The diary system's words immediately chilled the excited Shen Fan.

"never mind."

"Let's talk about this newly launched live broadcast function."

"Why do you need 10,000 Diary Mall points every time you start a live broadcast?"

"The key is, what can I get after the live broadcast is over?"

Shen Fan said he didn't understand.

"The more exciting the content of the live broadcast, the better the reward you will get when the live broadcast is over."

"Rewards include but are not limited to Qin Yining and Bibi Dong puppets."

The diary system made a rare joke.


"I've already traveled through time, what kind of puppet do I need?"

"I want real people."

Shen Fan couldn't help but complain aloud, and then he was too lazy to continue talking to the diary system and started writing a diary again.

[Just now I wrote that Tang Hao was unable to protect Xiao Wu, a hundred thousand year old soul beast, from those super powerful forces. My Diary Mall points were just enough to buy a first-grade pill that increases cultivation. Out of curiosity, I decided I bought one. 】

[However, luckily I bought one and after taking it to refine it, I reached the first level of the White Mystic Realm in no time. 】

[Of course, reaching the first level of Baixuan Realm is not the most important thing. What really surprises me is that after reaching Baixuan Realm, the diary mall points I can get from writing diaries have changed from 1,000 words per thousand words to 10,000 words per thousand words. . 】

【Ha ha. 】

[With the same number of words, the benefits that can be obtained now are ten times that of the original. 】

【Little Yakuza. 】

【Wait, then. 】

【Your good days are coming to an end. 】

【Jie Jie Jie. 】

[I still remember that in the original work of Douluo Yi, because you are the number one male protagonist, your rise can be said to be smooth, with basically no setbacks, so you can hide your true character very well. , you have been hypocritical for decades, making everyone who gathers around you regard you as a good person. 】

[But how do those people gathered around you know that you, Tang San, are simply a cold-blooded and ruthless chicken. 】

Douluo Ertang Ya: ".."

Douluo Er Xiaowu: ".."

Douluo Yi A Yin: ".."

[Actually, that's right. Tang San has memories of his previous life, and he was a slayer of the Tang sect in his previous life. Isn't it a joke to expect a slayer to be affectionate and righteous? 】

Douluo Yi Zhu Zhuqing: ".."

Douluo Yi Ning Rongrong: ".."

Douluo Yi A Yin: "What?"

"how come?"

"If Xiao San still has the memory of his previous life, then...then he is still my and Hao's son..."

Although the owner of the diary had already mentioned before that Tang San was a slayer of the Tang clan in his previous life, that time, the owner of the diary only mentioned it in passing, and it was unclear. Unlike this time, it was clear and clear. He revealed that his son Tang San still had memories of his previous life.

This made Ah Yin unable to turn around for a while.

[This also reminds me of a point raised by netizens from the original world. 】

[In Douluo One, all the forces that followed Tang San will be destroyed in Douluo Two's era ten thousand years later. 】

[As for those forces that did not follow Tang San in Douluo One, most of them are still alive and well after ten thousand years. 】

[I have to say that Tang San, who is a sea god and half asura god, is really awesome at what he does. 】

As soon as the words "As a sea god and half asura god" came out, the faces of all the girls in the entire Douluo world suddenly changed.

Papal Palace.

"I really didn't expect that the apprentice I found for Xiaogang would be so promising."

"Poseidon, half Shura God?"

"Can one person inherit two divine positions?"

"Could it be said that a soul master with twin martial souls can inherit two divine positions at the same time?"

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong's eyes lit up.

She is also the owner of twin martial spirits. There is no reason that Tang San can inherit two divine positions, but she cannot.

Poseidon Island.

"Is this person named Tang San the descendant of Lord Poseidon?"

"He is Tang Hao's son, which means he is Tang Chen's great-grandson."

"Having memories of past lives..."

In the high priest's chamber, Bo Saisi murmured alone, his face flickering in and out.


"Very good."

"Second brother's son will become a god in the future."

"Does that mean that our Haotian Sect has a chance to take revenge on Wuhun Palace?"

"The only trouble is that Tang San has memories of his past life, will it affect the relationship between him and his second brother?"

Tang Yuehua walked around in her room, feeling happy and worried at the same time.

[When it comes to Tang San inheriting half of the Shura God's throne, I can't help but want to complain again. 】

[As mentioned earlier, Xiao Wu’s six years at Notting College were all planned by Tang Hao. 】

[And these are not tragedies for Xiao Wu. 】

[After all, Tang Hao's idea is to let Xiao Wu and Tang San grow up together, and then let Xiao Wu fall in love with Tang San. 】

[In this way, when Tang San's soul power level is high enough, he will repeat his old trick and reveal Xiao Wu's true identity. 】

[Next, as long as there are no accidents in the plan, Xiao Wu, who is desperate, will definitely choose to sacrifice to Tang San. 】

[In this regard, Tang Hao was quite kind. He did not directly kill Xiao Wu when he saw Xiao Wu, but let Xiao Wu enjoy some love. 】

Douluo Xiaowu: "???"

Xiao Wu was dumbfounded. How can this be called kindness?

Douluo Yi Zhu Zhuqing: "Why is the Haotian Douluo written by the owner of this diary completely different from the Haotian Douluo rumored by the outside world?"

Zhu Zhuqing was confused.

Douluo Yi Ning Rongrong: "Those deeds of Tang Hao that are rumored by the outside world are just rumors."

"Anyway, in the records of our Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, the real Tang Hao can only be described in a few words."

As the young sect leader of the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect, Ning Rongrong naturally knew many secrets on the Douluo Continent.

In fact, the Xingluo Dai family and the Xingluo Zhu family also have this information. However, Zhu Zhuqing's position in the Zhu family is rather embarrassing. He is not qualified at all and has no time to read those secret records.

Douluo Yiliu Erlong: "So, we were deceived?"


"Thankfully I used to admire him a little!"

Liu Erlong's eyes were filled with anger.

If Tang San wasn't Yu Xiaogang's disciple, Liu Erlong would definitely catch him now and give him a good beating without saying a word.

Douluo Yi A Yin: "Why do I feel a little familiar when I listen to this routine?"

"However, I don't believe Hao would do such a thing."

"After all, his wife is also a hundred thousand year soul beast."

Douluo Yirou Qingshuang: "Woo woo..."

"My poor daughter."

Douluo Er Xiaowu: "This."

【hehe. 】

[Fortunately, no one else can see my diary. 】

[Otherwise, if you say Tang Hao is kind when you see me, you will probably get a lot of looks of contempt. 】

[Just a little regretful. 】

[What I said are all facts. 】

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