Douluo: My diary has caused Tang San to rebel against his family

Chapter 14 Liu Erlong: It seems that Xiaogang has accepted a white-eyed wolf

[I don’t know if Ma Hongjun discovered a seemingly small but actually huge problem at that time. 】

[When Tang San was weaker than Dai Mubai, he called Dai Boss one after another. When Tang San became stronger than Dai Mubai, the name he called Dai Mubai changed from Dai Boss to Mubai. 】

【Character is revealed in small matters. 】

[Based on the above points, it is obvious that Tang San is simply a toy who sees what others do, and his attitude towards outsiders is determined based on the comparison between his own strength and the strength of the other party. 】

[At that time, Tang San was already a first-class god and half-god king, and his strength was no longer comparable to that of Ma Hongjun and others. 】

[Tang San did not attack Ma Hongjun because Ma Hongjun asked him for a place to go to the God Realm. Perhaps this was the greatest honor Tang San could give Ma Hongjun. 】

[After all, even Yu Xiaogang, the teacher who Tang San said personally, "Once a teacher, always a father", Tang San didn't bring him to the God Realm, so what do you, Ma Hongjun, mean to you. 】

Douluo Yiliu Erlong: "It seems that Xiaogang has accepted a white-eyed wolf."

Douluo Yibidong said: "I gave Tang San to Xiaogang as my apprentice. Did I make a mistake?"

"never mind."

"It was just using Tang San."

"If Tang San doesn't take Xiaogang to the God Realm, wouldn't it be better for me to take Xiao Gang to the God Realm?"

"What's more, the diary also said that Tang San will be the enemy of Wuhun Palace in the future. Based on this, there is no need for me to trouble Tang San."

【Ha ha. 】

[I suddenly thought of a joke about Yu Xiaogang and Tang San. 】

[Tang San: "What, Gangzi wants to go to the God Realm?\

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