Douluo: My martial spirit is the Sharingan

Chapter 28 Zhao Wuji’s Assessment

"Xiao San, here you go." Xiao Wu took out a few sausages in his hand and handed them to Tang San.

Tang San took it with a smile, turned to Tang Yin and said, "Thank you."

Tang Yin smiled and waved his hand, and the bag of sausages disappeared instantly, turning into a stream of light and entering the ring on his finger.

Xiao Wu and Oscar were stunned when they saw the bag disappearing. They all looked at Tang Yin and asked in surprise: "Why did the bag disappear?"

Only Tang San's pupils shrank and he unconsciously touched the Twenty-Four Bridge Mingyue Ye on his waist. He looked at the ring on Tang Yin's finger and thought to himself: "That must be a storage soul guide."

Tang Yin touched the ring on his finger and chuckled: "This was given to me by one of my seniors."

"Oh." Xiao Wu suddenly lost interest when she heard that someone had given it to her. After all, her mistress also had one on her body.

"Tang San, what are you doing?" Dai Mubai reported in with the last two students, who were Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

When Oscar saw Dai Mubai, his expression changed and he smiled bitterly: "Boss Dai, do you want a sausage?"

"No." Dai Mubai glared at him angrily, "Didn't I tell you not to sell your sausages to new students? Do you want to disgust them to death?"

Tang San wondered: "Could this sausage be some kind of poison?"

Oscar quickly said: "How is that possible! This big brother just ate, and he is fine."

As he said that, he pointed at Tang Yin who was eating sausages, his eyes full of desire for survival.

"This sausage tastes good." Tang Yin tasted the sausage carefully and didn't notice Dai Mubai's strange eyes at all.

When he heard Oscar calling him, Tang Yin realized that the three of them were staring at the sausages in his hands.

Tang Yin frowned and said, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with me eating this sausage?"

Dai Mubai looked a little weird and said, "Tang Yin, can you really eat it?"

When Tang San saw this, he also became hesitant when looking at the sausage in his hand. However, seeing that Xiao Wu beside him had already eaten one, he gritted his teeth and ate the sausage too.

Seeing that they had all eaten, Dai Mubai covered his face and said to Oscar: "Xiao Ao, get a new sausage for them to see."

Oscar's expression changed and he hesitated: "Isn't it good? Boss Dai."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!" Dai Mubai glared fiercely.

Under pressure, Oscar gritted his teeth and said, "I have a big sausage!"

Yellow light suddenly condensed in his palm, and two yellow soul rings rose from Oscar's feet. Then, a sausage exactly like the one in the hands of the three people appeared in his palm.

"Ugh..." Tang San and Xiao Wu's expressions froze, and they immediately vomited out, retching.

Tang Yin's face was fine, but it didn't matter to him. After all, he had the intention of trying it, and the result was not as unpalatable as he imagined.

"Brother Yin, you hurt me and my mistress." Xiao Wu looked distressed and pointed at Tang Yin.

Tang San didn't look very good either, and because Xiao Wu was beside him, he didn't say a word.

At this moment, a teacher walked up to Dai Mubai, took out a soul power crystal and said to several people: "I heard from Mubai that you have good talents. Test your soul power. If you reach level 25 or above, you can participate directly. It’s time for the fourth level of assessment.”

After saying that, he handed the soul power crystal to Tang San, indicating to test the soul power.

Tang San put his hand up, and in an instant, white light burst out, and the color-changing crystal became as bright as a diamond. The intense light filled every corner of the crystal, which was clearly a symbol of reaching level thirty.

The teacher smiled playfully: "It seems that there is another little monster in the academy this year."

After that, they were passed on to Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing in turn, and finally to Tang Yin.

The teacher looked at the four of them with satisfaction and said, "That's right. The four of you can directly participate in the fourth level assessment. You can pass first."

With a bang, the crystal in Tang Yin's hand exploded instantly. The teacher was startled, and grabbed Tang Yin's hand, feeling his soul power level.

After a moment, the teacher looked at Tang Yin's eyes and said in surprise: "I didn't expect your soul power to reach level 31!"

Tang San and Xiao Wu were relatively calm. After all, the old man mentioned Tang Yin's level when they just came in. As for Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, they were shocked.

After all, Tang Yin doesn't look particularly old, and when entering Shrek Academy, he must not be older than twelve years old, which means that the boy in front of him may be only twelve years old.

"How is it possible for a twelve-year-old soul master!" Ning Rongrong's heart was filled with huge waves. Even top universities were clamoring for this kind of talent.

"Okay, Mubai, let's take the five of them to the fourth level." The teacher patted Dai Mubai on the shoulder and left.

"Let's go, let me introduce Shrek to you." Dai Mubai led a few people towards the fourth level.

On the way, he explained to several people the origin of Shrek, Flender's philosophy, and the reason why Shrek is so shabby.

Tang San was extremely excited along the way, he really wanted to see what kind of person this dean Dai Mubai said he was.

"We're here." Dai Mubai stopped. At this time, they came to another open space, which was much smaller than the previous second level, only about 200 meters. A middle-aged man who looked to be in his fifties was sitting on a chair and fell asleep.

