Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 48 Prince Xue Qinghe

Ten minutes later, everything settled, and there was almost no sound in the hall except for sporadic wailing and moaning.

"What are you doing standing still? Let's continue playing music and dancing."

As soon as Shen Jianxin finished speaking, the music started again and the dance steps were moving.

Shen Jianxin suddenly felt happy, and then sat down on the bruised and swollen Xue Beng's back, patted his dog's head, and asked: "Tell me, what do you think? How dare you make trouble here."

"Don't you know whose property this is?"

"A few, a few."

"Knowing that you are still messing around?" Shen Jianxin slapped his head hard twice.

"What? You can't have fun in other places in Tiandou City? Now you dare to go to heaven and earth to have fun?"

"This, this place is fun and full of variety."

"Everyone here is talented and speaks well. We like it here very much."


As soon as he talked about the fun in heaven and earth, Xue Beng immediately became energetic, and with a pig-headed face, he excitedly started to introduce it to Shen Jianxin.

"Pah~" Shen Jianxin slapped Xue Beng on the forehead again: "It seems like you kid has a lot of fun here."

"Since you know so much about this place, why can't you think of forcing your way into the Supreme Box?"

"Who gave you the courage?"

"Your uncle, Prince Xuexing? Or your father, Emperor Xueye?"

"This, this is unjust." Speaking of this, Xuexing suddenly looked aggrieved.

Then he pointed at the dudes lying on the floor and said, "It's all their fault."

"I was having a good time in the Glory Box, but they insisted on asking me to bring them to the Supreme Box to see the world."

"Originally I didn't plan to come, but they told me about the hidden services in the Supreme Level. I heard that a group of genius soul masters will personally accompany them."

"Then I will."

"Then you drink too much and you don't know your last name anymore?" Shen Jianxin interrupted him angrily.

"Don't you know what supreme means? Those who can afford this are the second-generation losers like you who can afford to offend them?"

"I don't even care about your moral character. One or two of you are uneducated and your soul master qualifications are in shambles. You still want a genius soul master to accompany you in person? Are you worthy?"

"That's right here. After you leave this door, with your soul master qualifications, you are not qualified to lick someone else's toes."

After saying that, Shen Jianxin waved to the service staff standing beside him: "Aren't there three supreme-level private rooms?"

"Except for the highest standard level, they are willing to pay to let them play. Why do I let them come to me?"

The waiter looked apologetic and said, "Sir, there are private rooms, but the staff who can provide supreme service have already been arranged."

"Among them, you hold the Supreme Jade Card, and you have to leave two groups of people at once."

"And the remaining batch has been arranged before you."

Hearing this, Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment. No wonder he felt happier this time.

After a long time, he asked for the service of two private rooms by himself. The ladies and sisters all doubled up, so why not double the happiness?

"Pa~" In order to cover up his embarrassment, Shen Jianxin raised his hand and slapped Xue Beng on the head again.

"It's all your fault for looking for trouble and ruining my good mood."

"Why don't you go to the other box to make trouble?"

Xue Beng covered his head and said in horror: "Then, the doorkeeper of that box is my brother's man, I, I don't dare"

"Prince Xue Qinghe? How could she come to a place like this?"

With a scream, Shen Jianxin suddenly stood up from Xue Beng.

"Sword boy, why are you panicking?"

"The prince is also a man. This place is formal and can make people happy. Isn't it normal for him to come to a place like this?"

Dugu Bo, who had never seen Shen Jianxin so panicked before, looked slightly confused at this time.

He had met Xue Qinghe before. He was gentle, elegant and generous in conversation. He seemed to be a wise man from the previous generation.

But why did Shen Jianxin feel as if he had seen a ghost when he heard his name.

At the same time, in another supreme box in heaven and earth.

It was different from the box where Shen Jianxin was in, where he was extremely high and the demons were dancing wildly.

The music in this box is elegant and soothing, giving people a sense of relaxation and pleasure, and the dance steps of the dancers are light, graceful and just right.

Everything seems so harmonious, noble and elegant, showing the elegance of the nobility everywhere.

However, the above comments must be removed. There is always a faint white mist coming from behind the screen, as well as bursts of spicy and pungent smell.

At this time, behind the screen of this box, there was a young man about 20 years old, with a straight nose and a square mouth, and simple clothes. He was holding a piece of red and white meat and carefully placing it in a fiery red soup pot.

The white mist that destroyed the elegant atmosphere of the box and the spicy and pungent smell also came out of this soup pot.

"Miss, the trouble outside has been solved."

"It is the fourth prince of Tiandou, Xue Beng, who is taking the lead in making trouble."

Along with the sound, an old man about 70 years old, two meters tall, with a slender figure like a javelin, suddenly appeared behind the young man.

The young man nodded slightly and strangely accepted the title of young lady.

"They're just unlearned trash. Don't pay attention to them. Just settle the matter."

"After all, this is my cheap teacher's property. Please help if you can."

"My subordinates didn't do anything. It was another boy under ten years old in the Supreme Box who took care of it."

Ignoring the old man anymore, the young man narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his hand holding the chopsticks slightly, and stared intently at the pieces of meat rolling in the soup pot, counting 3, 2, 1 silently in his mind.

When the countdown ended, the young man's eyes widened suddenly and he quickly stretched out the chopsticks in his hand.

In the flash of lightning, the pieces of meat in the soup pot had disappeared.

When they said goodbye, only the young man chewed the food with a satisfied look on his face, and then swallowed it gracefully.

"Under ten years old? Solved it alone?"

"I remember that Xue Beng is also a second-level great soul master."

"With his assistance and his bunch of rotten followers, he still can't deal with a kid who is less than ten years old?"

As he spoke, the young man picked up another piece of meat from the dinner plate and slowly placed it in the soup pot.

"Yes, and he hasn't used his soul skills yet, and the battle lasted less than two minutes."

"I don't know if he used his martial spirit subordinates. I only saw a faint golden light emanating from his body."

"It cannot be ruled out that he is the owner of that special kind of martial soul."

"Didn't use soul skills?" The young man was somewhat surprised.

At this time, even the meat slices in the soup pot were overcooked, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Interesting, using soul skills and not using soul skills are completely different concepts."

"How many people are there in Avalanche?"

The old man said without thinking: "There are three hundred-year-old soul masters, five ten-year soul masters, and one great soul master."

The young man smiled slightly: "Such a talented person must be the proud son of heaven who was secretly cultivated by some other family."

"It seems that as an older brother, it is necessary for me to apologize on behalf of my unfulfilled brother."

"Miss, do you want it?"

As he spoke, the tall and thin old man stretched out his hand and made a gesture on his neck.

The young man shook his head slightly, frowned slightly as he glanced at the cooked meat slices in the soup pot, picked it up casually, and stuffed it into his mouth without caring.

"The meat still needs to be cooked closely to make it taste better. When it gets old, it will become harder to chew."

"Let's see if that's the meat I want first."

"Yes, miss."

With that said, the tall and thin old man's figure disappeared into the darkness in the corner.

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