Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 222 The force clan is destroyed


A miserable scream sounded, a large tree was splashed with large amounts of blood, and a strong corpse suddenly fell to both sides.

Then there was another scream, blood sprayed out, and there was another mutilated corpse.

With Lan Yinsheng's precise coordinates, Shen Jianxin didn't have to think at all.

It shuttled through the jungle at an extremely fast speed, like a ghost. Every time the figure flickered, there would be a miserable cry, and then a member of the force clan would die.

There were screams one after another, and the scalps of all the survivors of the Force clan were numb.

Shen Jianxin's speed was too fast, and the people from the force clan couldn't catch any trace of Shen Jianxin.

Every time they heard the screams, all they saw were the limp corpses, but not the Shen Jianxin who attacked them.

The screams made by his companions before they died were frightening. A soul master from the Force Clan couldn't bear the fear in his heart and jumped out of hiding with a loud shout.

Possessed by the martial spirit, five soul rings appeared, shouting crazily.

"What the hell, get out of here, sneak attack is nothing, you have the guts to fight me openly!"

"Satisfy you!"

The sound rang in his ears, and Shen Jianxin's figure suddenly appeared in front of the soul king named Xiao.

His pupils suddenly shrank, and before the clamoring Soul King could react in a hurry, Shen Jianxin gently waved the Tiger Soul Sword in his hand.

The next moment, Shen Jianxin's figure disappeared again.

The Soul King lowered his head and looked at his lower body. His legs were still standing in place, but his upper body couldn't stop falling backwards.


Until then, the severe pain just hit, and the soul king suddenly let out a heart-rending scream.

Although Shen Jianxin's figure only appeared for a brief moment, it was enough for the fighting spirit masters of the two races to see his appearance clearly.

The Min clan was overjoyed because they knew that they had finally arrived with reinforcements.

But the people of the Force clan felt timid and their morale dropped sharply.

It's not that they knew Shen Jianxin, but they didn't see the soul ring appear on Shen Jianxin's body when he just attacked.

Being able to instantly kill a five-ring soul king without using his soul ring meant that Shen Jianxin was definitely the strongest person they could not handle.

At the very least, he was a powerful Contra warrior who was far superior to them.

"Assemble and form a formation to face the enemy!!"

Realizing that something was wrong, the Soul Saint of the Force clan immediately shouted, trying to summon the clan members to work together to deal with Shen Jianxin.

There is a saying that one chopstick is easy to break, but one chopstick is difficult to break.

Now facing a greater threat from Shen Jianxin, they had no choice but to temporarily ignore the Min clan above them and began to huddle together for warmth.

But what they didn't know was that Shen Jianxin thought the same way.

Seeing that the survivors of the Force Clan began to gather like crazy towards the shouting Soul Saint, Shen Jianxin stopped cleaning them one by one.

With gentle steps, Shen Jianxin quietly jumped onto a big tree, folding his arms and waiting quietly for them to gather.

At this time, the people of the Sensitive clan in the sky saw the people of the Li clan below exposed to the field of vision. They gritted their teeth decisively and shot many bows and arrows downwards, and threw many short spears.

However, the operation was as fierce as a tiger, and the result was zero and five.

The powerful gorilla spirit of the Force Clan not only possesses powerful strength, but also possesses excellent defense and dexterity.

Therefore, most of this wave of non-retaliatory attacks from the Min clan were blocked by the people from the Force clan.

If there wasn't another unlucky guy who was nailed to the ground by a short spear, then this wave of attacks by the Min clan could be said to have achieved nothing.

Seeing the disastrous record of the Min clan, Shen Jianxin was speechless for a while, and he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​making junior high school chemistry great again in this world.

Don't ask why you don't do something more advanced, because Shen Jianxin himself has forgotten it.

Don't ask Shen Jianxin why he didn't make black gunpowder. Of course Shen Jianxin knew the formula of mononitrate, disulfide and three charcoal, but he gave up after just one simple attempt.

Because black powder is not an explosive, its ultimate burning speed is only 500 to 700 meters per second, and its power is not too great.

In previous generations, people generally recognized that the detonation speed of TNT explosives was close to seven kilometers per second, let alone other high explosives.

However, if five kilograms of TNT has no fragments, its damage radius to a naked human body is only 4.5 meters.

Using TNT as a comparison, you can think about how difficult it is for the weak power of black powder to harm a soul master who is as rough and thick as a bastard, has a reaction speed as fast as a wild cat, and can run as fast as a wild horse. Come on.

And Shen Jianxin, who is now rising to pass down junior high school chemistry, just wants to enlighten these soul masters, let them burst out inspiration, and thus find a unique path.

After all, Douluo Continent is also a fantasy world. Who knows what weird things will emerge from the combination of the theory from the previous life and all kinds of weird materials in this fantasy world.

Thoughts were swirling, and the moment Shen Jianxin was in a daze, the force clan below had already gathered.

Seeing that the attack had little effect, the sensitive clan in the sky also temporarily stopped the attack under Bai Ge's restraint.

Looking at the tensed and prepared members of the Force Clan below, a red light flashed in Shen Jianxin's eyes.

"Hey, you miscellaneous fishes below, what are you afraid of?"

"Could it be that it's still me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Jianxin's terrifying aura suddenly exploded. The blood-colored evil aura was mixed with a substantial murderous aura, as if a world-destroying ferocious beast was pressing towards the force clan below.

The people of the Force clan suddenly turned pale, and nearly half of them collapsed to the ground instantly, unable to muster any courage to resist.

"Buzz buzz~"

It wasn't until the three soul saints from the Force Clan burst out with soul power and lit up their soul rings to share the pressure for everyone that they got up from the ground with pale faces and reluctantly formed a chaotic formation.

Staring at Shen Jianxin on the tree with vigilant eyes, the Soul Saint of the Organizational Force Clan shouted: "Who are you, and why do you want to attack our Force Clan?"

Shen Jianxin chuckled: "Who are you? Why don't we see Tang San and Dai Mubai in our team?"

Soul Saint's pupils suddenly shrank, and when he heard Shen Jianxin mention the names of Tang San and Dai Mubai, he immediately knew in his heart that this matter could not go well.


With a shout, the soul ring on the soul saint's body shone brightly, and he immediately turned into an eight-meter-tall gorilla. He jumped up, raised his fist as big as a millstone and struck at Shen Jianxin.

The force clan below also possessed martial souls and jumped up high to follow.

Shen Jianxin smiled disdainfully, a flash of red light flashed in his eyes, and the killing field spread instantly.

The demon-forbidden characteristic took effect, and the people of the force clan possessed by the martial soul were immediately knocked back to their original form.

Dark gold wings emerged, Shen Jianxin suddenly flapped his wings, and the strong wind mixed with countless sword lights struck towards the people of the force clan below.

"Ah ah ah ah ah"

Without the blessing of the power of the soul ring, the sword light sliced ​​into the bodies of the people of the Force clan, leaving deep scars that could be seen in the bones, like being cut into pieces by a thousand knives.

Screams came and went.

By the time the violent wind that Shen Jianxin fanned stopped, most of the people below had already died, and the remaining few who were strong were still in a state of heavy breathing and little air intake.

"Trash fish!"

After mocking, Shen Jianxin raised his head and looked at the sky: "White Pigeon, send someone to clean the battlefield!"

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