"Teacher Zhao, I have brought someone to conduct the fourth level assessment."

Dai Mubai leaned into Zhao Wuji's ear and whispered something.

Zhao Wuji looked at the five people behind Dai Mubai in surprise, his eyes lit up, and he laughed: "Yes, it seems that there are a lot of little monsters this year. Five of them have passed the twenty-fifth level, and there are even some A thirty-first grade.”

"My name is Zhao Wuji, and I am your final pass. If you pass my test, you will become Shrek's students."

"Passing conditions..."

"Okay, I'll give you some time to plan your tactics, and we can start now." After saying that, a stick of incense suddenly appeared in his hand, and with a pinch of his fingers, the incense was ignited directly, and in the blink of an eye, the incense was inserted into the ground.

Dai Mubai called a few people over and introduced some basic information about Zhao Wuji, and then Tang San held a meeting.

Tang San was the first to speak: "My name is Tang San, Martial Spirit Blue Silver Grass, twenty-ninth level great control spirit master."

Xiao Wu smiled and said with her little hands behind her back: "My name is Xiao Wu, my martial spirit is a rabbit, I am an attack type combat spirit master."

Ning Rongrong hesitated for a moment and said: "My name is Ning Rongrong, my martial spirit is the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, and I am an auxiliary weapon spirit master."

Zhu Zhuqing said indifferently: "Zhu Zhuqing is a beast martial spirit ghost cat, a twenty-seventh level agility attack type battle spirit master."

Finally, there was Tang Yin, who chuckled and said: "Tang Yin, Martial Spirit Blue Silver Grass, Thirty-level Soul Master, Attack System Soul Master."

Xiao Wu was stunned, looking at Tang Yin with a look of disbelief on his face, and said: "Strong attack type battle soul master? Brother Yin, isn't your soul skill entangling?"

Tang San clenched his fists tightly and looked at Tang Yin with a hint of confusion in his eyes. He didn't understand why Tang Yin wanted to say that he was of the attack type. He was obviously of the control type.

Tang Yin glanced at Xiao Wu speechlessly and said, "Can the Bluesilver Grass be controlled by itself? I'm just trying another route."

After saying that, Tang Yin paused, "Besides, my Bluesilver Grass also has healing soul skills, so I should be considered an all-rounder now."

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were also very curious, looking at Tang San and Tang Yin with strange eyes.

Tang San's eyes darkened. His teacher had clearly said that Bluesilver Grass was most suitable for the control system, but Tang Yin's development path made him doubt his teacher's theory.

"No, there must be something wrong with Tang Yin's development route. What the teacher said is theoretical."

Tang San shook his head, throwing all these thoughts away, and watched as several people began to make plans.

"Little monsters, have we discussed it yet?"

At some point, Zhao Wuji stood up and looked at everyone with a smile. With his martial spirit possessed, a huge pressure pressed on everyone, and the feeling of oppression was overwhelming.

The five people looked solemnly and did not dare to be careless at all.

Ning Rongrong was the first to move, "Seven treasures turned out with glazed glass." His body floated around in place, and a seven treasures glazed tower appeared in his right palm.

"The seven treasures have names, one is: strength, the other is: speed." Two brilliant colored lights instantly melted into the bodies of the four people.

"My soul skill amplification can increase your speed and strength by 30% at the same time."

"Thank you." Tang Yin chuckled.

When Zhao Wuji saw a soul master from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, he immediately identified his target and punched the ground, sending a huge wave of soul power towards Ning Rongrong.

"No, Ning Rongrong is in danger!" Tang San instantly understood Zhao Wuji's intention and shouted loudly.


The ground trembled violently, and a circle of earth-yellow waves spread out, hitting the five people.

Tang San jumped up, and at the same time the Blue Silver Grass was released instantly, heading towards Ning Rongrong at great speed. He knew very well who Zhao Wuji's target was.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing reacted faster. The moment the yellow wave arrived, their bodies were already heading towards Zhao Wuji, with Xiao Wu in front and Zhu Zhuqing behind.

"Blue silver grass, twine." Tang Yin controlled the blue silver grass and attacked Zhao Wuji, and at the same time, a soul ring under his feet lit up, which was the color purple that symbolized thousands of years.

"The third soul skill, Silver Thunder Spread!"

The Blue Silver Grass that was attacking Zhao Wuji suddenly emitted bursts of arcs of electricity, and the air was instantly filled with strong electric current.

When Zhao Wuji saw this scene, he immediately laughed and said, "Little monster, do you think this can break through my defense?"

"The first soul skill, Fudo Mingwang Shen!"

Seeing a strong golden light burst out from his burly body, Tang Yin secretly thought something was wrong. Just when he was about to take back the Blue Silver Grass, Zhao Wuji used his first soul skill to directly grab the Blue Silver Grass and then spin it violently.

Tang Yin only felt a strong force coming, and his body flew out uncontrollably following the blue silver grass that Zhao Wuji was holding.

The violent dizziness made him feel uncomfortable. As Zhao Wuji let go of his hand, Tang Yin flew upside down like a kite with its string broken, and fell heavily to the ground.

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