Live broadcast room Douluo Yi Shui Yueer: "Isn't this a complete indifference?"

"Before, I could use the excuse that Long Haochen didn't know Haoyue's identity, but now I can't."


"Bai Yue is so pitiful, raising such a son."

"In my opinion, he should just strangle him to death as soon as possible, otherwise he will kill him sooner or later."

"This is almost as bad as Tang San."

Live broadcast room God Seal Throne Bai Yue: "."

Live broadcast room Douluo Si Xiao Wu: "Speaking of Long Haochen, just say Long Haochen, don't bring up the third brother."

Live broadcast room Douluo San Xiao Wu: "That's right."

Live broadcast room Douluo Yi Xiao Wu: "Two hopeless spicy rabbit heads."

Live broadcast room Douluo San and Douluo Si Xiao Wu: "."

[As I have mentioned more than once before. 】

【In Long Haochen's heart, as long as he feels that he has a clear conscience and has not violated the so-called justice in his heart, then for him, the decision he made is the most correct decision, and no one else has the qualifications to object, and he will not even give them the opportunity to object. 】

【As for what price others will pay for this, that is not something he will consider at all. 】

【It can only be said that Long Haochen looks like a sentimental and righteous person on the surface, but in fact he is a ruthless and ungrateful person. Once it comes to his own reputation and interests, he will immediately throw everything, including his mother and Sheng Caier, behind his mind. 】

Live broadcast room God Seal Throne Bai Yue: "."

Live broadcast room Douluo Yi Shui Yue'er: "Bai Yue, listen to me, strangle to death."

Live broadcast room Douluo Yi Shui Bing'er: "Don't always call me Bai Yue Bai Yue."

"No manners at all."

"She has children, she must be older than you, even if you don't call her aunt, you should at least call her sister."

Live broadcast room Douluo Yi Shui Yue'er: "Tsk."

"What kind of sister is that."

"Do you know what first come first served means?"

"It's not certain who will be the elder sister and who will be the younger sister in the future."

Live broadcast room Douluo Yi Shui Bing'er: "."

Live broadcast room God Seal Throne Bai Yue: "."

【In short, in some ways, Long Haochen and Tang San belong to the same type of people, both of whom love no one except themselves. 】

Live broadcast room Douluo III and Douluo IV Xiao Wu: "..."

Live broadcast room Douluo III and Douluo IV Tang Wutong: "..."

Live broadcast room God Seal Throne Lan Yanyu: "Cai'er."

"I hope you can seriously consider your relationship with Long Haochen."

Live broadcast room God Seal Throne Sheng Cai'er: "I haven't seen him yet."

"Wait until I see him and observe him in person before I say anything."

That's what she said, but Sheng Cai'er didn't care whether Long Haochen was a good person or a bad person. The only thing she cared about was whether Long Haochen was really like Shen Fan said, and he didn't love anyone except himself.

Live broadcast room God Seal Throne Lan Yanyu: "Okay."

Lan Yanyu breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't know what her daughter was thinking. She thought her daughter's feelings for Long Haochen were finally not as firm as before.

[Speaking of which, today is a bit strange. ]

[I have been writing about Alex, Long Haochen and Haoyue coming and going for so long, why haven't Nannan and the others come yet? ]

[Do you want to sense it? ]

[Forget it. ]

[Before Moon died, no one from Shrek Academy dared to cause trouble. Nan Nan could not be in danger. She must have been delayed by something. ]

[Besides, Shen Yuhao and the others didn't come either. ]

Live broadcast room Douluo II, Douluo III, and Douluo IV Huo Yuner: "..."

[Besides, it would be awkward if Nan Nan happened to be in the bathroom. ]

[Although I really want to see it. ]

Live broadcast room Douluo II Jiang Nan Nan: "..."

[Don't think about it anymore. Keep writing. ]

[Try to get enough points as soon as possible, then enter the God Realm and completely eliminate the threat of the God Realm to Bibi Dong. 】

The goddesses of the God Realm in the live broadcast room Douluo One and Douluo Two: "..."

The goddesses of the God Realm in the live broadcast room Douluo Three and Douluo Four: "???"

The Douluo One Thousand Renxue in the live broadcast room: "Do you have a feeling that you were not born when I was born, and I was old when you were born?"

The Douluo One Bibi Dong in the live broadcast room: "..."

[Let me think about it, what should I write next? ]

[Oh right. ]

[I almost forgot. ]

[I haven't used the Holy Hand of the Heavens today. ]

After writing this, Shen Fan put the diary aside, thought about it, and said to the diary system in his heart.

"Diary system."

"In the future, put all the items taken by the Holy Hand of the Heavens into my storage soul guide."

Shen Fan pointed to an empty storage soul guide that he had just taken out in his hand.


Hearing the diary system's response, Shen Fan didn't say anything else and directly used the Holy Hand of the Heavens.

[Mobile phone]: electronic product, from Longxing Shen Fan

"What is this?"


"My cellphone?"

Surprised, Shen Fan took out his cellphone from the storage soul guide and pressed it. He found that the battery was exhausted and he couldn't turn it on.

"Diary system."

"How many points do you need to charge my cellphone?"


"How many points do you need to connect me to the network of the original world?"

Shen Fan asked in his heart.

"One point can cover a hundred years of electricity and network."

The diary system gave a price so low that it was almost free.

"So cheap?"

Shen Fan was a little unbelievable, and was stunned for a long time before speaking.

"You don't understand the value of points."

Shen Fan rolled his eyes at the explanation of the diary system, and immediately urged the diary system to charge and connect to the Internet for a hundred years.

"It's ready."

The efficiency of the diary system is needless to say. In less than a second, the battery and signal of Shen Fan's mobile phone were all full.


"Not bad."

"All my resources are still there."


Shen Fan opened a few of them at random, then put the phone back into the storage soul guide with a lewd expression, and used the holy hand of the heavens again.

[Jin Ping'er]: A beautiful woman from the world of pearl fairy.

"What the hell?"

"Jin Ping'er?"

"That Nai Ping?"


"Diary system."

"Jin Ping'er was sent to the storage soul guide. She won't die, will she?"

Shen Fan was a little anxious and walked quickly to a corner where no one was, intending to release Jin Ping'er.


"With the protection of the system power, the living creature inside will be fine."

"But you need to pay an extra 100 points. At the same time, once the living creature is taken out, this protection will immediately become invalid."

The answer of the diary system made Shen Fan breathe a sigh of relief.

"Not bad, not bad."

"If such a beautiful Jin Ping'er died because of my mistake, wouldn't I cry to death?"

"Diary system, you are really reliable."

Shen Fan was thankful and did not forget to praise the diary system.

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