, the blue silver grass that had withered like a dried flower slowly stretched like the blades of grass that encountered water in the desert, and as the blue silver grass faced the Devoured by the light, the gray-white color gradually faded away, replaced by the vibrant silver-blue color. The breath of life released by them has obviously become stronger.

This is the effect of the Blue Silver Emperor's aura. Under the blessing of the life power granted by the Goddess of Life, the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline has changed. The life breath it exudes at this moment has surpassed the Blue Silver Emperor itself, and has a faint influence towards the Ancient Tree of Life. development momentum.

Slowly releasing the Blue Silver Emperor in his palm, a flash of surprise flashed in Tang Yin's eyes. He saw that the grass blades with silver patterns were actually covered with a layer of golden light. The gold and silver textures were intertwined with each other, and the top of the textures was still There is a faint imprint of an emerald green ancient tree.

Tang Yin looked at the Blue Silver King who was gradually disappearing in front of him, and said from the bottom of his heart: "Thank you, senior."

The illusory figure of the Blue Silver King shook his head, with illusory light blue tears flowing from his eyes, and said softly: "Your great Majesty, it is we who should thank you. It is your appearance that awakens our more powerful vitality."

"The soul ring you have obtained now was condensed by me based on the limit of what your body can bear. But to my surprise, your body is strong enough to withstand all my years, so this soul ring of yours has reached Eighty-five thousand years. It does not come from the outside world, but from yourself."

"It's my honor to be able to wait for you."

King Lanyin looked at Tang Yin who was silent, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He stopped speaking, but seemed to have said everything.

Tang Yin's eyes moved slightly, looking at the Blue Silver King whose body gradually turned into nothingness. Crystal tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, and his lips trembled slightly until the Blue Silver King's body completely dissipated.

After a while, Tang Yin slowly walked out of the Blue Silver Forest. This time, his speed was extremely slow, as if he wanted to remember every scene he passed by in his mind. This land belongs exclusively to the Blue Silver Clan. forest.

After walking out, Tang Yin turned to look in the direction of the Blue Silver Forest and bowed deeply. Then, the Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes flashed slightly, and a familiar space vortex appeared in front of him. After stepping in, the entire Blue Silver Forest The Silver Forest fell silent again.

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