Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 233 Bibi Dong’s conspiracy (2)

"Trouble? What trouble?"

Qingluan Douluo looked confused and had no idea what Bone Douluo was talking about.

Bone Douluo organized his words, suppressed the shock in his heart, and slowly told an unlikely fact.

"Qingluan, we may have all fallen into Bibi Dong's conspiracy."

"Even the all-out war that is spreading across the four kingdoms may be Bibi Dong's intention."

Qingluan Douluo became even more confused, "Gu Rong, what exactly do you want to say?"

"We have the advantage in the current battle situation. What conspiracy can we have?"

"Furthermore, Xiaoxue plans to take advantage of this opportunity to fully attack the Star Luo Empire. Even if there is a conspiracy, under the general trend, Bibi Dong will just collapse."

"I see, you are overthinking."

Bone Douluo shook his head: "Jian Xin told me that Bibi Dong can use her divine power."

"And Rakshasa God doesn't have many believers in our world. How do you think she gathered her divine power?"

"Think again about what type of god the Rakshasa God is, and then think about the Xingluo Legion whose combat effectiveness has been extremely low in the past six months."

After Bone Douluo's guidance, Qingluan Douluo immediately figured out the key to the matter, with a look of disbelief on his face, "You mean?"

Bone Douluo nodded slightly, sighed and said, "You're right, we were all deceived by the illusion of smooth sailing, and didn't even think about the deeper fear."

"The Rakshasa God is the evil god, and Bibi Dong is the successor of the evil god Rakshasa God. The power she controls must also be the most evil and resentful power."

"And the souls of those who died on the battlefield, their resentment before death, are Bibi Dong's best tonic."

"What's more, Bibi Dong's series of mysterious operations have deepened the resentment in the hearts of the Star Luo Empire legionnaires."

"You can imagine how much strength we have accumulated for Bibi Dong without knowing it during the six months of war."

Qingluan Douluo looked horrified: "There is also Xiaoxue's plan. If a full-scale war starts, will Bibi Dong really use this to become a god?"

Bone Douluo shook his head: "I don't know."

"The most important thing now is to inform the battlefields all over the kingdoms of this news, and try to let them calm down the war, thereby reducing Bibi Dong's absorption of resentment."

Qingluan Douluo's hands and feet trembled as he said, "The war may have started on all the major battlefields now. If we stop it urgently, we will suffer heavy losses."

Bone Douluo closed his eyes in pain: "There is no way, if Bibi Dong really becomes the God of Rakshasa, then we will kill more people."

"Now is no longer the time to be indecisive."

Bone Douluo suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils full of determination: "I will bear the sin of losing this war alone."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bone Douluo immediately issued an order to the hundred rabbit cavalry below, asking all the small and medium-sized battlefields throughout the four kingdoms to stay put and not to launch any more attacks on the Star Luo Empire.

Fortunately, when Qian Renxue designated the Qibao Glazed Sect as the sect to protect the country, Bone Douluo, Sword Douluo, and Dugu Bo, these three titled powerhouses, were endowed with extremely powerful powers by Qian Renxue as if they were betraying their favor. Big privilege.

In such an emergency situation, Bone Douluo could also issue orders to a certain size of troops by virtue of his status.

The hundred rabbit cavalry below also knew the seriousness of this incident. They all took the tokens representing Bone Douluo's identity from Bone Douluo's hands and scattered away on soft-bone rabbits.

Of course, Bone Douluo didn't carry that many tokens that could prove his identity. Qingluan Douluo was now the third minister of the Tiandou Empire, so he naturally provided some help.

The hundred rabbit riders dispersed, and Bone Douluo turned to look at Qingluan Douluo.

"Brother Qingluan, those large legions that can determine the direction of the war may need you and me to go there in person."

Qingluan Douluo nodded solemnly: "It is obligatory."

At this time, Qian Daoliu was flying all the way and had already run out of the Star Dou Forest.

Since Bibi Dong was still chasing after him, Qiandaoliu didn't dare to stop at all and could only fly towards the hinterland of the Star Luo Empire.

However, the more he flew towards the hinterland of the Star Luo Empire, the more anxious Bibi Dong became and the more desperate he became in pursuit.

Suddenly, Bibi Dong, who was chasing Qian Daoliu, seemed to sense something, and stopped chasing Qian Daoliu, suspended in mid-air.

Turning his head to look at the distant border battlefield, Bibi Dong's terrifying purple face suddenly grinned from the corners of his mouth to the base of his ears, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"It's started, it's finally started!!"

Roaring excitedly, Bibi Dong opened her arms, and countless purple-black air currents suddenly appeared in all directions, condensing towards her body.

These purple-black air currents coming from all directions are all the resentment on Douluo Continent.

Among them, the purple-black airflow coming from the border area between the two countries is the most massive.

Obviously, Bone Douluo and Qingluan Douluo failed to prevent the outbreak of the war in time.

Feeling the boundless resentment being aroused by Bibi Dong, Qian Daoliu suddenly understood what Bibi Dong was trying to do.

"Crazy, absolutely crazy, Bibi Dong, I was really blind to help you back then."

Immersed in the energy of resentment that made Bibi Dong extremely comfortable, Bibi Dong couldn't help but let out endless seductive moans from her throat.

"Qiandaoliu, it's too late now."

"Maybe I was not a god before, but after gaining endless resentment, I will become a true omnipotent god."

"And the Douluo Continent under my feet will also become my territory completely."

"Qian Daoliu, I gave you a chance, but you didn't seize it."


Under the excitement, Bibi Dong's laughter changed, and her refreshing tone suddenly became hoarse.

Looking at Bibi Dong, who was as strong as a sealed demon, Qian Daoliu looked extremely solemn, and his nine soul rings, eight black and one red, shone one after another.

The angel mark between the eyebrows suddenly emitted an astonishing holy light, and a holy sword completely condensed by the angel's power suddenly appeared in Qian Daoliu's hand.

"Bibi Dong, I will not let a monster like you exist in the world."

Holding the holy sword in his hand high, Qian Daoliu's face suddenly calmed down and became extremely pious.

"Angel - come!"


In an instant, a pillar of holy light that penetrated the heaven and earth erupted from Qiandaoliu, and a solid seraph silhouette hundreds of meters tall descended into the world instantly.

Under the control of Qian Daoliu, the seraph shadow hundreds of meters high suddenly made the same posture as him, and a golden sword hundreds of meters high condensed in his raised hand.

"Holy Sword—Judgment!!"

Qian Daoliu roared, aimed at Bibi Dong and swung down the holy sword in his hand. The angel shadow behind him also made the same action simultaneously.

Containing all the power of Qiandaoliu and all the divine power he could call upon, the huge holy sword of several hundred meters suddenly erupted with a dazzling holy light that eclipsed the sky and the earth, fiercely heading towards Bibi Dong's head who was still absorbing resentment. Cut it down.

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